I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek
18-Jun-2009 (21 comments)
In defense of the shirokhorshid flag wavers>>>
18-Jun-2009 (3 comments)
Prudence dictates the investment of hope is tempered by reserving some should things not turn out as so wished for. >>>

Iran, Where We Go From Here


The IRGC shakes its iron fist

Asia Times / Shahir Shahidsaless
recommended by shayan123
Jahanshah Rashidian
18-Jun-2009 (6 comments)
If the Iranians who want a regime change give up their ongoing struggles, they will dig their own graves. Therefore, these people must use the current protest actions to recruit, organise, and plan their further and final freedom-struggles.  >>>
18-Jun-2009 (3 comments)
Sending thoughts,prayers to all. Keep making your voice heard. The world is with you. Power to the People. >>>
Saead Soltanpour
18-Jun-2009 (3 comments)
پهلوی و رجوی در این 30 سال گذشته ، هر دو مردم ایران را به ریختن به خیابانها تشویق می کنند .اکنون مردم ایران میلیونیبه خیابانها آمده اند و ازطرق مسالمت آمیز حق اولیه خود انتخابات آزاد و رای خود را می خواهند ،سوال این هست ، شما کجا هستید؟]>>>

Fact Finding or Appeasement ?


Iran Council Offers to Meet With Presidential Candidates

Washington Post / Thomas Erdbrink
recommended by capt_ayhab
All funds will go to promote the cause! >>>
Setareh Sabety
18-Jun-2009 (13 comments)
It is very important to pick one of two sides in this struggle. Either you believe in the fact that these elections were rigged or not. If you do, like I do, it does not matter who is behind the tweets.>>>


The V sign

The V sign

Photo essay: Wednesday's protest march in Tehran

by SG
18-Jun-2009 (19 comments)



Text from the Tehran street

For the first time in its political history, Iran finds itself thrown into an unprecedented crisis of legitimacy

18-Jun-2009 (12 comments)
Ever since the first days of the Islamic Republic there have been two sovereignties in Iran, a divine and a popular. The concept of popular sovereignty, which is derived from the indivisible will of the Iranian nation, is inscribed in Article I of the constitution of the Islamic Republic. And the divine concept of sovereignty is derived from God's will, which, through the medium of Shi'ia institutions of an Imamate, is bestowed on the existing 'faqih' as the rightful ruler of the Shi'ite community, a perception which forms the foundation of the doctrine of the 'Velayat-i-Faqih'. Increasingly, the divine sovereignty has been less about religion than about political theology. As for the popular sovereignty, it has found its due place in the social work and political action of Iranian civil society>>>


A Letter from Iran

I could see hands in the air, synchronized to chants, and hear their chants

18-Jun-2009 (2 comments)
Dear friends, For the past week or more there have been so many activities and happenings related to the elections here in Iran but I haven’t taken the step to write until now, partially out of uncertainty about whether or not writing would pose any danger and partially because I simply haven’t had time. The past couple of weeks have been intense to say the least, between family parties, gatherings, daily chats, farsi classes, studying and naps during the heat of the day my days have been far fuller than I expected. At leisure I will write you more about those things. For now, I would like to write a little about the current events that have so many of you asking questions>>>


A matter of timing

Is it too early for us to chant for a separation of religion and state?

18-Jun-2009 (25 comments)
It is too early now to publicly attack Messrs Khatami and Mousavi, two appalling political fraudsters hoisted on to the placards of masses who for thirty years have suffered under the brutal reign of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is too early because blood is being spilled by young people whose lives are denied their full expression by the medieval sensibilities of Iran’s ruling clerics. Khatami and Mousavi are, for now, untouchable – to criticise them, judging by the competing emotions on Facebook – is to attack the very demonstrators who are risking their lives for freedom. It is too early to say that these two shining lights are in fact agents of darkness. It is too early because blood is being spilled>>>


از ورای دود

پیدایش تشنج در این حد برای نظامی که مدعی وحدت است و با نمایش وحدت برای خودش اعتبار ایجاد میکند بسیار گران تمام میشود

18-Jun-2009 (3 comments)
برای اولین بار بین دزدانی که رأی ملت را بین خود تقسیم کرده اند اختلاف افتاده و آنهایی که به سهمشان راضی نیستند صدا را به اعتراض بلند کرده اند. طبعاً ظرف مدتی کوتاه سخنان بسیاردر بارهٌ «انجام کودتا» و ... گفته شده که مثل شرکت در رأی گیری بیشتر با احساسات و آرزوهای رأی دهندگان ارتباط دارد تا ارزیابی سنجیدهٌ مطلب. باید از این سخنان گذشت و نگاه را از ورای دودی که شلوغی های اخیر بر پا کرده به تحولات احتمالی وضعیت معطوف نمود. اول نتیجه و تا اینجا مهم ترین نتیجهً کار بی آبرو شدن نمایش انتخاباتی است که به ابتکار نظام و با همکاری و همگامی ساده دلانه و بی مزد و پاداش ایرانیان داخل و خارج به طور ادواری انجام میگرفت. این دروغ را که در ایران «انتخابات نیمه آزاد» وجود دارد و اگر تا جایی اختیار به دست حکومت است از جایی دیگر مردم هم در آن شریک میشوند، افراد پرشماری طی چندین سال تبلیغ کرده اند>>>
18-Jun-2009 (one comment)
Insight to the aftermath of the 2009 Iranian Elections. >>>