THE IRI has been killing Americans since 1979.   This time, however, if could be a causus belli.   Blaming the USA for their capture of 48 shabiha (as if the FSA needed our assistance) the IRI has made threats.   Any attempt to carry out that threat will be a causus belli.   Iran should get no help from us in this case.  If we thought the 48 were innocent civilians, we’d be glad to provide it.   

Like everyone else, we don’t believe hese hard-faced guys were pilgrims.  They look as plausible as Arnold Schwarznegger in a tutu. They resemble certain”tourists” captured in Kenya with 33 pounds of explosives and certain “vacationers” caught on video in Thailand where a screwed up car bombing left one legless and talking. We too ask: Where are the wives and families if they are pilgrims?  The regime forbid pilgrimages to Syra a few months ago.  How did these 48 get special permisson?  Aren’t there safer places, even more holy, where they could pilgrimage these days?

Iran’s covert assignmens always have a cover.  How any of these 48 killed Americans while on “business trips” or “pilgrimages” in Iraq and Afghanistan?   Did a comrade kill an Iranian-American girl in Texas for protesting against the regime?   I will bet most of these 48 were among people-beating, Neda-murdering torturers of 2009.   In Syria they apparently committed even more horrific crimes and then executed all victims to silence potential witnesses.   Call it “homing skills” for the next outbreak back in Iran. Indeed, I suspect that diplomatic missions dispatched to Turkey and Damascus yesterday were more concerned with conserving embarrasing secrets–present and past–than saving the lives of 48 useful policy implements.

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