12-Oct-2009 (3 comments)
باید رفت سراغ تک تک قربانیان و بازماندگان آنها، به درددل آنها گوش داد، خاطرات آنها را شنید، و دید که بر آنها چه رفته است و چه می شود کرد>>>

Iran gasoline imports halved

Iran gasoline imports halved, reports government office / WashingtonTV
12-Oct-2009 (19 comments)
Israel's government is in the midst of a massive campaign to influence American public opinion to favor a hawkish approach toward Iran and its nuclear program. >>>


Poetic eye

Poetic eye

Photo essay: Iran and Iranians

by Roozbeh Feiz (VISTA)
12-Oct-2009 (13 comments)



Mourning Mothers

Stand with human rights activist mothers worldwide

12-Oct-2009 (2 comments)
We may think this kind of protest is new in Iran, but Iranian mothers have always spoken out against violence, disappearance and the torture of their sons and daughters. Prior to the 1979 revolution, only two mothers’ organizations existed in the country. Both were affiliated with underground groups involved in struggles for democracy. They worked in opposition to the monarchy of the Shah’s regime, who’s policies had turned, at the end, to the jailing and torture of intellectuals, feminists, students, and labour union advocates>>>

Oil producer running out of gas

Jahanshah Javid

Iran parliament moves ahead with fuel subsidy cuts

recommended by Jahanshah Javid

Gradual sanctions

Jahanshah Javid

Iran dismisses Clinton threat as Britain bars firms

recommended by Jahanshah Javid
12-Oct-2009 (2 comments)

ZioNazi treatment of the Palestinians goes on


Israelis flatten Palestinian home

BBC news
recommended by Bavafa
12-Oct-2009 (one comment)
12-Oct-2009 (18 comments)
Are Iranians doing the same thing again?  Is Mousavi the saviour?  What do we mean when we say democracy? >>>


Comfortably Numb

We can’t stop the change that is happening, but we can help it go down the right path

12-Oct-2009 (5 comments)
Our parents’ generation had a question, or a dream: how to build a utopia. Different groups had different answers to that question; some thought the answer is Communism, or as a friend of mine always corrects me, Marxist-Leninism. Some thought the path to Utopia was going through the gates of civilization. Some thought religion was the only way to redemption. Some mixed up a couple of these and came up with new ideas, like Islamic Marxism! There was a common question that people were trying to answer, and even though they had different answers to it, they had something in common: believing in Utopia>>>


The Orange ‘n’ Torange Girl

The Prince was so mesmerised by the tale that he blurted out what was on his mind

12-Oct-2009 (3 comments)
I was sorting eggs on a leaf when I looked out and gazed at the blue palace gilded by the sunset light. Years ago, I had flown down the Mount Qâf and met with the childless Persian Queen on her way back from the Temple of Anahita where she had made a vow and an offering to help her bear a child. I wished her well and handed her three of my golden feathers to be given to her future child on her or his eighteenth birthday. The Queen had vowed to give away honey and cooking oil for charity if she got pregnant. Eventually she bore a boy and named him Mehrbun, but she forgot to make good on her promise>>>

Not 'an appropriate moment' to loan Cylinder

Shifteh Ansari

Iranians demand loan of treasure

recommended by Shifteh Ansari
12-Oct-2009 (10 comments)

Iran Shipping Lines and Bank Mellat

A campaign has started to END monopolistic nature of IPL games.  Do your share of protesting>>>


نون بیار، کباب ببر

از ایستگاه شاه عبدالعظیم که رد شدیم، زنم فهمید که به سوی بهشت زهرا می رویم. اخمایش تو هم رفت

12-Oct-2009 (one comment)
نمیدانم از کی به موضوع طراحی روی سنگ قبرم علاقمند شدم. شاید از زمانی که رفته بودم مجلس ختم یک از آشنایان. خطیبی که صحبت میکرد در آخر اینگونه نتیجه گیری کرد که عزرائیل قبل از آنکه بر کسی ظاهر و وی را قبض روح کند ،به اشکال مختلف با کاندیدای مورد نظر تماس گرفته و به وی تذکر میدهد که خود را آماده رفتن کند. از آن به بعد هر ناشناسی را که در کوچه و خیابان میدیدم و نگاهایمان اندکی به هم گره می خورد ، به یاد حرفهایی می افتادم که آن روز در مسجد شنیده و طرف را عزرائیل در لباس مبدل تصور و به قیافه اش زل میزدم تا ببینم چه پیامی برایم دارد>>>