Beloved One

It was a dark and dreary night. It was as if the moon had disappeared. What a wretched night indeed. Even though others surrounded her, she felt all alone. Totally left out in the cold.

“What have I done to deserve this wretched fate?” She wondered to herself.

If she could have shed another tear, she would have. Several months before she had been in an accident not of her own making and had lost the ability to weep.

“My only crime was to serve my people well. I did not ask to be created. I was not given a choice in whom to serve.” She sighed even more deeply.

Her mind wandered to happier days. “I still remember the day the two young women came and from all the rest selected me.”

As she thought of the past, a feeling of warmth came over her. “The first woman was very kind and made sure that no harm came to me. I then passed on to the second woman and things were good for me for several years.”

As she continued to reflect on the past, a cold feeling came over her that made her shiver. “I still don’t know why she handed me to him. Did I do something wrong? I did my best to serve her. He did not care as well for me as she did.”

She then felt as if death was standing by her side as she thought of him. “Just when I thought things could not get worse for me, they did. Did she want me dead when she handed me to him? It was as if he was ready to die along with me.”

Just at that very moment, it began to rain. It was as if the sky was weeping for her plight. She could feel the mud beneath her. She was miserable and longed for better times.

“He never cared for me. I meant nothing to him. Where will my fate end?” Just then, she heard a sound in the distance. It had stopped raining in that very instant.

She said to herself, “Could it be? Is it possible? Yes, I think that it is she.” She felt a warmth return to her. From a distance, she could see the familiar silhouette of the woman that she longed to see.

Once the woman got close enough one could hear her say “My beloved one, please forgive me. I only gave you to him because I knew that you would keep him safe. If I had known that he would harm you and this would be your fate. I would have never given you to him.”

You could see the tears in her owner’s eyes as she checked her body for damage. “Well, it seems that you were not harmed beyond repair. You will see, I will restore you to your former glory. You will be a gorgeous Forest Green again and I will get you some better headlights. ”

Her owner got in the car and whispered to her. “I promise you that I will never give you back to him again. He does not deserve you, my precious one. Now let us go home.”

She slowly drove her safely home. Slowly, the process to restore her was begun. The Mustang thought, “She never hated me. It was because she trusted me that I was given to her beloved son.” The Mustang smiled and would have shed a tear if her washer wiper fluid pump had not been lost in the accident so many months ago.

Note: It is the author’s first attempt to humanize an object through fictional writing. Thank you for your constructive comments. :o)

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