Letters September 2006 September 27, 2006 Life is ultimately about choiceIn response to Parkhash's "Nashaayad ke naamat nahand aadami": This unfair "resentment" toward Ms Ansari is in the same class of vituprative comments that were hurled a few years ago at an Iranian singer who did not sing "Khalidj-e Fars" at a concert in Dubai, and at Aghdashlou for portraying a terrorist's wife while pursuing her quest as an actress. Now as it was then, it is nobody's business what a person does with one's money or time or desire to blast off into space. The people who begrudge her pursuit, for whatever reason, should pause for a moment and think that life is ultimately about one's individual choice and the freedom to make it. A person has written to a few of the readers of this site and disclosed that he was her teacher and gave her an inferior grade. He then has the audacity to call 99.99% of the Iranians "kolahbardar" (dishonest) and yet sees nothing wrong in breaching confidentiality of a former student's grade. No wonder we are so fucked up as a nation -- we know best for everyone else! It’s easy to pick on one or two who stand outIn response to Parkhash's "Nashaayad ke naamat nahand aadami": I thought that $20 million could have done so much for the poor in iran, build schools, a hospital or two, create an arts center, a rehab program... so many things. Then I compare that to the deception, lies and plunder going on every day in Iran, and I’m a little less chagrined at her. She could've changed life for over hundreds of thousands of childrenIn response to Saman Ahmadi's "Rocket on Anousheh": I disagree with the people who believe Anousheh Ansari is doing an AMAZING thing going to space for 20 million, when she could easily spent the money on more useful things. I don't feel like writing a long essay about this, but could you agree that they are more important things that she could spend her 20 Million? If it is her money and non of my business then I really don't care who she is and what she is doing, but she does not deserve any positive publicity. She could've changed life for over hundreds of thousands of children with that money. She could've taken a trip to any country in Africa or where she was born and built a couple of clinic and schools. or start a program to feed the kids who sell anything in the streets of Tehran...How can any normal human being know that such problems exists and ignore it and go to a TRIP to space. I could go on but I think you get my point. Can't she spend some of that money to help her countrymen?In response to Saman Ahmadi's "Rocket on Anousheh": You're right about Iranian TV channels. I live in Italy and was so excited when I got the satellite and could watch some Iranian TV but realized that one is worse than the other. However I don't agree with being so proud about Anousheh. In a world where millions of children die of hunger (also in Iran) and where some people in Iran have to sell their organs to survise, it's a shame that somebody can spend all that money for a whim. She is just a tourist on a very very expensive trip and there's nothing to be proud of but much to be ashamed of. Can't she spend some of that money to help her countrymen? I would if I had all that money. It makes me mad when I hear about these extravagances in a miserable world. What do you think? Ansari teaches me to pursue my dreamsIn response to Azam Nemati's "Fame, fortune & false hopes": I would like to say it is solely an individual's decision whether to choose Anousheh Ansari, Mother Teresa, Shirin Ebadi or Anjelina Jolie as a role model, based on what one finds inspiring in that certain figure. I admire Ms. Ansari for a variety of reasons, among which getting an education and running a business many still consider a testosterone-driven territory. She has spent 25 (not 10) million dollars on an experience which could easily be written off as an ego-trip and a total waste while millions of people are starving on a daily basis, yet I truly admire her for taking this step, for -- literally -- exploring horizons not readily accessible to, or even coveted by, many women, let alone an Iranian one. She has been working hard and spending huge bucks to realize a "wacko"dream, if nothing it teaches me to pursue my dreams, regardless of an avalanche of condemnation and bickering one is bound to face for chasing a "useless, fancy" dream. HassoudiIn response to Azam Nemati's "Fame, fortune & false hopes": Ms. Azam, You are not that AZAM after all! Why are you so ignorant, and HASSOUD? Whether she had the money or not is not an issue. The fact is that she is the first female astronaut in the commercial endeavor that she and her brother helped to build. She is an Iranian who was proud of her heritage enough to wear the Iranian flag, even though I don't relate about the flag without the SHEER! As an Iranian man I am proud of her and her family. I am sure if my own sister had the same opportunity and dream as she does she is brave enough to go space! She is my role model in many ways anyway, and I know she is proud of Anousheh! Unfortunately, I cannot say that about you! You are a complainer and a very negative person! For god's sake just be happy for the woman, and forget about the role model deal! If not happy, since it is against your nature, then just be quiet! Ansari is a great role modelIn response to Azam Nemati's "Fame, fortune & false hopes": There is a Persian saying: "Khasan and Khusayn, all three, were daughters of Muaviyeh" - as most know, Hasan and Husayn were men, there were just two of them, and they were the sons of Ali. Discourse on the internet has a tendency of quickly degrading into a quarrel, then to ad hominem attacks and then to slander: in 1992 I started to read and, at times, contribute to soc.culture.iranian on USENET- back then the signal to noise ratio was not bad. I don't write anything there anymore, other than the occaisional note regarding Team Melli - it's a virtual, virulent slugfest these days. Ms. Nemati, I realize that the name, Saman (after the progenitor of the Samanian dynasty - 6750-999 AD) is sometimes given to girls but I am a man - I wish I could say I was a young man but I am inching towards the age of 40. I was born in Tehran and moved to Texas in 1978, where I have lived continuously - save a stint on an internship in Spain. I have written a handful of articles on iranian.com - clearly they were not interesting enough for you to have read or remembered them. Now on to your critique: First off, I am glad that we agree that Iranians lack a culture of civil discourse. Second, as I mentioned in my short essay, I know of Mrs. Anousheh Ansari and her husband from when I lived in Dallas - they lived there and ran Telecom Technologies which they built and then sold to Sonus (I believe). I think Mrs. Ansari is a great role model for young Iranian girls from San Jose. She is well-educated, self-made, successful and has made significant contributions to her field. She has always been interested in space travel and co-sponsored the X-Prize, with her brother-in-law - a race to fly an aircraft into space and be able to repeat it. She is fulfilling her life dream of going to space. Everyone should strive towards his/her passion - her motive is not self-agrandizement. Third, the Americans, the Russians, the Eurpoeans, the Japanese and the Chinese spend a great deal of money on space exploration. Of course, with that money we could do great things for people around the world - feed the hungry, help the poor and heal the sick. But one could argue that space exploration has done some of those things. Many advances in technology are by-products of space exploration and research in space - growing food without soil, developing drugs in the absence of gravity, efficient use of energy, etc. It is human nature to go where one has not gone before, search for other forms of life and attempt to understand the origins of life itself. Fourth, the song in the video that I cited is pretty good, have you heard and/or seen it? I am happy that your are doing something that is fulfilling as well as having a positive impact on others. Individual Iranians, like Mrs. Ansari, are doing great things. U.S. colleges and universities are filled with Iranian professors. Iranians are among the most educated and wealthy immigrant groups in America. Iranians lack a culture of civil discourse. . . What gives? I don't know. Thank you for giving me some of that feeling backIn response to Farah Ravon's "Boston in full bloom": Dear Ms. Ravon, You should have been there in the "Italian" festivals. There are people who do not speak a word of English. It really is like walking through an Italian village! Did you manage to see the John Hancock Tower at sunset, when it's vertical dip is bright yellow and then orange? It takes all the colours of the sunset. Then, the homeless. I see that they're as prolific as they were before; otherwise, they would not have caught your eyes so. Imagine them in the harsh winters.... Framing BostonIn response to Farah Ravon's "Boston in full bloom": Khamoum jaan -- omidvaram dar safar-e akhyr beh Boston gorosnehgy-eh ziyad nakeshideh bashyd! Enjoyed your pictorial -- It is always interesting to see how travelers to this part of the country frame us. So unbelievably ego-centericIn response to Azam Nemati's "Fame, fortune & false hopes": Azam Nemati is really an ignorant woman! She is so biased, so blind and so unbelievably ego-centeric that she can't even understand the most basic things!! Persian man availableIn response to Sophie Saviour's "Zood baash digeh!": For a person who came here in 30 U understand the culture and langauge well, and writting well ! I am piced off for all the cooking U did for the tight Canadian guy; U sound a pretty girl @ 40 if U 'd cooked and made love with me I would have made U a very happy woman. We good Iranian men all we ask for is sex and food. Now U can put us to work for U... U had good thought of persian men Bald, khikkie, short and well dressed. I might add a high level of testosterone as well... with equal honesty and intrest to meet U if NOT too late. I am one tv remote seeker, food lover, action movie lover, very sexual Persian man who also likes to read and do flower beds; I hate children and stroller pushers in TEXAS. Lost and confused speciesIn response to Sophie Saviour's "Zood baash digeh!": Dear Sophie: Unfortunately, there are hardly any Iranians involved with those sites and I am looking to find mainly Iranian friends. I did not, however, receive any response from IranianPersonals. Maybe you, your friends and other readers can suggest that type of service or may be one of us will start that business. WHY NOT? We might make tons of money! You may be in the wrong marketIn response to Sophie Saviour's "Zood baash digeh!": Dear Sophie, Based on the stories you shared, with all due respect, you are not talking about "this train may be leaving the station", but rather, I dare say, a taxi with no meter or license. Unlicensed taxis, are good for getting around town, you can get on and off anytime and anywhere, you can negotiate the fare after you get on, and unfortunately choose not to pay. We are all familiar with this scheme. On the other hand getting on a train requires a commitment to a destination, a schedule that is precise to the minute, and yes, an advance ticket purchase. You may be in the wrong market. I know I would be boarding a train, if I could find one. Were I not 88 I would chase you around the mulberry bushIn response to Sophie Saviour's "Zood baash digeh!": Hello Sophie, I would invite you to dinner but I would not go out with anyone who would date me. Throw this one backIn response to Sophie Saviour's "Zood baash digeh!": He's not really into you. If he was, he would be pursuing you with great interest. You deserve someone who thinks of you first and isn't afraid to tell you and show you. Throw this one back and focus your energy on being your best. Mr. Best will find you. Keeping them in the public eye is the best revengeIn response to Mazloom's cartoons about astronaut Anousheh Ansari and security agent Parvin Hosseini (1) (2) (3): Mazloom's Parvin Hosseini series is great! Identifying people like that and keeping them in the public eye is the best revenge. I can imagine the image of Parvin Hosseini and her baton juxtaposed in all kinds of settings: university classrooms, children's playgrounds, offices, shops, hospitals, parties, in bed... Nowrasteh's compelling filmIn response to Cyrus Nowrasteh", producer of ABC mini-series "The path to 9/11": Hello: Reasoned treatise on cultural relativismIn response to Maryam Namazie's "Rights trump culture & religion": I congratulate you on a well expressed and reasoned treatise. I have on occasion been confused by the dilemma of despising the acts of fundamentalist Islam, while respecting their right to a way of religious life. I am an athiest and my right to think this way is well. Sacrosanct. Your writing has explained all, thankyou We should not forgetIn response to Sasan Seifikar's "History's burden: Concentration Camp Vught": My Grandma Julia was part of the French Resistance and was awarded medals for her heroic actions by Churchill, Roosevelt and the Canadian Prime Minister of the time. Both spent some of their most wonderful years in Pre- Revolution Iran. They loved the peace and kindness they shared with fellow Iranians. When the Revolution took place in Iran, my grandma who had spent 10 years in Iran in our family, did not want to leave. She said "I want to stay in Shiraz and die in Shiraz. I consider this place as my home now. I don't care if they kill me or arrest me, I have seen worse in my life." We reasoned Grandma saying that we will come back one day but that life for all foreigners was too difficult in Iran nowadays and finally we managed to take her with us. Grandma Julia died a year later in a Paris Hospital due to an illness and old age. But I think what killed her was to realize that she had been all her life on the run. Leaving Lithuania with her husband with alot of dreams and hopes for a better life, then having to endure the War in Occupied France and bring up alone her only daughter (my mother) and not seeing her husband during the entire war and discovering a different man when he returned. I always say, I love movies on War and Revolution. I like Action, Blood and Violence but ONLY ON SCREEN, Not in real life. But being Responsible does not mean Guilty. Iranians were not guilty of the Holocaust like some western and even Israeli newspapers tried to hypocritically imply. But Iranians like every other nationality or race has its share of responsability in acknowledging the truth of an era that benefited no one. Hate only generates Hate. And by endorsing this hateful attitude. Mr. Ahmaninejad and his henchmen are not only Responsible, they are also Guilty in my book. May Iranians and particularly the young men and women of the land of Cyrus the Great, be wise enough to reject the machiavelic intentions of their current leaders. What can happen any place at any timeIn response to Sasan Seifikar's "History's burden: Concentration Camp Vught": This is a sad reminder of what can happen any place at any time. HoloHoaxIn response to Sasan Seifikar's "History's burden: Concentration Camp Vught": Hello, The last paragraphIn response to Sasan Seifikar's "History's burden: Concentration Camp Vught": Many thanks for your superb report, specially the last paragraph. Mohamad Navab Go live on the moonIn response to Jacob Cohen's "What will happen to Iran": i remember the first time i looked up the landmass that is called palestine/israel on the map. it was so small that i actually had to look for a while to locate it.... an area that small and 12 million people (the jews) take up more time in world politics and on the news than the rest of the human population. i am beginning to see why humanity has had an issue with god's chosen people since the beginning of time.... i am beginning to wonder if ramses kicked them out of his country instead of trying to keep them as slaves... the whole world has to be defined and redefined so that 12 million people (including the author of that original article) feel secure.... well my dear, the world doesn't really give a fuck about you or your kind... it never has and it never will....you can look at history to see.... why don't you and your kind go and live on the moon, or mars or somewhere you feel safe, and let the rest of humanity go on with its own issues... we 6 billion gentiles have too much on our minds to give a rats ass about how "god's chosen people" feel about iran, or the rest of the world.... Real or phony?In response to Daniel M. Pourkesali's "Nuclear IQ": Transparency is the key word here. If IRI is sincere about its peaceful intentions, it should allow its investigative journalists such as Akbar Ganji to freely scrutinize the Iranian Nuclear Industry, then report to the nation through unrestricted press, and let the people decide for themselves through informed consent what path they want to take for their country. While they are at it they should allow political parties to actively campaign for political power, maybe one of the environment parties who is in favor of production of electricity from prevailing desert winds win the election and turn us into a real wind energy nation, instead of a phony nuclear energy nation. Just to say nuclear energy is our inalienable right while the other human rights are being violated is ridiculous. Regarding the casualties of World War II; 214,000 dead out of 63,000,000 would mean about 0.3% or 0.003, but not "0.003%" which would result in an error of one hundred magnitude. Thank you. Your article has added to my informed consent part my conscious. Repeating hateful ideasIn response to Amil Imani's "Proving the Pope right": Dear Amil, Victimized by primitive alien ideologyIn response to Niki's "Repeating hateful ideas": Hi Niki, My original tile was "Let us prove the Pope wrong". The honorable Jahanshah nicely and timely changed the title on his own. No, I had no idea the title was already published in NY Post. Now, please let me shed some light about Islam: Islam can justifiably be condemned as a barbaric ideology that has energized and continues to energize crimes against humanity. Islam belongs to a raft of doctrines such as Nazism, Fascism and Totalitarianisms of various stripes that promotes hate and violence against others. Despicable doctrines of hate and violence remain confined to their place under the "shameful" classification in libraries until people adopt them as their program of life. Hence, it is people who are guilty of bringing to life the dogmas of savagery. In the same way that ignorance of the law does not constitute a valid defense, not bothering to find out about the true nature of Islamic precepts and practices and blindly doing Islam's biddings constitutes inexcusable wrongdoing. Muslims, therefore, are indictable for subscribing to the Quran and committing themselves to carrying out its ruthless instructions at great harm to the non-subscribers. A vast cadre of Islamic apologists, generally from the ranks of the well-pampered parasitic clergy, labor greatly at defending Islam and keeping the masses in servitude. In practice, these sheepdogs of Islam earn their very livelihood by devouring the sheep they herd. The apologists cover a wide spectrum. On one extreme are the unrepentant and shameless bigots who adhere to and promote every provision of the Quran, the Hadith, and the Sunna. These robots pride themselves on being diehard obedient literal believers of Allah. Then, there are those apologists who do their best to walk a tightrope. They skillfully straddle a zone with one foot in the Islamic muck and the other out. These illusionists: the smoke and mirror artists: are masters of double-speak and are very difficult to pin down. Yet, they are most effective in their work. They manage, through their clever tactics of half truth-half lies to keep the faithful in line and fool the gullible non-Muslims. And then there are the sheep: the rank and file Muslims. They are indictable because they are the ones who keep Islam alive by feeding and supporting it. It is this rank that supplies the Islamic foot-soldiers: those servants of the All Kind and All Merciful Allah who do not have a grain of kindness or mercy in their dark hearts. These easily programmable robots detonate explosive vests not just to kill the kafirs, but to kill even other Muslims. They slaughter innocent kidnapped people as cheerily as they slash a lamb's throat. With exhortation passages from the Quran pasted on the wall of their slaughterhouse, they shamelessly fire their Ketusha rockets, not at the military but directly at the civilian population. Are all Muslims the leeching clergy, or actively involved in terrorism and included in the blanket indictment, you say? The fact is that being a Muslim is a clear admission of wrongdoing, the extent of which depends on the degree of a person's Muslim-ness. If he is only no Muslim and does not practice Islam, then he is, at the very least, guilty of hypocrisy. If he is somewhat of a Muslim by tithing, from time to time, following the ranting of the local mullah or imam, and swallowing whole the pronouncements of the high divines, then he is guilty of significantly contributing to the evildoings of Islam. Lastly, there are those Muslims who simply lack the courage to leave Islam and exercise their gift of humanness. They are the pathetic crowd guilty of remaining in the fold of tyranny and withholding support from the forces of liberty and human dignity. Also, to use an old cliché, if a person is not part of the solution, he is part of the problem. Islam is indeed a huge problem. Some Muslims have objected to my taking Islam to task and not addressing the atrocities of others, both in the past and in the present. I do not see myself as an ombudsman for mankind, commissioned either by God or self-appointed. I am not egoistical enough to see myself as a universal arbiter of all wrongdoings. I, however, unreservedly condemn all genocides, religiously-based or otherwise, and all wrongs visited upon any individual or people irrespective of time, place and any other considerations. My focus is Islam, because I, my people and my native country, Iran, have been victimized by a primitive alien ideology for far too long. Having witnessed first-hand the horrors and indignity that Islamofascim visits on people it subjugates, I have taken it upon myself to do my part in defeating this ideology of oppression, hate and violence. I enjoy and deeply cherish the liberty that America has generously afforded me, enabling me to raise a cry from the heart regarding the tragic plight of millions of Iranian victims: my compatriots who dare not speak against the wicked mullahs and their mercenaries. I am a voice of tens of thousands of Iran's best children, many of them literally children, who have been imprisoned, brutally tortured, shamelessly raped and viciously slaughtered by Allah's beasts presently ruling Iran. The heartless religionists of Allah have plundered and continue to plunder the people's vast oil income, fill their bottomless pockets with the ill-begotten funds, and finance adventurism in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and anywhere and everywhere they find willing clientele. In the meantime, over the past three decades of their Islam-authorized dastardly theocracy they have driven masses of the Iranian people to abject poverty. They have created a culture of nihilism and despair that has spawned one of the world's most drug-addicted societies and, have compelled a great many women to sell their bodies in order to survive. It is, so, I find it both my sacred duty and inalienable right to indict Muslims as either criminals themselves or accessories to the crimes, seek justice for my people, and warn others of the dangers of Islamofascim in all its forms. I challenge all Muslims to abandon the demonic cult of Muhammad and join forces of liberty and justice of free people with no turbaned masters or masters of any kind. It is a crime to remain silent in the face of evil, it is said. Thus, I am speaking up and urging other good men and women to raise their resonant voices while they can before they are brutally silenced by the ever-creeping Islamofascism. The silent PersianIn response to Amil Imani's "Proving the Pope right": Thanks for your political/religious diatribe. You echo Neo-cons of Washington establishment very well. Your diatribe not withstanding, I just hope that in the current sensitive situation better and fairer judgment will prevail. You quote the following from Pop's insensitive lecture: "the Byzantine emperor Manuel II Paleologus in a debate with an educated Persian: 'Show me just what Mohammad brought that was new, and there you find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached'." I like to know if the "educated Persian" had any answer. After all it was a "debate". What bothers me is not the comments of these Roman Emperors who were just as blood thirsty as anyone else at the time but the fact that it was recited by a person who was an active youth members of Hitler fascist regime. A fascist government who is responsible for killing more than 6 million Jews and untold number of other political and non-political foes. It is ashamed to defend the Pope's comment on this ground alone. I suggest readers pitch in and send you to IranIn response to Daniel M Pourkesali's "We're not worthy?": Mr. Poooorkesali, Sir, your taste in politics is rather poor, I must say. Where do you come up with this stuff? Your opinions remind of this little toy they sell. It is a box of magnets each with a word written on it. It is sort of cool, you can just make sentences according to your mood (and how many beers you have had) and stick it on the fridge. For example, "Is me crazy reading shit from irani nut?" So two questions for you: How many beers did you have when you wrote this article, and second do you live in the U.S.? Please don't tell me you do becasue I must strongly urge you to move to Iran if you do and grow up. I suggest readers pitch in and send you to Iran for some fun loving times then you may learn to play the magnet game better. Take care and god luck with your "opinions". Sorry, we Iranians won't accepet Western rule anymoreIn response to Morib's "Any good journalists left?": Iranian President answred Anderson Cooper's interview very intelligently. (This is the only interview I watched.) Ahmadinejad was right about all the questioned asked. He does not obey the West specially America. He is not an American agent like the shah or the Mojhedin who betray Iran. Zahra Kazemi or Akbar Ganji or most of the others you defend, are Western and Zionist agents and propagate against Iran. Iran is going to be an independent country whether you want it or not. History will not be repeated again for Iran to be a coloney of the West. Sorry, we Iranians won't accepet Western rule anymore. Sorry for you, Khatami's dark sideOn Guive Mirfendereski's "No thank you": Hello Guive: Roozbeh, AKA Abu Moslem, drove Arabs out of Iran, about 100 years after their invasion, and demolished the Bani Omayyeh Khalifet, only to establish the Bani Abbasid Khalifet, because the passage of 100 years had "corrupted" the sole of this free spirited Iranian. I see the same thing happening today. After the first 10 to 15 years of the life of this satanic republic, people started to lay hopes on coexistence with the dark side and the "charm" of Khatami. As one Mullah said of Khatami's tenor, "his mission was to throw stones into the well to bring out the snakes so we could chop their heads off'. When I first heard of Ahmadi Nejad, I was embarrassed to call myself an Iranian, but with the passage of time I realized there could not have been a better savior for Iran, than him. The world has come around to see the true nature oft his regime during his short tenor, although to my dismay I see a lot of, seemingly intelligent people, talk of him as favorably as they, misguidedly, talked about Khatami. Sir, I think you got it wrongOn Amir-0-Sane's "Insults my intelligence": This letter isn't to attack your personal opinion of Khatami, clearly that's how you feel about the man and as this is supposed to be a free world, you're entitled to your own opinion. This letter however is about you're very unintelligent comment about Khatami's attire and appearance. I can't understand how anyone with the smallest hint of an IQ would make such a dumb statement! Ever heard of the Sikhs? noticed their facial hair and their turbans by any chance? ever met a bearded Yankee? Sir have you not noticed how Rabbis dress, specially if they are attending a Jewish conference? Or have you never seen/met a Catholic priest? Have you ever heard of the Dalai Lama? Have you ever seen a catholic nun without her uniform? Or ever came upon a priest not wearing his black ropes? Have you EVER seen the Dalai Lama in a suit with the whole tie thing happening? If so, please send me some pictures! because clearly I seem to fail to see how Khatami's religious attire and appearance in anyway has anything to do with donkeys and camels and travelling in wind and sand? Huh! Sir, I think you got it wrong, Khatami didn't insult your intelligence! You insulted his! Instead of lecturing the world...On Mohammad Khatami's trip to the U.S.: Gentlemen, Please do not lecture us on morality, human rights, freedoms etc with respect to the present clerical regime ruling in Iran. You have chosen to live in the United States of America. Your tax dollars go to support the American government. You are citizens of the most despised country on the planet. You have zero credibility. Iran doesn't need another American Stooge like the Shah simply so you can enjoy watching MTV Last time I checked Iran has not invaded and made war with any other country. The US presently occupies two countries with plans to invade a third ? Instead of lecturing the world about the evils of the present Iranian Regime why don't you take your efforts to restoring democracy in your own country. France, oil & inhumanityIn the wake of Jacques Chirac's threat to veto sanctions against Iran, I wrote the following to the French Embassy in the U.S. Every Iranian, with a conscience, should be writing to the French officials to prevent them from giving more life to this monstrous regime: Nose-job recommendationPlease can you tell me where I should look to find all the places in Iran who offer rhinoplasty (Cosmetic Surgery Clinics). I have tried everywhere on the Web but cannot find any. Is there an Iranian Yellow Pages or equvalent I can obtain from somewhere. Again please help me. Thank you very much. Agent ShirinIn response to Pantea Beigi's "Peace jammers": Let there be no mistake about the fact that Shirin Ebadi represents the Islamic Republic of Iran. Ebadi had many chances to stand up with the people of Iran and against the IRI but instead decided to support the mullah régime. The Nobel Prize has been tarnished by this fact. My advice to the high school teacher is to get a clue and "go sell crazy some place else, we are all stocked up here". Don't give them any ideasIn response to Cyrus Mossaddegh's "Nobody survives: Operation Iran Secularization": Dear Cyrus Mossaddegh, Your imagination is absolutely perfect. What I am afraid of is that unfortunately, some agencies use your idea with some modification. Really! Utilizing the high-tech special effects, it would be possible to create unbeliveable realistic images and movies and feed them as news supporting document. God! Imperialist egosIn response to Cyrus Mossaddegh's "Nobody survives: Operation Iran Secularization": I'm really glad someone else gets that war is a real possiblity around here. It makes me think there is some hope in the Iranian.com readership afterall. But your conclusion is missing one important element: the egos of imperialists. Certainly they are willing to kill people and expose the lives of their own population to achieve their aims. But they can never bring themselves to accept what may look like a "defeat" to the rest of the world, even if it's secretly a victory. It's always more important to them to appear victorious than to actually be victorious. What is their business?In response to Sohrab Ferdows's "True two-face'": Are USA, Israel, and England the international community???? What is their business to tell what Iran can have or not have or what to do?? Are the treatment of Palestinians, Iraqis or Afghans acceptable to you? Do you think you can bring democracy to others with GUNs? Don't you think that what you say, and no't practice yourself, doesn't make an ASS out of the so-called civilized world? Why do you lookup to the UN for a solution? The UN is a tool in the hands of world rulers who don't care about anyone except merchants of DEATH. All these things is for selling GUNs and testing weapons on real live humans and see the results of it. I see that you are Hadi's son!In response to Peyvand Khorsandi's "An Iranian week ": Very clever! I see that you are Hadi Khorsandi's son! I always enjoy reading your articles. Asshole in ArabicIn response to "how do you say asshole in arabic?" above BBC headline "Hezbollah head at 'victory' rally": To say "asshole" in Arabic, you would say "Jahanshah Javid"! With all the fucking wishes, Can be a bit intimidating for someIn response to "how do you say asshole in arabic?" above BBC headline "Hezbollah head at 'victory' rally": I have been reading and browsing iranian.com since its inception. This is the first time that I object to one of your heading comments before posting a link to a piece of news: "How do you say asshole in arabic?" before "BBC: Hezbollah head at 'victory' rally". LP Jews need to read EinsteinIn response to Dokhtar Shirazi's "Denied potential": Bravo Dokhtar Shirazi with her comprehensive reply to that tubular view of the followers of one religion and the supremacy of one people over the other. Although D.S. said it well, I only add a few points to her comments. Looking at the long history of humans and not only since World War II, one finds Moslem scientists and scholars dominated the old world when not only the Jews, but people of the countries they migrated to-Europe and later America, were living in Dark Ages. The ancestors of the present Western scientists and Noble Prize winners were dead against scientific progress such as breakthroughs in mathematics, chemistry and medicine. For example, when Muslem men of medicine had discovered cures for many diseases. Europeans of that time not only boycotted progress of science and considered it against god but fought the Moslems for being infidels. Do your recall the Crusades that started mainly on the basis of those envies and jealousies? As the world turns history and its dark sides repeat especially for those who do not read history. I have nothing against Jews. In fact some of my best friends have been Jews, but I despise those Jews who politicise religion and for whom earning more money by any means is the purpose of life. It is exactly that tubular view and a kind of militant approach that has turned the world against all Jews from the ancient times to holocaust and God knows to what else in the future if some Jews do not think they are the "chosen people" and make the rest of them the target of another disaster. Looking at events with universal mind a good Jew, a good Moslem and a good Christian have no problem to live side by side. The biggest enemy of the Jew are their arrogant and ignorant and hypocritic leaders who commit atrocities behind the back of most of the Jews who are decent. The Jews need to read the writings of the greatest Jew, Albert Einstein, especially the parts dealing with humanity, love, peace and harmony. Hossein in the closetIn response to Hamid R.Kusha's "Neo-pimp in Diaspora" and other letters on cartoonist Hossein Hajiagha: In a blatantly persistent, demonstrative and proud misogynist always look into the possibility that this may be due to either suppressed homosexuality or to the fact that he has not come to terms with it mentally, which would make him blame and hate women for his own reality. Once he accepts his personal reality and declares himself gay, he will even be able to see women as potential friends without the threat of their sexuality perhaps as competitors? This personal acceptance will also help him to meet nicer men, who are not on denial like many Iranian homosexuals, and even Canadian happily gay men for that matter. This inner fight between denial and the resentment to his own nature on one hand, and the sexual impulse on the other, is basically why he still lives in Canada and not in Iran. It is a matter of survival. You don't fucking deserve CanadaIn response to Hossein Hajiagha's cartoon, "If you want 'freedom', leave Iran": This is getting too fucking old. Enough you fucking asshole. Why are you fucking moron staying here (CANADA) ? Don't you have any fucking balls you dumb fuck? You are a fucking LOSER. You don't fucking deserve to stay here (CANADA). Please do me a favor, Fuck yourself. I will stop drawing cartoons if...Hossein Hajiagha on responses to his cartoons: To those of you who took the times to visit here from my editorial cartoons on Iranian, lets make deal I promise I will stop to draw cartoons about west and Canada if you answer to my question: 1- I am ten years living in Canada as Canadian citizen and political cartoonist which I don't have Iranian passport and I can not back in Iran ( my life may in danger) why US immigration in Vancouver and in Victoria re rejecting me to travel same as others by my Canadian passport after finger printing, photography and searching all my bags and body.... 2- About women and women right why we have over 40% divorced in Canada and low as 10% married, why so many Canadian women or Iranian are living single? I know single women or man are need to have relationship to gthers have sex what this people do about this matter? a single women or hookers are doing same job one for money others for fun? I know women are in Iran more health as women in Canada not smoking or drinking they married and so on may the have some problems but big as here. 3- If you be live the human right and democracy and freedom which some of you not sending e-mail to me and calling me sucker or fucker... I am cartoonist and I like to be free and bring my opinions to the public I don't harm any one by my cartoons. 4- Almost after I land in Canada I sleep close to one years in shelter and on street like homeless man all my painting and editorial cartoons cut or rejected or sensor by Canadian, I was trying many times to be close to Canadian community working free and country as art instructor or working in many job as cleaning washroom or... by low pay... with so many hard times I was never had in Iran a life if I writed on book you not going to belived about Canada as best country .government of Canada spending large money on women right, politics or or on free drugs program to Canadian stay on drugs, young canadian are selling own body for drugs tiff, crime and... all over the Canada but there is no support for artist or talent guys like me because I don't have blue eyes are this is a dreams society we should bring for Iranian to young Iranian going on drugs not in college or university? Ehanat beh AzadiIn response to Hossein Hajiagha's cartoon, "If you want 'freedom', leave Iran": salam amn tagriban hamishe site shoma ra mikhanam. chizi ke mara majbour kard ke belakhare barayetan mail bezanam karikatorhaye mozakhrafe hajiagha ast dar zir link ra miavaram lagabe koskesh dadan be azadikhahani ke har rouz dar zendanhaye jomhuri eslami dar shekanje hastand layeq va barazandeye haman hajagaye bisavade karokator kesh ast ke baraye dokhtarbazi amade canada vali dide darand khar dagh mikonanad. az shoma mikhaham be khatere ehanati ke be azadi va azadikhahi kardeid az mardom mazerat bekhahid. vassalam Value the contributions of your ancestorsIn response to Arash's "Freshen up": Arash: It was the first and only religion to allow its followers to think for themselves and choose between good and evil, and by doing good, make the world a better place for their families and leave a better world behind for their children (read Mary Boyce a renowned scholar on Zoroastrianism). The most fundamental attribute of democracy, personal choice, is built into Zoroastrianism, that is why pre- Islamic Iranians called themselves Azadmard and that is why, despite 1400 years of torment and abuse, the Zoroastrians of Iran have not given up their faith. The rest of us converted so as not to pay taxes. It is true that Mullaism perverted it, but at its core it remains the most progressive doctrine mankind has ever come up with. If you had a better understanding of the religion then you would know that it does answer your stem cell research question. If you believe it makes it a better world for you and your children, and if you can trust other inhabitants of this earth not to abuse such research, then it is a good thing. Have more faith in the value of the contributions of your ancestors, in your homeland. Start your own religionIn response to Arash's "Freshen up": What’s your problem? Why should they change to satisfy your ego? If Zoroastrians don’t want you, you can start your own religion! If your main problem is NAMES, get over it!In response to Ramond Takhsh's "People without a country": Mr. Takhsh, If you don't feel Iranian, then why Nemati's article bothers you at all? Are you trying to prove her right? Your analogy of being British and American, and comparing that with Iranian identity is very wrong, in my opinion! Do the British or the American really would consider you one of them? I don't think so! The Americans who came from Europe, after the 2nd generation consider themselves Americans, and become patriotic and loyal Americans! Regardless of their ancestral country, they consider themselves first and utmost Americans. Now, compare that with your ancestors who lived in Iran for thousands of years! If you still have no loyalty to Iran, then you have no business comparing yourself to the loyal and patriotic Americans! After only 17 years you consider yourself American, but after thousands of years you're not an Iranian!!! You can be sure that Iran has been a much better, understanding and compassionate country to your family than America or other countries would ever could have been during the dark ages, where they would have never accepted them, and still don't! Iran was a very civilized country when the Europeans were savages! They didn't harm your family! Ey vaay!In response to Hushang Shahabi-Sirjani's "Rethinking 'Ey Iran'": Well well, I do not know were did you find this Hushang person, are sure he is Iranian? Well, nowdays anybody can write some thing in English. May be you should tell him that 90% of Persians are : royalists, whining Mossadeghists, sheepish ex-Hezbollahis, and clueless leftists, or just simply tastless iranians proud of our heritage, history, country and customs. Did you compose a better anthem for us? Do you have a better anthem in mind? or are one those whio wants Star-Spangled Banner as our anthem? I are you Iranian? Sorry I don't think so. Just take this worthless article old away from your web page. I hope that one day someone teaches you some manners (Hushang khan) I am very dissapointed in you web page. Comedians are the only people who will go to HeavenIn response to Siamack baniameri's "How to defuse Moslem anger": Your solution for the Pope's circumcision was very funny! It reminds me of a cartoon in "Towfiq", a "tanz" magazine during the Shah's time. The cartoon depicted Vigen, the famed pop singer, (who was not a Muslim) running away from a mullah with a knife who wanted to circumcise him! Poor Vigen! God bless his soul. As much as I dislike Ahmadinejad, that's wrongIn response to Anyway section photo, "Ahmadinjead & boy... Call the police!": This photo suggests that something pedophilic in going on. First I thought it had something to do with the misspelling of Ahmadinejad's name, but I don't think so. I think it has something to do with Ahmadinejad being a pedophile. As much as I dislike Ahmadinejad and Islamic Republic of Iran, I don't think what you published is right. I don't get it. If this is to suggest something perverse is going on, why publish the boys picture? Ahmadinejad went to Kowsar Boy's Elementary school in southern Tehran on the first day of new school year to start the classes. I am sure the boy is well connected in the Islamic Republic of Iran since he was given the honor of meeting the president and hammering the first bell, but why show the boys face if it is to suggest Ahmadinejad has some deviant interest in him. This boy is minor. I don't think it's funny, and I don't like what I see. P.S. don't forget that I like your website very much ;-) It all comes down to money and powerIn response to Morib's "Any good journalists left?": To Morib, Everyone is quick to pick out all the negativity of Ahmadinejad, when there is a lot of erratic and irrational behavior from our own government. I am not a fan of Ahmadinejad, but I am more a fan of him than I am of Bush. Ahmadinejad has said some unintelligent things, but Bush hasn’t? War on Terror, You are with us or against us, Axis of Evil, Evil Doers. This guy has a 20 word vocabulary. Is Islam more flexible than Marxism?In response to Sudabeh Siavashan's "Bahsse manteghi!": Your article seems perfectly logical, but does not answer the follwoing hypothesis: what happens if "moderate" or opportuinst Islamists try to reinterpret the "violent" passages of the Koran? Can we accept a "moderate" Islam as a means of political model? Though you fairly criticised some bankrupt Islamists, like Soroush, you did not radically reject any form of political Islam. The Khrushchev's clique of post-stalinists, Revisionists, allegedly democratised Marxism-Leninism after Stalin's death. Was their new model rending a democatic system in the then USSR? Is Islam more flexible than Marxism? Respecting world leaders is a good thingIn response to Morib's "Any good journalists left?": A journalist must be polite when talking to world leaders. Even if the leader is impolite the journalist can not be so because they are not in the same level. The journalist is not allowed to argue and insult a leader representing a nation (justly or unjustly). So the US journalists were behaving in a right manner when interviewing the Iran president. Respecting world leaders is a good thing. You can criticize them as much as you want by writing articles but when you meet and interview them you should not insult them by asking provocative questions. That tells me that Iranian businessmen have a heartIn response to Asghar Massombagi's "Doing business, Iranian style": Once I asked an Iranian street vendor why he does not have a fixed price sign for selling his goods! He replied: "I don't because my customers are not fixed-price buyers": a doctor should pay more than a taxi driver, and a begger should get it for free. Well that tells me that Iranian businessmen have a heart. Yes the western type of business has a fixed price and good luck trying to test a sample before you buy and they are careless about who you are and will never know you by name. Ford and GM are going bankrupt because of Toyota and Asian car makers? I'd rather buy a car from a nation that cares about discipline and education than a nation who thinks life is all about Sunday night football and beer. Turn on the engine and leave the stationIn response to Sophie Saviour's "Zood baash digeh!": Dear Sophie, First, thanks so much for this nice article in Iranian.com. When I was going through the article in some part I was laughing and in some part I was crying because almost something similar happened to me but on the other side of Atlantic Ocean! Second, the fact you mentioned is not just about west coast, east coast, or Europe. It is everywhere. Now I have realised we do not have a gentleman or gentle lady. Girls behaving like boys and of course men take an advantage of it and say "you want equality, so pay for our dinner" and many other stories. We get whatever we do. Even in working places my male colleagues expect me to say hi first, open the door, enter last, etc. End of the world, is not it? Third, turn on the engine and leave the station. Do not mind the passenger standing and wondering in the station! Some people need a departing whistle to wake up! My concern is the stereotypingIn response to Leily's "Players & losers": Dear Leily: fArsi forgot kardIn response to "Qom restaurant/w.c." photo: "Serivse behdaashti" itself means toilets. Talk about fArsi forgot kard, jeez! It means W.C.In response to "Qom restaurant/w.c." photo: "Servise behdashti" means W.C. Babak FishmanIn response to Peyvand Khorsandi's interview with BBC reporter Jim Muir, "Fast-forward man": Dear Peyvand, Jim is a great friend of mine. I wish him long life with happiness. This man is a truly kind human and extremely brave. I know he does not like red meat, but he always love fish. He is a good cook himself. Thank you for talking to him. Sara, Mehrdad D. BirjandiMy name is Martina and I lived the last twelve years in Mexico and I need help. I really would like to contact Mehrdad D. Birjandi he lived in Hamburg (Germany) some years ago. I tried to contact him but the only information I got was that he moved, but to where? ...... well I keep him in my heart but this is not always enough...... Help is very appreciate it, thanks a lot. Looking for sister GoodarziDear people, Abadani classmatesI am looking for my old classmates form late 60's to early 70's from Babak and 25 Shahrivar schools in Abadan. Some names that I remember are: Babak Ardalan, Farhad Dorri, Bahram Bolourian, Arman Abedian, Ladan Mozayeni, and so on. Boukzadeh looking for friendsAbbas Boukzadeh is looking for college friends Orhim Shabetian and Behrooz Mahdian. They went to the Institute of Technicom Nafisi in Tehran together. Improper for kidsIn response to some adult material in Iranian.com: Dear Friend I like your site and i learned so many things by reading your articles. I also teach Farsi to kids and foreigners and encourage them to check your site. Sometimes I run into some articles/pictures that are not proper. Is there any way to keep this site more professional? Thank you Bahaullah wroteIn response to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech at the U.N.: I have the following reaction to President Ahmadinejad's thirty minute speech at the UN; I didn't know whether to be angry, scream, laugh or cry. In the end I tried the following therapy in writing the following letter to the President of Islamic republic. Dear Mr President, Judging by the some of the lofty words in your thirty minute speech, it seems that your speech writers have been inspired , some time to the word, by the thousands of Bahai books confiscated, during sacking and looting of Bahai homes since the revolution. Your shameless recital to a World Television audience of such ideals as Peace, Freedom and Liberty will be ridiculed, when the actions of the Islamic republic and its spiritual leadership are in such dire contrast to the words you spoke this evening. For over the last 160 years, the zealots that you probably descend from, have massacred and continue to persecute the very community who in the face of firing squads have held steadfast to the very ideals you tonight tried to pass off as your very own. Alas, please ask your speech writers to look for the part where Bahaullah, speaks about your cruelties , your persecution of the very people you call heretics, and your fall from grace. For this you don't even have to look at any stolen books, as I am sure you can Google any of the 700 volumes of Bahai writings in just about every living language, including Persian and Arabic. “O people of the Quran,” Bahaullah, addressing the combined forces of Sunní and Shia Islam, significantly affirms, “Verily, the Prophet of God, Muhammad, sheddeth tears at the sight of your cruelty. Ye have assuredly followed your evil and corrupt desires, and turned away your face from the light of guidance. Erelong will ye witness the result of your deeds; for the Lord, My God, lieth in wait and is watchful of your behavior... O concourse of Muslim divines! By your deeds the exalted station of the people hath been abased, the standard of Islam hath been reversed, and its mighty throne hath fallen.” In fact because I knew you are going to be very busy travelling the next few days; at the risk of coming across as a "Bible thumping nut" I took the liberty and googled one juicy part for your attention. The relevance is too good to ignore. (full text) Please notice the part that says: "Erelong...." and pass it along to the rest of the gang. You may take comfort in the certain fulfilment of similar promises made to former despots and unjust rulers of the past, like our very own Nasir'din Shah and Sultan Abdul aziz of Turkey. To Napoleon III, Bahaullah wrote: "For what thou hast done, thy kingdom shall be thrown into confusion, and thine empire shall pass from thine hands, as a punishment for that which thou hast wrought. 21 Then wilt thou know how thou hast plainly erred. Commotions shall seize all the people in that land, unless thou arisest to help this Cause, and followest Him Who is the Spirit of God (Jesus Christ) in this, the Straight Path. Hath thy pomp made thee proud? By My Life! It shall not endure; nay, it shall soon pass away, unless thou holdest fast by this firm Cord. We see abasement hastening after thee, whilst thou art of the heedless. It behoveth thee when thou hearest His Voice calling from the seat of glory to cast away all that thou possessest, and cry out: ‘Here am I , O Lord of all that is in heaven and all that is on earth!’ To the Emperor of Germany Kaiser Wilhelm I He wrote: "Do thou remember the one whose power transcended thy power (Napoleon II I ), and whose station excelled thy station. Where is he? Whither are gone the things he possessed? Take warning, and be not of them that are fast asleep. He it was who cast the Tablet of God behind him, when We made known unto him what the hosts of tyranny had caused Us to suffer. Wherefore, disgrace assailed him from all sides, and he went down to dust in great loss. Think deeply, O King, concerning him, and concerning them who, like unto thee, have conquered cities and ruled over men. The All-Merciful brought them down from their palaces to their graves. Be warned, be of them who reflect... O banks of the Rhine! We have seen you covered with gore, inasmuch as the swords of retribution were drawn against you; and you shall have another turn. And We hear the lamentations of Berlin, though she be today in conspicuous glory. You may recall, although I doubt world history was one of your strengths in engineering school; that all of the gentlemen above received Bahaullah's proclamation at the height of their power, (1870s) just like the one addressed to your gang; Bahaullah being an exile and the prisoner of two of them, sent from the most distant, horrible penal colony of the Turks. Dear Mr President, You made history tonight, you and the entire religious leadership of Iran, past and present, have the dubious honour of eventually sharing the same fate of those regal giants of the 19th century; although I kick myself when I think of you and your Yves St BouGand suit and socks, next to the Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm, Napoleon , the Czar and the Sultan in some future history book. I can not but leave you with a quote for your next speech at the UN; one that you can as easily as you did tonight quote and claim as your Islamic blueprint for world unity. This is a great quote becuase in effect you can say that the still, hidden imam prophesied the coming of the internet. You can play with the words a little bit, as you did tonight, but I would stick to the original, as none of your targeted audience would believe that its the words of a Bahai anyway. You and your predecessors have done such a marvellous job of poisoning generations of the Iranian mind, that many can not even refuse or can't even say the word Bahai . Go ahead use whatever part you like, although I would be careful, as some of them would be hard to pass off right now as Islamic, you may want to wait a few years until Iran;s gets its nuclesar act together; then perhaps the Ayatollahs could update Islam with the concept of science and religion. Under the current circumstances and with respect to the recent closing of Shargh and other closings of the reformist press, I would forget the whole bit about "the press". Although this is from a letter written in 1930 by Bahaullah's great grandson based on his Great Grandfathers writings, you can pass it off as one your Great Grand dads' ! A world executive, backed by an international force, will carry out the decisions arrived at, and apply the laws enacted by, this world legislature, and will safeguard the organic unity of the whole commonwealth. A world tribunal will adjudicate and deliver its compulsory and final verdict in all and any disputes that may arise between the various elements constituting this universal system. Here is the internet bit; A mechanism of world inter-communication will be devised, embracing the whole planet, freed from national hindrances and restrictions, and functioning with marvellous swiftness and perfect regularity. A world metropolis will act as the nerve center of a world civilization, the focus towards which the unifying forces of life will converge and from which its energizing influences will radiate. A world language will either be invented or chosen from among the existing languages and will be taught in the schools of all the federated nations as an auxiliary to their mother tongue. A world script, a world literature, a uniform and universal system of currency, of weights and measures, will simplify and facilitate intercourse and understanding among the nations and races of mankind. In such a world society, science and religion, the two most potent forces in human life, will be reconciled, will cöoperate, and will harmoniously develop. The press will, under such a system, while giving full scope to the expression of the diversified views and convictions of mankind, cease to be mischievously manipulated by vested interests, whether private or public, and will be liberated from the influence of contending governments and peoples. Dear Mr President, I am sorry that I began with such harsh terms, but my patriotism doesn't allow, even an unelected and unpopular Iranian president to look like a fool in front of the educated world. In any case I hope you ahve a good trip to our new york city, and if you have time and can slip the secret service, you are only a few blocks from the new Chelo-Kabab I Persepolis on second avenue between 74th and 73rd; although I would be careful, you might run into a Shah!
>>> More letters in September 2006 Part 1 -- Part 2 |