HISTORY FORUM: How Truly Democratic is The British Monarchy ?

Is Queen Elizabeth II as powerless as it is often claimed or does the Queen of England have Royal Prerogatives ? Can she influence her country’s politics ? Or is she Only a symbolic figurehead as for instance is the case in a Truly Constitutional Monarchy like Sweden ( which has a much younger dynasty than that of the House of Windsor) Is the Labor Party inspired by Republican ideas ?  Some interesting and surprising revelations on the pros and cons of the British Institution in this Excellent documentary. 

Power & Glory of the British Monarchy (1/3)

Power & Glory of the British Monarchy (2/3)

Power & Glory of the British Monarchy (3/3)

The Crown: PBS Report on how and when it can be borrowed  by the Queen for ceremonial duties:

And Explained by Her Majesty The Queen Herself:


New Rules Set for the British Monarchy and it’s Constitution:

Ten things you didn’t know about the British monarchy
(Not all is applied as strictly as proclaimed here except on paper):

England’s Budget-Conscious Queen

Related Blogs:

HISTORY FORUM: Monarchy – The Early Kings by David Starkey (6 Parts)

ROYALTY:Shahbanou Farah and Queen MUM Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (Mid 1970’s)

EMINENT PERSIANS: Henry Dallal photographer of Queen Elizabeth II 


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