Foaming around the mouth, is a common feature among the bombollahis. Hate has become a habit.
acting as a pack of wolves,
their mouth foaming,
taking their cue from the last racist regime on earth named Israel
pushing Americans once again,
towards another unwanted, uncalled for war
this time with Iran.
An accurate depiction of Republicans candidates currently fighting to become the golden child of the AIPAC.
'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory
I would gladly take Israel and the evil zionists over the akhondy regime that has actually already killed thousands of Iranians and displaced millions more of them. Helllllloooo???!! It's been 33 years. Wake upppp!
Great cartoon
by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on Tue Jan 10, 2012 02:41 AM PSTFoaming around the mouth, is a common feature among the bombollahis. Hate has become a habit.
The Republican candidates for U.S. President
by iraj khan on Mon Jan 09, 2012 06:06 PM PSTacting as a pack of wolves,
their mouth foaming,
taking their cue from the last racist regime on earth named Israel
pushing Americans once again,
towards another unwanted, uncalled for war
this time with Iran.
The current Israel schmoozing …
by Bavafa on Mon Jan 09, 2012 02:14 PM PSTAn accurate depiction of Republicans candidates currently fighting to become the golden child of the AIPAC.
'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory
IRI cartoon, hah!
by Fesenjoon2 on Mon Jan 09, 2012 06:47 AM PSTI would gladly take Israel and the evil zionists over the akhondy regime that has actually already killed thousands of Iranians and displaced millions more of them. Helllllloooo???!! It's been 33 years. Wake upppp!