Food for Thought
How the world is run and what they're planning... read on... >>>

.... and the winner is ....


Lebanon finally announces unity gov't

recommended by Malekeh_
11-Jul-2008 (one comment)


Dinner with the captain

Dinner with the captain

Photo essay: Fans meet their icon Parviz Ghelichkhani

by Nader
11-Jul-2008 (5 comments)


John Q. Muslim is born!


The FBI's plan to "profile" Muslims / Juan Cole
recommended by PedramMoallemian
11-Jul-2008 (3 comments)
This is another brilliant Adam Curtis documentary about the modern political realities, where the policies came from and the massive failures of those ideals>>>
Mehdi Mazloom
Try to replace the name "Olmert" with any leader in the Iranian regime. The truth will still be the same: >>>
Shiny Head
11-Jul-2008 (one comment)
Recently what apprears to be a CIA-sponsored Iranian language TV station which seems to also collaborate with the Israelis is broacasting to Iran from the east coast of the USA>>>
11-Jul-2008 (88 comments)
Get involved to form a better than AIPAC organization >>>

Welcome to Hell


Coming to a city near you?

The economist
recommended by Hajminator
11-Jul-2008 (3 comments)

McCain doesn't know...


McCain admits he doesn’t know the “nature of the threat” from Iran

Iran Coverage
recommended by Mehdi-Palang
11-Jul-2008 (3 comments)

What are Iran's nuclear rights?


Professor Muhammad Sahimi challenges assumptions about Iran's nuclear program

The Real News Network
recommended by trnniran
11-Jul-2008 (3 comments)
11-Jul-2008 (9 comments)
Today is the anniversary of Nojeh Coup. On July 11, 1980 The Nojeh Coup was an attempt to overthrow the newly established IRI and the government of Banisadr >>>
11-Jul-2008 (9 comments)
مهمونی می دیم اونهایی که دوست داریم و نداریم رو دعوت می کنیم. یواشکی به لباسای اونهایی که دوست نداریم می خندیم. بعد که رفتند با دوستهای خودمونیمون می شینیم به حرفهاشون می خندیم! >>>

How about Summer 2006 Defeat in Lebanon ?


Israel hints at pre-emptive attack on Iran

The Independent
recommended by Malekeh_
11-Jul-2008 (one comment)

Twilight Zone: America's Dominance Over ????

Shiny Head

Is America in a permanent decline?

MSN Money
recommended by Shiny Head
11-Jul-2008 (2 comments)