Ayatollah Einstein

جهان نيوز: آلبرت اینشتین در رساله­ی پایانی عمر خود با عنوان : دی ارکلرونگ"، یعنی : بیانیه" ، که در سال 1954 ( =1333ش ) آن را در آمریکا و به آلمانی نوشته است اسلام را بر تمامی ادیان جهان ترجیح می­دهد و آن را کامل­ترین و معقول­ترین دین می­داند. این رساله در حقیقت همان نامه نگاری محرمانه­ی اینشتین با آیت­الله العظمی بروجردی (فوت 1340 ش = 1961 م) است که توسط مترجمین برگزیده­ی شاه ایران و به صورت محرمانه صورت پذیرفته است. به گزارش سرویس فرهنگی جهان جهان اینشتین در این رساله "نظریه نسبیت" خو درا با آیاتی از قرآن کریم و احادیثی از نهج ­البلاغه و بیش از همه بحارالانوار علامه­ مجلسی (که از عربی به انگلیسی و ... توسط حمیدرضا پهلوی (فوت 1371 ش) و ... ترجمه و تحت نظر آیت الله بروجردی شرح می­شده تطبیق داده و نوشته که هیچ جا در هیچ مذهبی چنین احادیث پر مغزی یافت نمی­شود و تنها این مذهب شیعه است که احادیث پیشوایان آن نظریه پیچیده "نسبیت" را ارائه داده ولی اکثر دانشمندان نفهمیده ­اند. از آن جمله حدیثی است که علامه مجلسی در مورد معراج جسمانی رسول اکرم (ص) نقل می­کند که : هنگام برخاستن از زمین دامن یا پای مبارک پیامبر به ظرف آبی می­خورد و آن ظرف واژگون می­شود. اما بعد از این که پیامبر اکرم (ص) از معراج جسمانی باز می­گردند مشاهده می­کنند که پس از گذشت این همه زمان هنوز آب آن ظرف در حال ریختن روی زمین است ... اینشتین این حدیث را از گرانبهاترین بیانات علمی پیشوایان شیعه در زمینه ­ی "انبساط و نسبیت زمان" دانسته و شرح فیزیکی مفصلی بر آن می­نویسد>>>
05/28/2010 - 14:15


that this will be very

by benross on

that this will be very popular, because it's so easy to understand.

What a pretentious little creature you are.


I expect

by Marjaneh on

that this will be very popular, because it's so easy to understand.

Every fascism is an index of a failed revolution - Walter Benjamin


word of advice for sheeps

by Darveesh on

"In order to form an immaculate member of a flock of sheep one must, above all, be a sheep." A.E.

congrats  you people have achieved it.


Lovely job

by divaneh on

Well done Red Wine Jaan. It seems that Freud also was led to his evolution theory and the claim that humans are descendants of monkeys by observing the Ayattollahs and their copycat followers.


پاسخ جالب آلبرت انيشتين به مريلين مونرو


مي گويند "مريلين مونرو " يك وقتي نامه اي نوشت به " البرت اينشتين " كه فكرش را بكن كه اگر من و تو ازدواج كنيم بچه ها يمان با زيبايي من و هوش و نبوغ تو چه محشري مي شوند !

اقاي " اينشتين " هم نوشت :
ممنون از اين همه لطف و دست و دلبازي خانم .واقعا هم كه چه غوغايي مي شود !
ولي اين يك روي سكه است .
فكرش را بكنيد كه اگر قضيه بر عكس شود چه رسوايي بزرگي بر پا مي شود !


Einstien married his cousin

by Iraniandudee3 on

Yep, sounds like an akhoond to me.


I had read that Einstein (one stone) was a sufi!

by obama on

Wasn't he?


e=mc2 & Ghamar e Bani Hashem both are Islamic discoveries!

by Khar on

I should have known.


Shazde Asdola Mirza

Ari jan: Ma Kheli Mokh-Less im ...

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Thanks for the thoughtful translation ;-)

Ari Siletz

LOL Shazdeh

by Ari Siletz on



For non-Farsi readers :"Albertollah"

Ari Siletz

Octaby 12 points!

by Ari Siletz on

Smart estimate. For nitpickers:   287000 km/sec


Extra point for commenting on launch date.



by Rea on

Wish could read the text, too.

Hélas, it's IC.  ;o)

Shazde Asdola Mirza

شراب سرخ عزیز

Shazde Asdola Mirza

خیلی‌ با مزه بود.

خداییش، این آلبرتالله رو مثل مرحوم بروجردی درست کردی!

یه شیشه خللر شیراز طلبت.

خلفای راشدین

Brother Einstein

by خلفای راشدین on

What else can I say? What else can I do?

Disclaimer: I found the linked blog, which seems to be coming from Europe, worthy of reading, and that's all!!


Ari, for Q1 they have to be moving at or close to speed of light

by oktaby on

also known at shi'tspeed, else time dilation won't apply. However, one calculation puts IRR spaceship Antarprize at around 204,000 Km/s

2-God's hang out is roughly around 9.46Trx1360 or  (9.4605284 × 10 12 )  X 1360 kilometers away 

I assumed same reference frame and return to earth among others and discounted that 'simultaneity' is a big question mark at light speed; but then again relativity is not my specialty.

I would like to add that I noticed the problem statement had something that deserves additional extra point whether you intended it as a subtle trick or not: The country taking off under this scenario can be IRRistan not Iran. Iranians would be aiming towards Ahuramazda not the vengeful allah.


Genghis Khan

For the price of a tipped over jug. Not a bad (Jewish) deal...

by Genghis Khan on

Beautiful graphical work, as usual.

In case there is any credibility attached to the source:

What does a  genius Jew [who In a letter to philosopher Erik Gutkind, remarked, "The word
God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human
weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely
primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish", and is a socialist Zionist, who supports the creation of a Jewish homeland in the British mandate of Palestine] do, in order to secure the safety of the biggest Jewish community in the region?

Wooing the Ayatollah, of course.


If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.


Who is Einstein?

by Darveesh on



انشتن طرفدار ِ پنج تن


Very nice work Red Wine!

He looks like Ayatollah Sistani.



by Majid on



اون موقعی که این فرمایشات گوهَ ر  بار را میفرمود از فرط پیری دیگه اینشتین نبود، اَ....ش تنگ بود!

میخواست به انکر و منکر کلک رشتی بزنه!


can't read the text, but love

by humanbeing on

the graphics!

Ari Siletz

Physics 101 quiz, 10+1 points

by Ari Siletz on

According to Ayatollah Einstein, on a there-and-back trip a believer will experience less time than the faithful staying at home. So the traveller returns home having aged fewer years than those who stayed behind.  With long trips at fast speeds the believer could come home after centuries, having aged only a few years.  

Here's the quiz: In 650 AD the country of Iran takes off in a rocket to visit Allah. On return, Iranians find that it is 2010 AD on Earth, but that they are still in 1050 AD by their rocket's clock.

1. How fast was their rocket going (10 points)?

2. How far is the planet Allah lives on (1 point)?


May 1St Fool's Day?

by Demo on

Whether this is a May 1st or a 13th of Farvarin fool's day, Khomeini in this era caused (& still ongoing) the most damages to "Islam" by pre-fixing that to everything in order to justifuy his actions (e.g. "Republic", "Velayat", "Hijab", & you name it). None of the commendments in Quran has that prefix & such adjective is nowhere used in that book. Not to worry though because he has to answer back to the creator on the "Judgement Day" & not on the "Islamic Judgement Day."


I did not know that it was May 1st, again!

by MM on

Or was it the 13th of Farvardin?


in ro daryabid!!!!!!

by Kofri on


Jahan News

by Ferfereh on

Einstein's reply to Jahan News : "Only two things are infinite, the universe and Jahan News editor stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former"


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