Darius Kadivar
01-Oct-2008 (one comment)
Hollywood Star Anthony Quinn enjoys the company of Iran's queen Shahbanou Farah and fellow Iranian co-star ( Pouri Banai ?) while eating a traditional Persian dish. >>>
Hossein Bagher Zadeh
در روزهای اخیر دو سند منتشر شده است كه هر كدام از یك تحول فرهنگی در جامعه مدنی و سیاسی ایران، یكی در داخل كشور و دیگری در خارج آن، حكایت می‌كند. این دو تحول، یكی در زمینه حقوق بشر است و دیگری در باره دموكراسی>>>


Beautiful in its own way

Beautiful in its own way

Photo essay: Istanbul & Damascus

by Pouya Alimagham
01-Oct-2008 (12 comments)


Darius Kadivar
01-Oct-2008 (one comment)
Fereydoune Farrokhzad and Martik sing and joke in French until Ebi joins in. >>>
OK, fine... I'll try some contemporary selections. Warning, you may not like what I'm listening to these days. Let us start in the UK. "Thou Shalt Always Kill", by Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip, 2007. >>>


Facts on the ground

Facts on the ground

The status of the Greater and Lesser Tunbs and Abu Musa

by Fathali Ghahremani
01-Oct-2008 (6 comments)



Effective control

The status of the Greater and Lesser Tunbs and Abu Musa

Too often Great Powers assumed that the world was their playground. They drew lines on a geographic map, creating political entities -“facts on the ground”. This meddling in regional politics has come to haunt the world in the form of multiple border disputes. The Powers ignored the fact that no inhabited land is a “clean slate” and an unacceptable line in the sand sows the seeds of future conflicts. Thus border conflicts have become part of the tradition of the postcolonial world. One such dispute is brewing between Iran and the United Arab Emirates in the Persian Gulf over the status of three islands, Abu Musa, the Greater Tunb and the Lesser Tunb >>>


The last straw

The wealth of nations and the American economic crisis

01-Oct-2008 (4 comments)
One wonders at times what constitutes the wealth of a nation. How can one consider a nation wealthy, or not so? Is gold the yardstick? Precious metals? In truth, the tangible measure of a country’s wealth nowadays is the hard currency reserves of that country, and that information is conveniently published in certain magazines and newspapers, for instance, The Economist. So let’s go over these figures (and mines’ are not the most recent): At the top of the list stands China with more than a trillion dollars worth of hard currencies. Next to china … (yes you guessed correctly) is Japan with more than 800 billion dollars. We see the South East Asian countries dominating the top ten. At about number 11 stands Russia>>>

Different approaches

News Goffer

Bloggers from Iran, Pakistan, respond to U.S. Debate

PBS/FRONTLINE World Blogs / Omid Memarian/Arif Rafiq
recommended by News Goffer
Food for Thought
30-Sep-2008 (one comment)
Thomas Jefferson warned: If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will...>>>
Ali A Parsa
30-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
Let us get involved in presidential elections and prevent America's self-destruction. >>>


Crude awakening

Oil, mother of all troubles: part 2

30-Sep-2008 (6 comments)
During early 1970's, Arab nations among oil producing countries decided to impose an oil embargo against western nations for their support of Israel in the war against Arabs. This decision came a day after OPEC decided to increase the oil price by 17% for partial matching with the high prices of manufactured goods which were imported from those nations and nullify the effect of unjustified inflation rates in those countries on oil producing nations. In those years, I used to work in NIPC (National Iranian Petrochemical Company) which was a young organization created and operated by Iranian government to enter the nation into this amazing industrial field>>>


The history of a teardrop
30-Sep-2008 (3 comments)
"O, my shy teardrop,
 Do you feel the invisible barbed wires
 Tightening around the visible me?
 Comfort me.
 Come into being.
 Tell  being How harsh it is to breathe without love
 And weep without tears."
I hear a teardrop, a voice From the lips of unamed oceans >>>


نوعی تحقیر ملی

نمایش "جادوگران شهر سیلم" و به خطر افتادن امنیت ملی

30-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
فردای دستگیری آيمی گودمن و زنان چپ فمینیست در آمریکا، ما در فرانسه به علت توفان، نه تلفن داریم و نه اینترنت، سر کار هستم و هنگام تنفس، به سالن استراحت کارمندان می روم و در حالی که سیبی گاز می زنم در سکوت به ایرن نگاه می کنم که مثل همیشه دارد روزنامه لوموند را از اول تا آخر می خواند. ازش می پرسم: "خبرای جالب داری برامون؟" و ایرن داستان "آنا گلدی" را به طور خلاصه برایمان تعریف می کند. سرگذشت آنا گلدی، ساحره ای سرانجام محبوب را در روزنامه لوموند ببینید. آنا گلدی، زنی که روزی به جرم جادوگری محکوم شد و سرش را با گیوتین از تنش جدا کردند حالا پس از دویست و بیست و شش سال پارلمان سوئیس به بیگناهی او رأی می دهد!>>>
Red Wine
30-Sep-2008 (10 comments)

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