28-Feb-2008 (18 comments)
With Iran strong enough to repulse any invader any future war between iran and America is ours to lose >>>
SCE Campaign
It is anticipated that Ahmad's file will soon be sent to Iran's head of Judiciary, Ayatollah Shahrudi for Estizan (permit to execute) PLEASE TAKE ACTION! >>>
persian westender
28-Feb-2008 (2 comments)
Finally I could write something with farsi fonts >>>
28-Feb-2008 (7 comments)
Join the Obama 2008 campaign. See major endorsements>>>
Darius Kadivar
28-Feb-2008 (5 comments)
Prince Harry has been fighting the Taleban on the front line in Afghanistan, the MoD has confirmed. >>>


When does it end?

How far does a candidate have to go to prove his/her loyalty?

28-Feb-2008 (33 comments)
Obama was asked two nights ago, in the debate in Ohio, about Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s endorsement of his campaign. He replied that he denounced the endorsement. He was then asked if he had rejected it. Obama replied that he doesn’t think there is a difference in the two. Tim Russert kept pushing it, “yeah you denounced it but do you reject it?” Ok, maybe it didn’t happen quite like this, but what the hell? The guy, Farrakhan, is goofy. He’s well on the other end of normalcy, especially when it comes to saying things. But why doesn’t denouncing him and his endorsement enough when it comes to the Jewish community?>>>
28-Feb-2008 (3 comments)
اي عجب با ملت ما هرکسي پاسور زد ------ دست آخر سور زد
بر خلاف حکم بازي، سور خود با زور ------ دست آخر سور زد >>>
Mona 19
28-Feb-2008 (4 comments)
In Our ways will We Guide them... >>>


The Spider Killings (5)

This will be the last time Azadeh sees that schoolbag

As soon as Azadeh got home, she rushed to the bathroom and locked herself in. Quickly shedding all her clothing, she stood in front of the mirror, looking at her naked reflection, something she seldom dared to do. Her arms and legs were covered with a multitude of scars, as well as the coagulated blood from fresher wounds. Her body had for years been the canvas for her monstrous designs. She used knives, razors, and scissors in guise of brushes and pencils. She opened one of the drawers in the bathroom vanity and took out a pair of scissors. The thought of cutting her skin once more filled her with both trepidation and exhilaration. Slowly, she brought the sharp tip of the instrument down, until it rested against the skin on her inner thigh>>>


How do we know they were properly assimilated and wouldn't pose a threat to our authority?

28-Feb-2008 (10 comments)
First of all, this damnation only covers head of the family, spouse and children under 18 who live with parents. Children older than 18 years of age may be damned under different damnation policy through college, university or employment. Secondly, Only immediate family is damned. Family members who do not reside in the US are not covered. Proof of residency is required for the damn coverage. One might ask why should we provide such a damn costly coverage for damn aliens? Although this is a naïve question, it deserves a clever response. Let me explain.>>>


برای تولدم
28-Feb-2008 (4 comments)
مولود عشقم.

مادرم آبستنِ خجستگی بود و

در زمستانِ رو به بهارِ روزی خوب

مرا به دنیا آورد. >>>
Sahar Tahvili
گفتگو با شهلا آقاپور- هنرمند، دبیر کانون نویسندگان ایران در تبعید>>>


Amazed American

Amazed American

Photo essay: 16 days in Iran

by Birdfarm
28-Feb-2008 (14 comments)


28-Feb-2008 (8 comments)

"Self Explanatory".

28-Feb-2008 (16 comments)
Glenn Beck video about the insanity of political correctness! >>>