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    October 1998

* Educator:
- Mohammad Basirian: "Soldier of Human Dignity"

* Intolerance:
- Brazen anti-Semitism

* Painter:
- Tell us more

* Turkman:
- Sweet memories

* Iran Air:
- I love aviation

* Clinton:
- Shouldn't help him

* Business:
- Low-profile

* Afghanistan:
- Concentrate on freedoms, not war

Oct 30, 1998


I am impressed, and happy that these delightful old pictures ["Laid back", "Cheri"] have been posted on the web. On the other hand I am depressed and saddened that our lives have changed so much.

Just a few minutes ago, at the dinner table, my eight-year-old son, who is very much interested in music, sat through three hours of Mr. Dariush's October 11 concert in Dallas. He calls Dariush a superstar and asked me if he held concerts back in Iran. He then asked my brother who has just come from Iran if there are concerts like that in Iran now. Of course his answer was NO.

Then my brother told him that they are not allowed even to play music on the radio that includes a female voice. How do you explain this to a young mind?


Reza Khavari

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Oct 29, 1998

* Iranians: Type 3 personality

Rather than jumping to your own conclusions ["Nargess Shahmanesh: Why insist on being around Iroonies?"], why not ask yourself if there may be some validity to what was said. Unlike you, I have been doing my research; and from that as well as my own experience I can honestly say there is much to be admired about Iranians as well as much not to be admired. That it is so strong both ways is what makes it both intriguing and perplexing...

Each personality-type has both healthy aspects and unhealthy ones. What I have observed with Iranians is that most gravitate around the Type 3 personality which goes by nicknames such as "Producer," "Performer," "Status Seeker" and "Succeeder" According to Jerome Wagner, PhD, author of "The Enneagram Spectrum of Personality Types," positive descriptions for Type 3 are: efficient, successful, get things done, motivator, enthusiastic, pragmatic, practical, goal-oriented, energetic, manager, popular, active, dynamic, multi-faceted, organized, self-assured, marketer, industrious, team-builder, and competent.

Negative descriptions are: mechanical, get ahead, calculating, impatient, expedient, workaholic, chameleon-like, scheming, popularizer, image-conscious, self-promoting, appearances, jet set, success-driven, slick, political, mesrepresenting, oeverachiever, role-playing, and ignore feelings... FULL TEXT

Alex Bettesworth

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* Suffering from adolescent pains

I stumbled upon your very negative commentaries on the Iranian people and have to say that I'm completely ashamed of your publishing of this bogus material depicting Iranians in such a bad light ["People of extremes"]. These come from a few bitter people who tend to generalise, as they also admitted.

I do not share their views and know quite a few Iranians. I live in Santa Barbara where there aren't very many Iranians. I understand where these negative views of Iranians came about, as the culture clashes are extreme and should be taken note of, and the struggle for many Iranians to REGAIN the status they once enjoyed in a country before it began to suffer from closed-minded and primitive tyrant ruling - by this I do not mean to condone the royalty, they were a bunch of naive guys taking all the western lies and so-called promises too seriously.

So not to become political, I just would like to say that you shouldn't take commentary from people who themselves are suffering from adolescent pains of friendship betrayals and blaming the entire race and culture of the one betraying them. And DO take into account real anthropological and social issues backing the actions of the people of Iran. And the people of Iran are not the lost second generation living in LA or San Francisco.

University of California,
Santa Barbara

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Oct 28, 1998

* Booy-e Gand-e Paa

When I first saw the title for the Book of the Week in The Iranian Times, -- Scent of Saffron -- I thought this must be another book on Iranian cooking. Then the full title sunk in "Scent of Saffron: Three Generations of an Iranian Family" I laughed so hard, I though I was going to have an accident.

I'm sure it is a fine a book, but the title could sure use a little help. What's next in this perpetual attempt to capitalize on the superficial understanding and appreciation for whatever deems to be ethnic?

I think I might write my own memoir about the intricate interplay of religion and the extended family in Iran. I will call it "Booy-e Gand-e Paa: How Religious Activity Works to Reinforce or Squander Family Ties.


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* What's happening in Chicago?

I have yet to see an event -- either cultural or political -- held in Chicago mentioned in the Community section of your magazine . For those of you subscribers who live near the Windy City, are there any Iranian organizations in Chicagoland that promote such events? Any information with regard to Iranian "kanoons" in or about Chicago is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Mehran Azhar

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Oct 27, 1998

* Why insist on being around Iroonies?

In respose to the articles by eRoTuS, Alex Bettesworth, and C. Mohammadi on Iranians:

After reading these articles and letters the one thing that struck me was just how generalized and shallow they are. And what confuses me is why on earth do these people insist on being around Iroonies if they dispise them as such.

I'm Iroonie, have lived both in Iran, Europe and have spent time in the U.S. I cannot for the life of me understand this intense hostility. We are humans, and like every other race on this planet have tall and short, fat and thin, pretty and ugly, rich and poor, and most importantly good and evil. Just like all other races.

Circumstances, political upheaval, forced geographical relocations, have admitidly changed our people, but so have many other nations been faced with similar, if not worse, historical/political upheavals in the past decade. I'm not sure if these changes are necessarily for the worse. For every LA nouveau riche tacky Iroonie, there are hundreds and hundreds of highly original minds, very exciting and innovative individuals, who are also a lot of fun to have around.

All I can say to those who are so quick to judge is expand your research before finding it in their right to criticize.

Nargess Shahmanesh

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Oct 26, 1998

* What do I do? I'm Italian

Let me start this with a joke I heard from an Iranian fellow named Tony (used car salesman, aka. mile clipper, he agrees with this one). Anyway they asked an Iranian guy what do you do for a living? He said "I'm an Italian!"

I don't know maybe it's only me, but I seem to be bothered by my fellow countrymen who have chosen Western names for themselves and worse for their children ["Why change a name?"]. It seems to happen more in the U.S., where I think Iranians have succeeded to loose more of their culture and "names". They seem to be very Iranian, eat chelo-kabab, go to Persian concerts, and drive BMWs (like myself!) but when you ask their name, you hear: "Tony".

What's worse is when they introduce themselves to other Iranians with names like, Gino, Giani, Sergio,.... I don't understand who came up with these names. Maybe we should look for the first Iranian guy who named himself Tony and give him the Iranian Tony Award.

I can't stop laughing about this Tony name. Is that because many Iranains think that we look alot like Italians? I have never met an Italian guy who calls himself Jamshid. I understand that Iranians are very good at adapting themselves to other cultures, but why change your name?

I happen to have an Arabic name just like many other Iranians, but I don't find it necessary to change my name to a Persian name or to a Western name for that matter. Shouldn't we just respect our parents for having named us or we should all go around calling ourselves Tony?

I have heard from Iranians these horror stories about the hardships that they had to go through during the hostage crisis in Iran. There are no more American hostages in Iran, so I suggest all of these Tonys use their real name.

It may not be so important to many people what your name is. If you want to be a successful businessman you don't have to change your name. Instead be honest with people. Sell good used cars; don't clip the miles. Keep your promises so you don't have to call yourself Tony. If an American girl in a bar is so stupid that she doesn't catch your beautiful Iranian accent, then just tell her that your name is Qoli and you are Italian!


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Oct 23, 1998

* Prediction

My ["Hororscope"] predictions are that the Iran will witness a revolution and Democracy will be instituted in Iran, and all religious leaders and officials will be exiled to the moon.

Jamsheed Tehrani

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Oct 22, 1998

* Glad I have American friends

I came to the U.S. when I was 14. We lived in New Jersey and I had limited contact with Iranians. I then went to college in Pittsburgh and rarely came home for six years, so that even lessened my contact with Iranians. After graduating I decided to move to Los Angeles since there were many Iraninans here, I thought I could then get more in touch with my culture. I regret that decision.

I don't know if it's the Iranians that I have met, but people that called me their "brother" ended up being the biggest backstabbing, "Khaleh Zanaks" I have ever met in my life. I have many American friends that I have known for over 15 years, and they are my true friends. We have had our share of arguments and disagreements, but we have resolved what ever it was, and have gone on, even if we had to agree to disagree on certain points.

Iranians have to prove their point to everyone, and if you don't agree with them, then they bad mouth you and make up what ever they need to in order to discredit you. Even my so called "brothers" have shown their true colors. For the past three years I have stuck up for Iranians when ever I heard anything bad. But now, I am extremely hurt and disappointed. Why do we put each other down? With as many of us that are here, I think that we would be able to help lift the whole Iranian population to new heights in any field.

Reading the letters that others have written, it seems that we are making excuses, by talking about what the Mongols and the Arabs and the Greeks did to us that makes us the way we are. What does that have to do with Iranians that have lived their whole lives here [in the U.S.]? I guess we Iranians need to blame someone else for our shortcomings. What pathetic, weak people, it makes me glad that I have good solid, true American friends that I can count on.


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Oct 21, 1998

* No mercy

Very sorry to see that following our mistake in exposing the emails of some of our subscribers yesterday, they have already been targets of spam:

I got these [promotional] emails from, and Ahmad Alizadeh International News and Broadcasting

I'm guessing that a lot of other people on your mailing list got them too. It might be a good idea to send them an email not to use our addresses any more. I'll do that myself too.

Zahra Mahloudji

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Oct 20, 1998

* Seduction, not rape

I don't think this [Iraj Mirza's poem on the chador] is about rape. This is about ignorance. She thought that nejaabat is the same as putting on the chador & roobandeh, even in the middle of fornication! I do agree that Iraj Mirza seduced her, but I don't see rape in the picture.


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Oct 19, 1998

* Another Shahanshah? No thank you.

[In response to Reza Velayati's letter, "Iran is dead":] No matter how horrible the current situation in Iran, dear monarchists, please stop dreaming about your old times and come out of your shells. Stop telling nice stories about the past. Many of us still remember it very well and don't want to experience another "glorious King of the Kings" again.

Mr. Velayati says: "We had everything before the revolution". I wonder why our monarhcists tend to close their eyes on the realities. As a matter of fact, I agree that we might not have achieved much from revolution, but "having everything" during Pahlavi?! Oh yes, we had many things. We had SAVAK, we had censorship, political prisoners too. The human right record of Pahlavi by no means was better than IRI.

I was a teenager at that time and well remember when my father, a young, innocent, absolutely non-political engineer was arrested by SAVAK only because a coworker of him, whom he barely knew, had been allegedly a member of an opposition group. All of their colleagues in the company, seven or eight engineers and technicians, all "disappeared" too. It took us a few days of horror and fear before we found out that my father and his colleagues had been actually taken by SAVAK, and a few weeks more until a member of the family, who was a colonel, did his best to release him. After that, there were several months of weekly reporting to SAVAK and not being able to leave the town, etc. He is not in favor of the Islamic government and in fact hates it, but by no means wants to see the monarchy back in Iran again.

Revolution in Iran against Pahlavi was indeed a popular rising at that time, and relating it to any "satanic alliance" between the U.S., Britain or the Soviet Union is just an ostrich-type excuse to cover the misbehavior of the former government and the dissatisfaction of the people. For me and many others like me, who had seen the nice and rather free days of the first year of the revolution, there is abosolutely no regret about overthrowing the monarchy, although we do miss that freedom and glory of the first year of the revolution, and our dream is to restore it.

But onsecond thought, perhaps this sentence is correct that Mr. Reza Velayati and his family had "everything before the revolution". Okay, you had your turn. It's now the turn of others, the majority, who were oppressed at that time and didn't enjoy the same benefits as your family!

K. Sani

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Oct 16, 1998

* Brilliant

[Regarding Laleh Khalili's article "Forgicing Salm and Tur"]

Refreshing; if not, brilliant.

Faryar Mansuri

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Oct 15, 1998

* Islamic school ad unjustified

I was rather disappointed to see the segregated Islamic school of New York advertised in your paper. How can one justify that, having seen so many people of one's country displaced by such an ideology which tends to be -- in its public and political form -- very destructive .

Those poets and writers whose words you use in your journal such as Kasraei and Parsipour deserve better and more support than the said school and its supporters . The existence of one has today led to the destruction of the other .


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Oct 14, 1998

* A forgotten human right

For some reason, your photos from hybrid Iranians [at Iranian-American street festivals in Washington and New York] reminded me of my great sorrow when I will finally have to leave the U.S. for Iran: I WILL NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO WEAR SHORTS IN PUBLIC.

What a pity! Don't you think so?


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Oct 13, 1998

* In honor of Sharekord

I notice that you put a name of an Iranian city as a part of the WEB address for the Times. Have you ever put "Shahrekord" there?

Shahrekord is the capital of Chahar Mahal Bakhtiari. I am originally a Bakhtiari and might send you some pictures from there soon. Thanks


REPLY: Your wish is my command! This week's Iranian city for the Times URL will be Shahrekord. jj

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Oct 12, 1998

* Magnificent article

I'd like to congratulate Ms Khalili for her magnificent article analyzing the elements of racism, xenophoebia, and ethnocentrism in Iranian culture ["Forgiving Salm and Tur"]. Keep them coming, Laleh!


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* Tell us more

[Regarding Manoucher Yektai:] Please tell us more about this wonderful Iranian painter .

Massey Alamdari

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Oct 9, 1998

* Useless Ankaboot

I used to keep a list of interesting Iranian web sites. Later on, I noticed your informative WebGuide and told myself there is no need to keep so many URL's on pieces of papers here and there.

Then for God knows what reason you decided to transfer your WebGuide section to! But sadly Ankaboo is so slow and useless and unreliable and intermittent and, in one world, crappy, that I decided to dig my old papers and find my favorit URL'S!


* Reply: We're good. We'll be even better

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Dear Hamid,

Thank you for contacting us regarding your opinions on Ankaboot. I'm sorry to hear that you feel Ankaboot is "slow and useless and unreliable and intermittent." Our plan for is to be the largest and best source for finding Iranian sites on the Net. In building our database we partnered with The Iranian and included their sites in our database.

Currently we have over 2,600 sites listed in our database. That is more than four times the size of The Iranian's former WebGuide links. We also searched throughout the Net and found thousands of other sites and included them as well. We appreciate our partnership with The Iranian and we feel that we are providing the users of The Iranian with a much better way to find sites.

Since the beginning of May 1998 when was launched our viewers have submitted hundreds of new sites to us. This is the first negative message we have received. Most of our viewers have been very supportive and encouraging.

We plan to release the new version of in the next few months. We hope you will try us again then and give us your feedback.

Karim Ardalan
MIS, Inc.

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Oct 8, 1998

* Not worth the time

Your web site has some interesting features and stories, but I find myself quickly moving away from the site in disgust every time a new browser window needlessly loads. I understand you are trying to turn as many pages/advertisements as possible, but after a while it gets to be too much!

For example: is it really necessary for me to have 10 browser windows open to look through the archived Photo of The Day? Also, should already registered users really need to load three introductory pages before getting to the main page?! It's like watching a 1/2-hour TV show with 20 minutes of commercials.

If you don't change your code to flow better, your site will not be worth the time it takes to browse, and soon your advertizers will see that you are "page stuffing."

Still, I find the site and its contents interesting enough to care and write to you about it, so it's on the right track. Some HTML work is needed though to make it an *enjoyable* site.

David Yaghoubian

REPLY: The new-browser commands have been removed from the links in the Photo of the Day archive and the registration page now links directly to the Today section. jj

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Oct 7, 1998

* Low-profile

As I am a new reader of Iranian Times I would like to know why the buisiness section is low profile and you can not find much up to date analysis of the relevant issues, even the $ rate given is not daily.

I am sure most Iranians in different parts of the world would like to know the up to date rate of exchange for the rial in different currencies.

Dr Hossein Saidpour
Bournemouth University
Bournemouth, UK

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Oct 6, 1998

* Concentrate on freedoms, not war

I think it is important to see the big picture before we enter a war game with Afghanistan. For the first time in our history, the constitution of Iran is legally forming. Although we have a long way to go, still people are demanding freedom and the rule of law. For a country like Iran this is definitely a first step. The impact of this trend in our society is not something to be ignored.

The road chosen by Afghanistan is their internal problems. If Pakistan is supporting the Afghans, let it be. Iran is not so developed to afford more political, social, and economical problems. We need to continue our movement for freedom of thought and speech and should not focus on the Afghan's problems. It is our problem when they threaten our national security, but in the long run the winner will be the most stable country, which we're on the path of accomplishing.

Any sudden action from Iran will result in fundamentalism to gain power in Iran.


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* In short...

[Regarding Laleh Khalili's "Absence"]


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Oct 5, 1998

* Islam = Reformed Manicheism

Excellent document ["Conspiracy theories and the Persian mind"]. conspiracy theories are characteristic of other Islamic countries and the Soviet Union because of Manichean influence. Communism is a form of Manicheism (thesis-antithesis, etc) and Islam itself is a reformed or one could say rectified kind of Manicheism. Islam takes many elements of Manicheism but instead of two abstract gods defined by their opposition makes them into one.

Traces of Manicheism in Islam is the theory of martyrs (like Mani they are alive and receive food from their Lord) all prophets from one source, the three groups of the Surat al-Waqiah etc, and of course the Zoroastrian elements point to Hira, the stopping place on the way from Mecca to Ctesiphon as the place where Manicheism entered and was then transformed within the person of Mohammad.

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* Mohammad Basirian: "Soldier of Human Dignity"

If a government, through its higher education system, tries to train a generation of young graduates whose main goal is to consolidate the foundation bricks of the existing regime by approving and possibly applauding all its policies, such a system is indeed digging its own grave. Such a regime will be a dead one sooner or later. In order to live, to meet the challenge of our world which its only constant phenomenon is perhaps "change" itself, a higher education system should rather ignite a critical approach within the younger generation. An approach looking for changing the status quo towards ideals rather than guarding it.

An old lady, a sculptor, a playwright and a philosopher who lectured during our commencement ceremony put this idea under the beautiful title of "Raise a rainbow." When the big heart of my teacher and friend, Mohammad Basirian, stopped on that fifth day of October in 1988, several generations of graduates from University of Tehran lost a genuine, humble, restless patron of human dignity.

Although his official assignment was "Specialty English Course Professor," all his students would agree that he was indeed teaching "how to learn." He was indeed trying to ignite a passion for learning, a critical view towards the status quo. He would shout at a student, he would argue with the bureaucrats, the ones who were taking the safe side of the mighty rulers. He was the one who would act sometimes with brutality with those students who had chosen the easy way by adhering to the existing norms and codes of power.

Years later, after Islamic Revolution, during the Iraqi invasion days, when the very young revolutionary guards (Pasdars) would block the streets and stop the cars and search the trunks and ask meaningless questions, it was he who would shout at them furiously and tell them your enemy is the one who is penetrating your capital city and bombing it every night, not the girls and boys and families traveling in the cars which you stop.

Ten years have passed since the day his heart stopped. He was in his early fifties. When I look back, I realize that he was one of those rare people who tried to take his students to the peaks of life and tried to teach them how to look at life from the top. To ignore the minor differences and tolerate different attitudes; to look at life to see how you can change it. He tried to teach passion for learning.

If there are some of the several generations of his students who happen to read this memorabilia, the graduates of University of Tehran's different faculties during early 1970s, they would agree with me that it would be fair to call him "The Unknown Soldier of Human Dignity. "

Parviz Forghani

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Oct 2, 1998

* Bitter truth

I believe Ms. Khalili in her recent article "Forgiving Salm and Tur" has been extremely courageous and honest about our national psyche regarding race issues.

At the risk of being unpopular, I have always said that a lot of us Iranians are as racist as the KKK. How many times have you heard your fellow Iranians refer to Blacks as "those damn Barzangis" or call Mexicans some other demeaning names?

How many times have you heard Iranians living in Iran tell you horror stories about poor Afghan refugees, calling them thieves and savages (just like Anglo-Americans who blame all their social ills on smelly foreigners)? At the same time I have heard Blacks, Hispanics, and Arabs make racial remarks about other races and nationalities.

The reason is simple; they all suffer from the same illness that we've been afflicted with, and that is that their national ego or pride has been demolished by outside forces throughout history. Hispanics and Blacks, through the media, have been represented as a class of minimum-wage workers or crack-selling criminals. Just like us Iranians, they have been humiliated. They compensate for it by feeling superior and putting other races down.

Laleh's most correct and profound statement was "We, the diasporan Iranians, draw lines of segregation along class lines as frequently or more often than we do along color lines." Couldn't have said it better myself.

Laleh has held up a mirror to us, showing us the bitter truth about our national character. Just like any ugly image in a mirror, the reflection may be painful to look at, but it is still true.

Farhad Homayounpour

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* Our own Taliban

The continuation of presecution of religious minorities or any minorities in Iran goes to show, we have our own Talibans, but we call them...!

S. Sohrab

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* Sweet memories

Thank you Mr. Kasraian ["Envy": Photos from Turkman Sahra]. I am a Turkman from Gonbad-a-Kavous and certainly appreciate your pictures a great deal. It brought sweet memories from the distance past. Thanks again...

Nader Ghoujeghi

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Oct 1, 1998

* No talk of Persian supremacy before Islam

In our own history, you never come across a reference to the term "Persian," a term you have used repeatedly in your article ["Forgiving Salm and Tur"]. "Iran" and "Aniran" ( i.e., non-Iranian) are terms used in the pre-Islamic era, when there is no talk of the supremacy of Persians (people who live in Fars and in general mainland Iran) over other ethnic groups living on the fringes of the Iranian plateau.

After Islam, for hundreds of years, we did not have an entity called Iran. The Persian language carried the burden of "cultural unification." As a matter of fact, what we call the Persian language, has its origin in the Khorasani accent of the old Pahlavi language which spread from northeastern Iran.

Your refere to the Persian language as if it is a legacy of the people of Fars. This is wrong. In the vacuum created after Islam, the Dari variation of Farsi -- an Indo-Iranian language -- became a good and natural alternative to Arabic. The Pahlavi language of Fars perished and Dari from Khorasan replaced it. Farsi belongs to all Iranians.

I do not disagree with you on all the points you have discussed in your article but then again, do not categorize all iranians as people with a sense of supremacy towards all third world people and an inferiority complex towards the first worlders, or as people who do not want their children to marry Blacks, etc. People are different in all societies.

Kaveh Ghayour

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* Change will elevate our culture

Laleh Khalili's article ["Forgiving Salm and Tur"] was magnificent- Baa-RE-Ka-Laa!

Unfortunately, so many of us (Persians) know that this (superiority) mentality exists BUT the real challenge is what we can and should do in order to take our culture and people to the next level of co-existence in Iran and abroad.

We are very perceptive and aware of the world around us. However, the breaking point comes when we must step out and make changes -- we are filled with fear -- fear that is tainted by not being accepted by our cultural norms, our families and communities.

Some feel that change would harm the authentic nature of culture, that changing cultural attitudes and norms will water down Persian Culture. FALSE. If anything, change will elevate our culture and people.

I continuously challenge my fears and never fall victim to it. I challenge all to live outside of the realm of fear.

Maryam Ovissi

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Sept 30, 1998

* I love aviation

I just visited your Iran Air info site. I love aviation and especially civil aviation, your update was just the info. I needed to know about the airline situation in Iran.

I have left home and have not been back since 1986, and my last Iran Air flight was with a B747-200 (Kurdestan) from Tehran to Istanbul!

Reza Bostani

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* Shouldn't help Clinton

I don't think there should be any donations from Iranians to Clinton or any Americans. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against them, but they see Iranians, and especially Muslims, as terrorists or as people who are up to no good, which is not true at all. My opinion!

Amir Johnson

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Sept 29, 1998

* Brazen anti-Semitism

Though I appreciate Ali's passion for his cause ["Such hypocricy"), we certainly could have done without the unnecessary profanity. I am even less appreciative of the brazen anti-Semitism in his last sentence which is so common and still, in 1998, expressed so readily and unashamedly by many of our countrymen.


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* You should go to Iran

I enjoyed very much reading your article ["American, Iranian too"]. This is the second time that I read it. Both times I was very moved seeing a girl who has never ctually been to Iran, researching to find all the reasons behind every cultural thing. It's wonderful.

I on the other hand am half Iraninan and half American. My father came to the U.S. to study, met my mother, they moved to Iran. My sister and I both were born there. I lived there for 10 years (I am 21 now).

I went to visit two years ago; it was amazing, exciting and interesting. If you ever get a chance to go, you should. Again, I enjoyed your article very much.

Jessica Asgari
Louisville, KY

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Sept 28, 1998

* Ghosseh nakhor azeezam...

The proverb in your quote of the day on Friday, Sept 25, "khoshaa aan keh khar aamad-o gaav raft" (happy he/she who was born an ass and died a cow: The more stupid the happier), reminded me of the following poem by someone whose name I have forgotten:

Del- aazaadeh-am oftaadeh dar daam-e pashimaani,
pashimaanam vali soodi nadaarad in pashimaani.

Dar dowraan-e javaani laafeh daanaaee zadam, ammaa,
beh peeri mizanam bar baameh daanesh koose naadaani.

Gomaan bordam fzuntar shavad har rooz aagaahi,
nadaanestam keh aagaahi bovad aaghazeh hyraani.


ghosseh nakhor azeezam keh zendegi doh roozeh...

If anyone knows the name of the poet, please let me know.


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* Opponents of reconciliation

In light of the ongoing anti-Iranian sentiments expressed by the U.S. congress it would be beneficial for your readers to get relevant information regarding the political interest groups opposing any improvement in the U.S.-Iran relations on Capitol Hill. Providing a link in your web site to the American Israeli Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC) at should provide a sobering experience for your readers.

Hormoz Ameri

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