Rigi: US, Israel paid for assassination

captured Jundallah leader Abdolmalek Rigi has said that while in
Morocco, suspected Israeli or US agents had given him a list of people
to assassinate in Tehran.

In a recent interview, Rigi told
Press TV that before his arrest Jundallah had held a series of
meetings in Casablanca with a group who had claimed to be NATO contacts.

“When we looked back at all the things that had
happened we felt that two things were unclear. First, if they are from
NATO why did they not meet with us in Afghanistan where they have bases
and where they can contact us in a much more easy and secure manner,”
said Rigi.

“The second issue was
that the first time they informed us that NATO forces wanted to meet
with us we thought they were going to speak about eastern parts of Iran,
because NATO forces are stationed in Afghanistan,” he added.

“But they insisted that we should transfer our
operations from the eastern border region to the capital. We thought
that this was very strange. When we thought about it we came to the
conclusion that they are either Americans acting under NATO cover or
he further explained.

Accordign to Rigi, the
Israeli or US agents said they would provide
him with a list of names, addresses, and photos of people who they had

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