The San Francisco International Asian-American Film Festival presents

A portrait of an Iranian-American family in 1979

"An extraordinary film...'Maryam' is powerful, important and very moving." -Roger Ebert


Mariam Parris
David Ackert
Shaun Toub
Maziyar Jobrani
Shohreh Aghdashloo


Festival info:

"Maryam" general info:

Ticket Info

Festival Ticket Prices At All Venues:

* General Admission $8.50
* NAATA Members $7.50
* Students/Seniors(65+) Disabled $6.00
* Matinee Admission $5.50

(M-F shows starting before 5pm)

Please Note: Additional fees and charges may apply for certain methods of purchase. To guarantee a seat, advance ticket holders must be in the theater at least 15 minutes before show start time.

Methods of Purchase

1. Advance Mail and Fax Orders To NAATA
2. In Person at AMC Kabuki 8 Festival Box Office
3. Tickets.Com Ticket Centers, Phone Orders And Online Orders
4. Pacific Film Archive (PFA)

1.Advance Mail and Fax Orders To NAATA

Monday, February 12, 2001 - Friday, March 2, 2001 at 5:00pm Subject to availability. A $2.00 processing fee is charged for each mail or fax order. All orders must be accompanied by a check payable to NAATA or Amex/Visa/MC number. Paid tickets will be sent by mail. For advance purchase of discount tickets, please include a copy of membership card or student/senior ID with order. Please indicate alternate selections in case the show you request sells out or NAATA will either credit your account or refund the sold-out portion of your order by check.

NAATA 346 Ninth St, 2nd Floor

San Francisco, CA 94103
f. 415.863.7428
Download a printable ticket ordering form in PDF format (23K). (Requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader)

2. In Person at AMC Kabuki 8 Festival Box Office

Box Office Hours:

Friday, February 16, 2001-Sunday, February 18, 2001 at 3pm-8pm

Thursday, February 22, 2001-Thursday, February 8, 2001 at 3pm-8pm

Friday, March 9, 2001-Thursday, March 15, 2001 at 11:30am-10pm

AMC KABUKI 8 THEATRE LOBBY 1881 Post St. (@Fillmore), San Francisco T. 415.931.9800

*There is no processing fee for purchases at the AMC Kabuki Festival Box

3. Tickets.Com Ticket Centers, Phone Orders and Online Orders

Friday, February 16, 2001 - Friday, March 16, 2001

Advance orders for all programs (There is a service charge for all ticket purchases). There are three ways to purchase tickets for any program up to the day before the playdate: go to any of the 140 Bay Area ticket centers including:

CALL TO TELECHARGE 415.478.2277 510.762.2277 408.998.2277 800.225.2277(Out of California)

4. Pacific Film Archive (PFA)

On the evenings and weekends the new PFA Theater Box Office opens one hour in advance of the first showtime of the day. The PFA Theater Box Office has a new location, listed below.

Tickets for programs at the PFA are also available at the PFA box-office in the Museum Theatre Gallery, 2621 Durant Ave., beginning Monday, February 19, 2001.

PFA box office is open Monday through Friday 11am to 5pm, with evening and weekend hours beginning one hour before the first program of the day. Tickets may be purchased in advance or on the day of show with cash, personal check or Visa/MC/Discover.

Tickets can also be charged by phone (credit card only) up to one day before the program for pick up at Will Call. Charge-by-phone service is free to PFA members; all others pay 50 cents per ticket service charge. Advance purchase is recommended.


2575 Bancroft Way, Berkeley. Museum Theater Gallery Box Office: 2621 Durant Ave.

PFA Charge-by-phone: 510.642.5249 24-HR RECORDED INFORMATION

Daily program/updates 510.642.1124

Directions, parking, public transit 510.642.0808


Sold-Out Programs and Rush Tickets

In the event of a sold-out program, a limited number of "rush" tickets may become available immediately before that show begins. A separate line for each sold-out program will be formed outside the venue box office and as tickets become available, they will be sold to individuals in line order as supplies last.

*No rush tickets available for PFA programs. For updates on sold-out shows
and other news, Please call our Festival hotline: 415.255.4299, or visit our festival calendar.