
* Shah
on the run...
The Shah
* Shah
on the run...
* The
Shah & Jimmy Carter
Cartoon by Iraj Zare'
* Human
Rights in Pahlavi era
Cartoon by Iraj Zare'
* The
Shah & the poor
Cartoon by Iraj Zare'
* The
Shah & economic prosperity
Cartoon by Iraj Zare'
* Shah's
imminent downfall
Illustration in Time magazine
* The
King Went
Illustration by Ardeshir Mohassess
* The
Revolution: First year
Cartoon by unknown cartoonist
* The
savior arrives
Cartoon by Ali Divandari
* Revolutions:
Past & present
Cartoon from Ahangar
* Iranian
Cartoons from the journalists syndicate
* Martial
law & the press
Illustration by Ardeshir Mohassess
* The
Illustration by Ardeshir Mohassess
* Change
of Power
Illustration by Ardeshir Mohassess
* The
magician of the revolution
Cartoon from Molla Nasreddin
* Thugs
Cartoon from Molla Nasreddin
Islamic Republic
* After
the revolution
Painting on the cover of Tehran Mosavvar
* In
the Spring of Freedom?
Cartoon on the cover of Tehran Mosavvar
* Fascism
Cartoon by Dariush Radpour
* Freedom
of thought
Cartoon by Dariush Radpour
* Majority
& minority
Cartoon in Asghar Agha
* Ayatollah
Khomeini & women
Cartoon in Time magazine
* Ayatollah
Khomeini & anarchy
Cartoon in U.S. News & World Report |