Eifel Tower Green Scroll



"بلندترین تومار پارچه ای جهان را می سازیم تا به دنیا بگوییم که : "احمدی نژاد رییس جمهور ایران نیست"

با سپاس از دوست نازنین ناشناسی که این پوستر را درست کرد.

در روزهای 10 تا 12جولای (ژوییه) ، از ساعت 5 تا 8 بعد ازظهر در تمام نقاط دنیا در محل های مناسب ، پارچه ای با رنگ سبز می آویزیم و از ایرانی ها امضا جمع کنیم که " احمدی نژاد ، رییس جمهور ایران نیست." سپس همه پارچه ها را به محلی که در روز آخر امضا گیری اعلام می شود ، ارسال می کنیم تا به هم دوخته شود . سپس از رسانه های بین المللی و نیز موسسه رکورد گینس دعوت کنیم و تومار را از یکی از ساختمان های بلند و مشهور دنیا نظیر برج ایفل یا برج تورنتو می آویزیم ، و سپس برای ثبت در تاریخ ، به موزه سازمان ملل متحد می فرستیم.

1- این کار ، احمدی نژاد را به عنوان منفور ترین رییس جمهور وارد کتاب رکورد خواهد کرد.

2- تمام دنیا را با این جمله "احمدی نژاد ، رییس جمهور ایران نیست" ، آشنا خواهد کرد

3- این کار که قبل از مراسم سوگند خوردن انجام می شود ، این مراسم را از آنچه که هست هم ننگ آلود تر خواهد کرد.

4- سبب می شود دولتهای خارجی در به رسمیت شناختن این دولت تعلل کنند.

5- اتحاد ایرانیان خارج از کشور را نشان خواهد داد.

6- به مردم داخل قوت قلب می دهد که هزینه هایی که داده اند بیهوده نبوده و اقلا باعث وحدت عمل خارج نشینان شده.

7- اگر خوب کار شود ، صف های طویلی برای امضای این تومار تشکیل خواهد شد که انعکاس بین المللی خواهد یافت.

... و حسن های دیگری که حتما به ذهن شما خطور خواهد کرد

We will make the world longest petition scroll to say: "Ahmadi Nejad is not IRAN's President
On July 10 to July 12 from 5-8 PM, in suitable locations all around the world we will sign the petition that “Ahmadinejad is not Iran’s president” – by signing on a specified green fabric. We’ll send all these pieces to a place, announced on July 12, to be sewed together. Then we will invite media and Guinness people to see it when it is hung from an iconic building such as Eiffel Tower or CN Tower.Later, we’ll send the fabric to the United Nations to be stored in the museum.

We are hoping to achieve the following:

1. Ahmadinejad will be recorded in the history books as one of the most loathed presidents
2. The world will hear the message “Ahmadinejad is not Iran’s president”
3. This will happen before A.N. inauguration and will make it even more ridiculous than it is now
4.Encourage the foreign powers not to recognize the selected president
5. Show the unity between Iranians outside of Iran
6. Show support to the Iranians inside Iran and ensure them that they are not alone in their struggle.
7. If we can organize long lines to sign this petition, this will bring a lot of media attention.
... And countless other benefits that you can come up with…


07/04/2009 - 15:04



by ELHAM (not verified) on

It has been started. Check the site below:


جناب کارآگاه شرلوک هلمز !




  از وجناتت پیدا بود که تو با هوش تریت آدم این سایت هستی! کشف کردی که این عکس واقعی نیست! مچ گرفتی بابا! دمت گرم......(-:

کی و کجا گفت این عکس واقعیه؟ این قسمت مطلب رو  نخوندی کارآگاه؟ « با سپاس از دوست ناشناسی که این پوستر رو تهیه کرد »

 بیاین  روزهای دهم و یازدهم جولای (پنج روز دیگه !!) اینکار رو انجام بدیم و بعد اون رو بفرستیم از یکجا آویزون بشه.......مثلأ اینجوری...........

و تو تنها کسی بودی که کشف کردی که این «ممکنه» کار  فتوشاپ باشه!


Why this does not look real to me? Was photo shop used?

by gol-dust on

Am I the only who is questioning the authenthitity of the photo? The curves look too neat and proportional. On one side it is going totally vertical and on the other side it is flying 90 degrees to the tower! Sorry, It is my photographer & engineer mind that is too suspicious. Sorry it is hard for me to buy this! I hope I am wrong. Please convince me!

If it were true would be great! I really am not too convinced to have a movement based on one person who is seyyed and we want to separate the religion from the state! after all, we are green, white and red and that cannot change!

what would you do if he is no longer there? I don't like to idelize one person who is better than IRI, but he still hangs KHOMEINI's photo in his office and is not too disconnected from them! I could see at the beginning, but we need more than that. he doesn't have much balls!


to whom should we send these

by shaparak (not verified) on

to whom should we send these green fabrics? this is not clear at all.


To: Simin Khanumn

by Elham (not verified) on

To: Simin Khanumn

Have not you heard: “Ya Hossein, Mi Hossein” chanting by millions of people in Iran? Mosuavi , is elected president. People in the street do not follow any orders of yours, or any organization. They are defending their right to choose and they have chosen Mosuavi and he is standing by them, at least until now.


simin khanumn & Anonymouspb

by Anonymous232323 (not verified) on

stop with your nonsense. this is not your fight. you probably did not even vote for any of these candidates. sit down and support the people who are actually fighting inside Iran. they want their votes counted. they dont want regime change.


Not green

by simin khanumn (not verified) on

itis a good idea but i agree with the first person, we don't need green, sinstead we shoud have green, white and red with shir o khorshid in the middle and remeber as the student said " Mousavi bahaanas, koll e regime neshaanast!


NO to IRI all to geather

by Anonymouspb (not verified) on

We should NOT acknowledge any elements of Islamic Republic. Our children used Mousavi excuse, to say big NO to Islamic Republic and Death to Islamic Republic with all means. Stop legitimizing The Islamic Republic Government...

Darius Kadivar

Cool ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Great Initiative. Just Note that Eiffel Tower Get's 2 F's

Also why not do this on the Statue of Liberty too:

Statue of Liberty crown reopens after 8 years
