دلارا دارابی، قربانی مبارزه قدرت؟

موج مخالفت با مجازات اعدام در ایران در حال گسترش است

06-May-2009 (29 comments)
قتل دلارا دارابی دردناك بود. نه به خاطر این كه او زیبا بود، گرچه زیباكشان یكی از لطیف‌ترین احساسات انسانی را به مسلخ می‌برند؛ نه به خاطر آن كه او هنرمند بود، گرچه بی‌هنران ِ هنرمندكش كمر به قتل گوهر انسانیت بسته‌اند؛ نه به خاطر این كه او جوان بود، گرچه جوان‌كشی انتقامی است كه مهر باطل خوردگان از آینده و آینده‌سازان می‌گیرند؛ و نه به خاطر این كه او احتمالا بی‌گناه بود، گرچه جرم او هیچ‌گاه در دادگاهی عادلانه به اثبات نرسید. قتل دلارا دارابی دردناك بود، به خاطر این كه او یك انسان بود. یعنی اگر دلارا زشت‌رو بود و هنری نداشت و سنی از او گذشته بود و مجرم هم بود نیز قتلش باید دل هر انسانی را به درد می‌آورد. قتل عمد انسان، هر انسانی، دردناك است؛ و وقتی انسانی اسیر و دست بسته و بی‌دفاع در محیطی تحت كنترل، به نام قانون كشته می‌شود انسانیت نیز با او كشته می‌شود>>>


Life is a game of football

Nader Jahanfard's passage into the beautiful game with Middle Eastern accent

06-May-2009 (7 comments)
Ahmad Tousi, PhD, Head Coach of Cal State Stanislaus Warriors writes: No sport has experienced such a tremendous growth in popularity in the U.S. in the past few years as soccer. Soccer is now played everywhere around the globe. This book has been written to present the experience of a man over the years. The knowledge gained has been and will continue to be tested as new ideas emerge and changes occur. Nader is the maker of his own fortune. Soccer is an intriguing game. There is nothing like an exciting run, a great feint, an accurate pass, a good shot, a brilliant save or a dazzling goal... The goal of this book is to provide you with verbal and visual imagery to recall and adopt. I strongly believe that the author has scored on all accounts.>>>

پِرِز و ایران


06-May-2009 (7 comments)
My heart an old house of Love,
With a playground for nobles
Those immortals play my fate
Then, leave this house a war zone
What is left behind?
Pieces of memories
So, I put the scraps together
Ready for the next attack >>>

Peres: Iran imposing foreign and violent ideology

Peres: Iran trying to impose “foreign and violent ideology”

WashingtonTV /
06-May-2009 (5 comments)
06-May-2009 (3 comments)
Segment from an acclaimed 2001 documentary film by Australian Dean Jeffreys about Ayahuasca and the struggle of the Native Amerindians of the Amazon river against oil companies and North American corporate greed in Amazonia>>>
Darius Kadivar
06-May-2009 (one comment)
Iran's Royal Couple elegantly arrive at the Opening Night at the Paris Opera. (Circa 1961)  >>>
Darius Kadivar
06-May-2009 (3 comments)
French Iranian actress Anicée Shahmanesh (known as Anicée Alvina) first breakthrough in films came with Lewis Gilbert's sweet semi erotic romance about two unhappy teenagers, who flee their homes for the French countryside to live their love as young adults. (circa 1971) >>>

Islamist diplomatic speak


Iran's Ahmadinejad in new tirade against Israel

recommended by Fred
06-May-2009 (7 comments)

IRI is bringing obliteration on Iran


Vice President Joseph Biden
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06-May-2009 (2 comments)
06-May-2009 (23 comments)
Apropos!  >>>


Jahanshah Javid

UK agency denies internet spy plans

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05-May-2009 (15 comments)
Beware oF Darkness>>>

Ahmadinejad - a hard man to beat

Darius Kadivar

Will the june Elections be Iran's President's Showdown ?

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