Astrology of Sun and Moon in Amordad or Leo 2012

Astrology of Sun and Moon in Amordad or Leo 2012

The Moon really tested our past relationships when it was in Cancer in the last two days. Venus was making challenges to Uranus and Pluto, which basically cleared all the dead wood between any couple.

Well now you both can relax. So you had to settle some old scores. Like a rose, love needs pruning. Your heart now if empty. Dard o delato kardi?

Now the Moon is entering Leo and in a couple of days it will be a New Moon. New Moons and Full Moons are two great moments in a month. Time to fill that empty glass, now that you have spilled your guts in the past two days. With a New Moon you make a wish in the hope that it will come true in two weeks when it is Full Moon.

If your birthday falls on a New Moon, then it will be year when you will have independance and self-assertion. A bit of an Aries attitude. If you have Full Moon on your birthday as it is at the end of August, then you will fall in love or change your relationship status. A bit of a Libra attitude.

It is going to be an easy time now with the Sun making easy angles to Saturn. Now you can either chill on this lovely part of your journey with no traffic or bumps on the road. Or you can really push your luck knowing that there are no bumps on the way.

So push it. Stretch it. Really take chances. Mercury is going forward at great angles to Uranus. What can go wrong in contacting or writing to networks and society people? Nothing. Go for it Tiger! Growl. Bokhoroshoon. Eat the competition.

So as the Bee Gees say, what are you doing in your bed? You should be dancing. Yeah!

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