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Muzzling the reformers' voice

The Economist
April 19, 2000


A BOLD press has, for some time, disguised the powerlessness of Iran's reform movement. Liberal journalists have slammed into everything and everybody, from the intelligence service to a former president to senior ayatollahs. But this week the conservative establishment muzzled the flamboyant press, sucking out the breath of reform. By April 27th, no fewer than 16 newspapers and journals had been shut down by hardliners in the judiciary, leaving the news-stands bare of all such trouble-makers.

The newspapers are accused of "disparaging Islam and the religious elements of the Islamic Revolution". This has become the all-purpose charge against any person or institution deemed to threaten the system. The closures cannot usefully be challenged; the same hardline ideologues who issued the order also dominate the appellate courts. The conservatives have always had the power to silence the voice of reform. The question was not whether they would use this power, but when. The February election, at which pro-reform candidates captured a plurality of seats in the 290-member parliament, seems to have been the deciding moment.

On April 20th, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, gave the hardliners their green light. Some reformist newspapers, he declared, had become "bases of the enemy". This enemy, he said, was the United States, and he specified that 10-15 publications were responsible for the treachery. Most Iranians brushed off this speech as the usual stuff, typically peppered with references to journalists as "mercenary pen-pushers". But newspaper editors took the ayatollah's remarks as their death warrant.

Several prominent journalists are now behind bars. Akbar Ganji, Iran's most outspoken commentator, was imprisoned on April 22nd, in advance of his trial on charges that he had defamed the security forces in a series of articles that accused senior intelligence officials of plotting to kill secular intellectuals. Mashallah Shamsolvaezin, the dean of the reformist press, had been jailed a few days earlier on the familiar charge of insulting Islamic values.

The morning the presses stopped, pro-reform editors huddled inside their empty offices, trying to plot their comeback. Ataollah Mohajerani, the minister in charge of press matters, spoke words of defiance: "If my ministry is going to be used as a tool for closing newspapers, I will quit."

But, despite rebellious appearances, the reformers have lost this important round in the struggle for change. Making matters worse, they had started, before the shutdown, to turn on one another. Mr Ganji had been criticised by his allies for going too far, crossing what Iranians call the "red lines", the limits to free expression that both sides understand but never define.

While this drama was being played out, President Muhammad Khatami, still the presumed leader of the reform movement, remained hidden behind the scenes. He delivered one tough speech in which he vowed the reforms would continue. But, in effect, he disappeared from public view. Informed sources say that the elite Revolutionary Guards recently held a meeting to map out a strategy for pushing him out of office.

The crackdown on the press may, indeed, have punctured the president and his supporters. Long before he was elected three years ago, he used the nascent reformist press to propagate his ideas. In the early 1980s, he was appointed minister of Islamic guidance and culture, holding the job for 11 years until he was forced out by conservatives who thought he had given too much freedom to the press and the arts. His allies then started Salam, a newspaper that, for a time, was Iran's symbol of free expression. When Salam was closed last July, it led to six days of unrest, with students calling bravely for more freedom and more democracy.

Peaceful protests were held at mid-week in several big cities, after people learnt of the closures. But the outcry was unlike the rage of last July. Everyone from students to editors wanted to keep the volume low. They knew from experience that a noisy demonstration would provoke the Islamic militia to take the law into its own hands, a move certain to lead to the reformers' downfall. Even so, the eerie silence may have signalled that the reformers were sliding backwards, perhaps even into oblivion.


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