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In defense of the Persian Watch Cat

By Nazila Ghazi-Mahdavi
February 13, 2001
The Iranian

Let me be honest: I love you all. Anyway, I have an article for you. I am a software designer in Westchester County. This is the first time I am writing for you. But I have written quite a lot for womens magazines. Anyway, please consider my article.

Suggested Title: "Accidental Individual"

I am one of the sincere admirers of Mr. Jahanshah Javid and have been following the recent debate initiated by Mr. Mirfenderski's provocative writings very closely ["Power of one", "Face in the mirror"].

I was appalled by Mr. Mirfendereski's articles and three recent letters in The Iranian ["Setting a bad example"] defending his ideas and bashing newly-formed Iranian American organizations. I am not happy with Dr. Karimi's article either ["Persian Watch Dog"] but I think he wanted to express his frustration in form of a sad joke.

Anyway, the way I understand Dr. Karimi's article is that our country, Iran, is run by corrupted people, the IRI hard-liners; yet they managed to continue their dominance for over 20 years only because the alternative, being egoistic intellectuals such as Mr. Mirfendereski, is even worse.

If Mr. Mirfendereski really believes that "Iranians" are not capable of organization and cooperation, then why does he care to write to "Iranians"? If Mr. Mirfendereski describes our opposition against Senator Feinstein with terms such as "anti-Semitism" and "anti-Americanism" and defends the anti-Iranian Senator Feinstein who calls me and other Iranian students "potential terrorists", then why does he care for "Iranians" who, in his opinion, are inherently anti-Semitic since they opposed Senator Feinstein?

I am a member of both Iranians for International Cooperation (IIC) and Persian Watch Cat (PWC). Anyway, I am proud to be in these two great organizations. These people have initiated what we have been lacking for two decades: Iranian American lobby group (IIC) and Iranian American Anti-Discrimination group (PWC). They are hardworking people with no desire to be admired or appreciated. They work hard.

But those who never bothered even writing a simple petition against Senators Feinstein and D'Amato and yet claim to be the "intellectual leaders" of Iranian Americans, are now outraged since the newly formed organizations such as IIC and PWC can now do what these "intellectual leaders" failed to do for more than 20 years: Defending our rights in the U.S.

Those who just "talk" and never "act" may care to tell us what they have done for the people. Have you issued a petition? Have you gone to Washington, DC, to speak with your congressmen about the rights of Iranians in the U.S.?

Anyway these two groups have done what they can do. A word of appreciation and "Khasteh Nabashid" would be nicer than following a self-centered professor such as Guive Mirfendereski whose anti-Iranian ideas are outrageous. A man who calls his own countrymen "anti-Semitic".

Anyway, a man who believes "the power of one" is more than "the power of many" is fundamentally against the very existence of our whole nation. A man who calls Iran "an accidental country" is insulting his own existence, since he is "an "accidental individual" as per his own definition.

Anyway, Mr. Mirfendereski's opinion that "Iranians cannot work with each other and cannot form organizations" is one of the most insulting statements that an Iranian may express about his own countrymen. Perhaps Mr. Guive Mirfendereski is unpleased because these two very successful organizations (IIC and PWC) have been formed in the recent years in spite of his prophesies that "Iranian are incapable of cooperation".

If so, then shame on Mr. Mirfendereski and his reactionary followers. Those who adore Mr. Mirfendereski and his intimidating ideology about Iranians may one day reconsider and realize whom they were following: A nihilistic man who cannot see that his countrymen are capable of union. A pessimistic man who do more harm and destruction than assistance and cooperation.

Anyway, I want to thank IIC and PWC one more time for what they have been doing. Khasteh Nabashid.

Comment for The Iranian letters section
Comment for the writer Nazila Ghazi

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