Persian Dispute before UN Securitiy Council 1946

Mr Gromyko of the Soviet Union requested that the Security Council postpone discussion of their dispute with Persia. The motion was opposed by Mr Byrnes of the United States and on failing to get the postponement the Russian delegates walked out. (Source:

Persian Dispute before UN Securitiy Council 1946:

(video courtesy: frauenatz)


Self Proclaimed Republic of Kurdistan with Mahabad as it’s declared Capital city 1946:

Description :

Mr Gromyko of the Soviet Union requested that the Security Council postpone discussion of their dispute with Persia. The motion was opposed by Mr Byrnes of the United States and on failing to get the postponement the Russian delegates walked out.
CUT STORY: KS Elevated shot Security Council sitting, audience in background. SCU Gromyko speaking in Russian about Iranian problem. SCU Byrnes opposing Russian suggestion of postponement. MS Byrnes, other delegates also seated at table are Stettinius, Cadogan and Hodgson (Australia). SCU Cadogan speaking, in background his assistants are seated. SCU Hassan Pasha (Egypt), seconds that we should hear Iran representative, bangs table to emphasise points, also throws his glasses on table after placing then in case. GV Security Council seated. Elevated shot ditto. Dr Quo Tai-chi (unseen) asks for vote. MS Gromyko leading his staff out, camera pans with him, in foreground is the circular table of Council, delegates on same not taking the slightest notice of same. Dr Hussein Ala (Iran) walks to seat at table and SCU of giveng his government’s point of view as regards the Russo-Iran affair.
GV aerodrome, Russian Guard of Honour lined up. Molotov arrives by car. Plane lands & Iran premier alights, shakes hands with Molotov. Inspects Guard of Honour. Both get into car which drives away. SCU Iran Premier. The name of the Premier is: Qavan es Saltenah.

Related pictory :

pictory: Soviet Propaganda Film – Iran, Tabriz 1945-46

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