1971 Dutch Newspaper: Prince Bernhard will go to Persia alone?

PDN – In October 1971 the Shah of Persia [Iran] organized a big event to celebrate the 2500th anniversary of the Persian Empire.

The expenses of the celebration were highly criticized by the Western media; thus, many leaders in the West refused to accept the Shah’s invitation to attend the event. The US President Richard Nixon, The Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II and The Netherlands’ Queen Juliana were among them.

This short piece which has been published in the Dutch daily “Limburgsch Dagblad” writes that it seems the only member of Royal family of the Netherlands who will attend the celebration in Persepolis will be Prince Bernhard, the husband of the queen and father of Princess Beatrix (current queen of the Netherlands):

This article was published on September 9th, 1971.



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