While ago i wrote a humble blog called Bashing Orgy[2879 hits, 85 comments], aimed at the amount of hate that was being spewed in this very site. It was meant as an outlet[emotionally] for certain people who can not but be hateful and aggressive toward people who did not see the life in their point of view.
Like to present yet another outlet for the people who need to rid themselves of their inner aggression and hate of anyone whom they dislike for reasons below, or otherwise.
1. Does not agree with ones political stand point.
2. Have any form of PHOBIA.
3. Are self righteous.
4. Claim to be [KNOW IT ALL].
5. Self Proclaimed freedom fighters.
6. Self proclaimed Humanitarian.
7. Right wing nuts.
8. Left wing nuts.
9. Any form of NUT.
10. IR Haters.
11. Zionist Haters.
12. Islam haters.
13. Jew Haters.
14. Christian Haters.
15. Hater for no reason at all.
16. Man haters.
17. Woman haters.
18. All of the above.
19. None of the above.
20. Just because.
However I would like to set some ground rules and I would appreciate if observed.
1. Do not flag one another.
2. Do not attack family.
3. Do not post private info that you might be privy to.
4. Do not gang up on one another.
5. Do not lie.
6. Do not delete your comment when you sober up.
7. Do not judge one another.
8. Do not use false acquisitions.
9. Leave other threads empty of HATE.
Other than, have at it.