Shohreh & Houshang

Shohreh & Houshang

Interview: Houshang Touzie's "An Iranian in Heaven"

by Nazy Kaviani
13-Jul-2010 (20 comments)


Don't forget to mention it's worth billions of $s

Choosing a Kingdom over a Republic ? ;0)

Darius Kadivar

Freed Cuban dissidents speak after landing in Spain

recommended by Darius Kadivar

Smile Your On Koranic Camera

Darius Kadivar

Malaysia's reality TV show hopes to find next Imam

recommended by Darius Kadivar
13-Jul-2010 (one comment)

Back to riding donkeys again


Iran May Cut Gasoline Imports by 75%, IEA Says

Business Week
recommended by acopier101

Deals worth biliions of dollars


Russia, Iran to sign energy "road map"

Reuters / Melissa Akin
recommended by acopier101
13-Jul-2010 (one comment)

The Indian connection


US warns India not to break Iran sanctions

Telegraph / Dean Nelson
recommended by acopier101

Just Remember Reza Shah did this before you !

Darius Kadivar

French MPs vote to ban Islamic full veil in public

recommended by Darius Kadivar
13-Jul-2010 (2 comments)

Castro, the IRI regime loves you now


Castro Returns to Cuban TV Four Years After Surgery

Business Week
recommended by acopier101

Pictures don't lie


Oil smuggling to Iran embarrassment for Iraq

recommended by acopier101
13-Jul-2010 (13 comments)
The IRI can learn a thing or two from Hamas when it comes to taking care of its people. >>>


آثار هرج و مرج

جنبش سبز و سرنوشت آن پس از یک سال

13-Jul-2010 (one comment)
نیروهای مستقل ملی با حضور و تلاش خود توانسته اند با شعارهائی که منعکس کننده خواسته های واقعی مردم بود ابتکار عمل را بدست گرفته و هدفهای جنبش را گسترده تر کنند. بعضی از این شعارها مانند "نه شرقی نه غربی جمهوری ایرانی" و "نه غزه نه لبنان جانم فدای ایران" به روشنی نشان میداد که شعارهای کلیشه ای "رای مرا پس بده" و امثال آن هرگز خواسته های اساسی مردم را منعکس نمیکند و این خواسته ها بسیار فرا تر از لغو نتایج یک انتخابات بوده و با اساس و پایه جمهوری اسلامی سر و کار دارد>>>


Scriptures and Science

Quran... and natural sciences?

13-Jul-2010 (15 comments)
Those who search and often find scientific facts and nuggets in scriptures are not aware of the absurdity of their claims. For the simple reason that these books are ancient and having been written thousands of years ago can not keep up with ever changing of scientific paradigms. Despite the fact that our phenomenological understanding of nature remains the same (water is always wet, fire burns, sun is bright yellow, etc) our theoretical understanding evolves with time>>>
Darius Kadivar
13-Jul-2010 (9 comments)
Infanta Leonor of Spain ( Future Queen in Line of Succession) and sister Infanta Sofía of Spain Greet Spanish Team with their Parents and Grandparents at the Royal Palace in Madrid. >>>
Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi
13-Jul-2010 (2 comments)


..در کشورهای شرق و خاورمیانه هم چیز خوبست و اگر بهتر از غرب نباشد کمتر هم نیست. پیرزنی بسیار سالخورده و زشت از ماشین سواری که او را برای دوستی و کمک سوار کرده بود پرسید شینده ام .
