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Cover story

 Write for The Iranian

Abadan 1999
Do you still recognize it?

Photos by A. Shahripour
November 22, 1999
The Iranian

About three months ago, I got an email asking if I was interested in a photograph from Abadan. This wasn't just any photo. It was my home, 110 Braim, where I spent my last years before leaving for America to go to high school in 1976.

Shahripour's email did not include the photo. I replied that I was very interested. So he mailed it to me.

What I saw was only a skeleton of what used to be my home. The magnificent konar and palm trees were gone. The little pink-and-white-tiled pond just behind the front gate wasn't there anymore.

But it was still good old 110 Braim. I wish I could have given it a big hug and said, "I miss you."

Shahripour also sent along a bunch of other photos from Abadan's landmarks. You might not recognize some of them. But in all of them at least some bits and pieces of the past remain, like the Golestan Club's iron fence (I noticed it immediately).

Please do send your photos of Abadan, old or new. You can email it to or mail it to PO Box 34842, Bethesda, MD 20827, USA.

Click on images to see larger photos

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