a glimpse into the many faces of Persia. >>>

اعدام های دسته جمعی در مشهد

اخبار روز / نامه ی یک زندانی
recommended by sobh
10-Sep-2010 (20 comments)
Which is more sacred? >>>

US: 'covert' Iran facility not nuclear


U.S.: Newly revealed 'covert' Iran facility not nuclear

recommended by MOOSIRvaPIAZ

Must read: Heshmatollah Tabarzadi's court defense

10-Sep-2010 (7 comments)
The Coke Studio sessions with many traditional musicians from the Subcontinent produced a unique blend of Western fusion with Qawwali. Here is Abida Parveen. The sound here sounds like Qawwali meets Led Zeppelin. Take a look! >>>
10-Sep-2010 (19 comments)
Thousands of Qurans are burned on almost daily>>>


It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a Muslim!

High quality graphic art accessible to Muslim youth in an entertaining package

10-Sep-2010 (10 comments)
So many years after a super villain raged unchallenged over the Twin Towers, many Americans still unjustly blame innocent Muslims for the horror. Now Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and other superheroes of the DC Comics Justice League have rallied to save the world from the disastrous fallout of America’s hostility towards Islam. In an unprecedented artistic collaboration, DC Comics in the US has teamed up with the Middle Eastern publisher of the popular The Ninety-Nine comic books to set the world right again>>>


Cat and Mouse in Cyberspace

A case study of China vs Iran

This paper aims to compare Chinese and Iranian cyberspace to highlight the excessive traffic analysis, surveillance, filtering and the resulting effects on anonymity and freedom of expression in the borderless society of the Internet. The paradoxical contrasts between these two different states provide much scope for analysis and discourse, particularly in light of recent media attention. As has been shown by the government crackdowns in the aftermath of the Iranian election of 2009, and China’s recent dispute with Google, cyberspace is highly contested by government’s seeking to harness digital economic and e-business benefits whilst restricting online dissent and political activism>>>


Give Iran Some Credit

Impact on Western science and medicine

10-Sep-2010 (11 comments)
The ancient world contained only a few countries that had any form of knowledge of medicine and science, the main were Egypt, Greece China, India and Rome. Iran had for its time a through knowledge of the sciences more than most countries. From the Achaemenid Empire to the late Sassanian Empire Iran has had an effect on the worlds understanding of science. Even the civilised world was influenced by Iran’s vast amount of understanding of the sciences. A few examples include the fact that the Greeks used the same form of building as the Iranians, the Romans attempted to create their own form of “Baghdad Battery” which was invented by the Parthians>>>


Face Book
Between the fifth and the sixth
I laugh my heart out,
surrounded by everyone
that I've ever loved.
10-Sep-2010 (8 comments)
Learning to live with it>>>
Niki Tehranchi
10-Sep-2010 (4 comments)
Castro gets sanctimonious in his old age, a handlebar-mustachioed hillbilly from the Florida backwater gains international attention, and Lady Gaga really makes us gag... >>>

Cyrus Cylinder Arrives In Iran