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He's back: Nixon tapes offer insights on Shah

By James Warren
Chicago Tribune
July 9, 2000

Upon his death in 1980, the shah of Iran was termed "the bloodsucker of the century" by the magnanimous souls who had taken over government radio in Tehran.

As previously undisclosed Oval Office conversations of Richard Nixon remind, he was very much our bloodsucker.

After a long layoff and prodded by Nixon-obsessed readers, I spurned the inspirations of presidential politics and middle-manager tasks such as personnel reviews, and I returned to the National Archives for a few salutary hours.

There I listened to a tape providing not just insight into Nixon's view of the shah as a benign despot, but unvarnished takes on governments worldwide, including a depressing, typical spasm of bigotry about Africa.

"But those Africans, you know, are only 50 to 75 years from out of the trees, some of 'em," Nixon declares in a conversation that the National Security Archive, a Washington group with no relationship to the government archive, tipped me to.

The Oval Office musings came on April 8, 1971, mostly between Nixon and Douglas MacArthur II, a nephew of the legendary general who was a career foreign service officer then serving as ambassador to Iran (where he escaped an attempted kidnapping). In addition, Alexander Haig, an assistant to National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, sat in and made a few innocuous remarks.

The conversation is among 445 hours of mostly Oval Office tapes spanning a brief period in 1971, released last October. There are 2,000 hours yet to come, with several hundred hours ready for release in October.

The 445 hours unloaded at the National Archives in College Park, Md., have generated scant publicity since their formal release because they are often a pain to listen to and there are no transcripts for most. As in days past, I was greeted as a long-lost friend by the librarians, who don't get much Nixon business.

The session began with MacArthur flattery. "You were terrific on television last night," he says. Nixon's gracious response? "Move your chair a little bit, more around here" (closer to the recorders?).

"Your friend, the shah, is hoping very much that you will be getting over this year," says MacArthur, prompting a back-and-forth on logistics of a trip, with Nixon displaying his fetish for secrecy and not wanting to tell the State Department, lest it devise reasons for him not to go.

Nixon would not want to arrive via any nearby nations, not "chopper around through some of those damn African countries. You know, you've got, some of those if you'd ever start in Central Africa, you're murdered. Northern Africa, the only place I'd really want to go is Morocco."

The British are soon moving their military presence out of the Persian Gulf (mostly in Saudi Arabia), says MacArthur, prompting consideration of how the shah will cope.

"He runs a damn tight shop, right?" says Nixon of a man who would be driven out of his nation eight years later, winding up in five nations before dying a king without his throne in Egypt.

"He does," responds the ambassador.

"And can these guys, they can probably fight pretty good if they have to?" wonders Nixon.

MacArthur, clearly cozy with the shah, does more apple-polishing, declaring that the shah "said something seriously extraordinary. He told me, `I've got a very good relationship with him [Nixon],' he said, `He talks quite frankly,' and he said, `You know, I admire your president. He understands the international world, and this part of the world, particularly, much better than either of his predecessors. They really didn't understand the Middle East thing at all, with all its complexities.'"

As the conversation continues, one gets a full sense of Nixon's at times bloodless world view, which includes correct suspicions that the iron-fisted shah faces long-term domestic problems and may be biting off more than he can chew in requests for U.S. military aid.

Nixon: "Well, the point is that, we, getting back to your point is, I guess you're right, Iran 's the only thing there. The Philippines is a can of worms, as you know. Taiwan, curiously enough, is a pretty strong little place, but it lives in sufferance [of China, presumably]. Malaysia and Singapore are at each other's throats. [Singapore Prime Minister] Lee Kuan Yew, the socialist, being probably the ablest leader in the region. The Indonesians are beginning to come back, but they're 20 years away."

Nixon exhibits qualms about Iran but says:

"It's one friend there. Iran is not of either world, really [Christian or Arab?]. By God, if we can go with them, if we can have them strong, and they're in the center of it, and a friend of the United States, uh, I couldn't agree more, 'cause you look around there, it's [Gen. George] Patton who said, `Who else do we have, except for Europe?'

"The southern Mediterranean is all gone. [Morocco's King] Hassan will be there, he's a nice fellow, but Morocco, Christ, they can't last. Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, uh, Algeria, Sudan, naturally, the UAR [Egypt], all those little miserable countries around Jordan, and Lebanon, the rest, they're like, they'd go down like tenpins, just like that."

In light of the upcoming Middle East summit at Camp David, arranged by President Clinton, Nixon's next remarks about Israel are interesting.

"Some of 'em [countries in the region] would like to be our friends, but, central to every one of those countries, even as far out as Morocco, is the fact that the United States is allied with Israel. And because we are allied with Israel, we are their enemy, that's what it is. Now this doesn't mean that we throw Israel down the drain, because that would play into the Soviet hands, too, but it does mean that, right now, we're in a hell of a difficult spot, because, because our Israeli tie makes us unpalatable to everybody in the Arab world, doesn't it?"

As MacArthur sounds like a shah apologist, Nixon questions him about certain assertions, notably a supposed turnaround of the long oil-dominated economy. What's the deal with diversification, with manufacturing and agriculture?

He lauds the shah for "his ability to run basically, let's face it, a virtual dictatorship in a benign way because, ah, look, when you talk about having a democracy of our type in that part of the world, God, it wouldn't work, would it?"

Cold, but perhaps true, prompting a quickie world tour of politics, starting with Africa.

"Let's look at Africa, generally. This country [ Iran ] at least has got some degree of civilization in its history, but those Africans, you know, are only about 50 to 75 years from out of the trees, some of 'em. But did you know, in all of Africa, of all those new countries, there is not one country [raps his desk top] that has a so- called parliamentary democracy [raps table] that meets even the standards that we would happily insist on for Vietnam? Happily!"

Nixon sneers at those who might dump on a Brazilian official coming to town by noting that his is not a constitutional democracy. "What the hell is in Latin America?" he asks rhetorically, proceeding to bash Colombia ("they trade parties each four years"), Mexico ("a one-party system"), Venezuela ("chaos"), and Argentina ("a tragedy, a tragedy, the problem is that son of a bitch Peron").

Then comes this bit of realpolitik, for which Nixon bashers might not give him credit.

"But you see, I think, the significant thing is, I don't think there's any question of, we've just got to be, not tolerant, not tolerant of violation of principles that we feel and believe in very deeply, not supporting the idea that there ought to be a dictatorship to replace democracy or some sort of thing, not saying that dictatorship of the left is wrong but that dictatorship of the right is right [weirdly, a military band can be heard playing outside] but, having in mind one solemn fact: That people in the world are in different states of development and they are different, and that each needs a system that fits its own.

"Japan, for example--sure they have elections and all that sort of thing, but you know damn well that a business oligarchy runs Japan. Right? You were there, huh [as ambassador]? And it's the way it has to be!"

James Warren and Michael Tackett of the Tribune's Washington bureau are hosts of "Unconventional Wisdom" at 7:05 p.m. Sunday on WGN-AM 720.


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