Coffee and Conversation (5)

Alas – life is but a one way street

18-Sep-2009 (7 comments)
Ideals? We all have them. Choices? We are all given. Values? Cherished by each. Dreams? Ours, without question. Destinies? Predetermined. Are they? What is life but an unknown journey through time and space? Play by the rules - we are told; walk along the well-trodden path. Then why the rebellious heart - the wild within? How to tame the untamable? Why reach for the skies? Aspire for the unattainable? Why gamble at the cruel game of chance? Why tempt fate? And play with fire? Why risk? But then one may as well ask - why live?>>>

A different foreigner point of view from Iran

Shah Ghollam

Video: Iran 2009, decide for yourself

Youtube / German Vogul Ruiz
recommended by Shah Ghollam

پخش نا مستقیم فوتبال!


آسیه در میان دو دنیا

روایت زندگی زن روستایی ایرانی است، در گذرگاه عبور جامعه از سنت به مدرنیته

18-Sep-2009 (2 comments)
آسیه، چهارده ساله، صدمترى دورتر از آخرین خانه ى روستا، نزدیك گورستان روى سنگى نشسته بود كه نامش را بالش رستم گذاشته بودند. داشت به نام خودش مى اندیشید. فكر كرد كاش اسمش صدیقه بود. نخستین بارى كه این نام را شنیده بود دچار این حس شده بود كه در اصل یك صدیقه نامى بوده است. و به خودش گفت دیگر باید فرار كنم. از سه روز پیش كه ماه جبین كتكش زده بود داشت به فرار فكر مى كرد، و مرد كه از دور پیدا شد آسیه فكر كرد به همین شوهر مى كنم.>>>


An Introduction

I am setting out to write a book that opens up like a flower

I am uninterested in writing a book that introduces Iranians to Western audiences, because I think the need is greater for Western audiences to be introduced to themselves. This is not as offensive a statement as it might seem. Any writer has to be interested in introducing his or her readers to themselves. It is supposed to be an intimate relationship, not one in which a shared intellectual interest is the thing keeping it going. I would rather that Western audiences and I have all kinds of trouble, the kind in which I am saying that I know what is really going on inside them>>>

An economy in trouble


Ahmadinejad's Desperate Gamble

Guardian / Ranj Alaaldin
recommended by FG

Why the media does not scrutinize Israeli official

Shah Ghollam

Israeli War Minister Threatens Palestinian Holocaust

The Pine Hills News / The Pine Hills News
recommended by Shah Ghollam


Death to Dictator!

Death to Dictator!

Photo essay: Snapshots form Quds Day in Tehran

by News Photographers
18-Sep-2009 (8 comments)


Children of Holocaust and their own Holocaust

Shah Ghollam

Slouching toward a Palestinian Holocaust / Richard Falk
recommended by Shah Ghollam
18-Sep-2009 (4 comments)
18-Sep-2009 (2 comments)
The Persian festival of Mehregan (Autumn Equinox) celebrations begins 1st of month of Mehr which usually falls on September 21st, though this year is on 22nd of September >>>
Mehdi Saharkhiz
18-Sep-2009 (2 comments)
The first question I asked myself was who these rapists who took these inhuman actions were and what was their motivation for doing so? Is it possible that their motivation was religious?>>>

Mahmoud must be devastated, but he can meet US!

خامنه ای ترور نماینده مجلس.. / WashingtonTV
18-Sep-2009 (4 comments)
Only in islam these lunatics become leaders >>>

Violence at Tehran rally

France says “concerned” by violence at Tehran rally / WashingtonTV