Today the US announced that it currently has 5,113 nuclear weapons.
Not under development, not masked by any vast, over complicated, hokey arguments of enrichment for energy schemes, but 5,113 exactly defined, nuclear weapons.
Iran, meanwhile continues the rabbit in the hat routine and tries to deflect the attention away from it’s own activities, by pointing out the US hegemonium despoticum. As if anyone doubts the double standard at play here.
The fact is some countries are better than others. Iran for lack of a better descriptor, Sucks Ass these days.
Under the Shah we were barely tolerable, and if it wasn’t for our carpets and caviar going so well with cocaine at a rock star’s after-party, no one really gave a shit about Iran then.
And no one certainly cares now. Our caviar is polluted, there is glut of Persian carpets that makes it cheaper to buy a new one than wash the old one, and no one’s doing coke anymore.
Iran should just come out of the closet and admit it.
Iran is gay-for-a-nuke.
There’s nothing wrong with that, a lot of countries are gay-for-nukes.
All I’m saying is use some protection for God’s sake!