As expected, last night’s third and final presidential debate was dominated by Iran; in fact Iran was mentioned about 44 times.
As far as the Messianic Islamists’ weaponized nuke program is concerned, a disastrous strategic game-changing event, both candidates have a zero tolerance policy, meaning they would do what it takes for it not to happen.
President Obama and Mitt Romney, more or less, agree the way forward is continuation of the current path; increasingly tighter sanctions hoping the Messianic Islamists will suddenly buckle and scrap their nuke program.
Keeping in mind the vast clandestine nuke program had escaped everyone’s attention for a long, long time and was only revealed by an Iranian opposition group, the big elephant in the room is the Messianic Islamists’ option to play dead for a while and continue to advance toward the bomb at some undetected secret facilities.
In other words, they’ve bought the recipe; they’ve bought the ingredients and the cookers, it is only the matter of when the morbid pie is baked.
Regime change by Iranians for Iranians with logistical help from DC, Democracy Central, is the only way to give peace in the entire Middle East a fighting chance and avoid the war which the current path taken by the sane world is leading to.
BTW, Messianic Islamists already have whole lot of missiles including ICBMs.