Room for millions

Iran is not overpopulated

25-Feb-2008 (4 comments)
When I argued about the benefits of having more children, I made it clear that having more children does not automatically benefit the society. It does so as long as the children do not grow up to become criminals and/or free riders. Generally speaking, I may add, more children may make society worse off because parents need to spend more time taking care of their kids and less time on other matters that can help elevate their standard of living. Society does benefit, though, with one caveat: the family must be able to provide for all children adequately>>>


کاسه داغ تر از آش

ضرب المثل هفتم و هشتم

25-Feb-2008 (15 comments)
خواهی نشوی رسوا همرنگ جماعت شو: ما ایرانیان اولین کسانی بودیم که این ضرب المثل را عمل کردیم. این داستان را یک هندی برایم تعریف کرد: بعد از حمله اعراب اولین مهاجران ایرانی به هند رفتند. اول استقبال خوبی دریافت نکردند. یک گروه برای مذاکره پیش هندیان رفتند. گفتند ما با صلح و دوستی آمدهیم. هندیها گفتند تعداد زیاد و تفاوت فرهنگی شما جامعه ما را متزلزل خواهد کرد. رهبر ایرانیان یک قند را در چائی انداخت و گفت ما مثل این قند در جامعه شما حل میشویم. >>>


The Spider Killings (4)

Just then, she heard the door of the interrogation room open.

-- "Akh ! Ajab heyvoun-haayee hasstan, what animals they are!" Azadeh murmured as she looked at her bloody lower lip in the small mirror hanging on the wall of the interrogation room. Why did they have to slap her on the mouth like that? For what? That old pervert who had tripped her on purpose so she would fall on her ass? He deserved to be told off, even if he was the bloody chief of police. Oh, how he had ogled her body: Like a hungry dog before a juicy cut of meat! She smiled as she remembered his shocked look when she had asked him if he wanted to take her picture.



بوی خون و اعتراف/ در ایوان خانه
ویرانی تحویل سال
تنگ مرگ قرمز ماهی سفید
تو نیستی>>>

25-Feb-2008 (4 comments)
End Human Trafficking! >>>
Daniel M Pourkesali
25-Feb-2008 (57 comments)

Online petitions are fine for venting frustrations but in practice, even a million notes on a computer screen do not amount to anything for the perpetrators of the wrongful act.

25-Feb-2008 (4 comments)
Iran ready to reconstruct Baghdad >>>
25-Feb-2008 (16 comments)
".... I had heard about and seen google bombs before. In short, a google bomb is a way to influence search results for targeted keywords..." >>>
SCE Campaign
25-Feb-2008 (3 comments)
The parents of the victim chose not to revenge the death of their son in order to reduce hostility among youth >>>
Honest Hassan
25-Feb-2008 (5 comments)

How bad do WE have it?

This is simply funny, hilarious or pathetic... >>>
Curious Joe
25-Feb-2008 (one comment)
Obviously, we are entering into a new era of cold war in space, where those who dominate the space will win the next Big War>>>
David ET
25-Feb-2008 (9 comments)

The step-grandson of an illiterate, barefoot woman in this village of mud huts in Africa may be the next president of the United States.

Such mobility - powered by education, immigration and hard work - is cause not for disparagement but for celebration.


Saead Soltanpour
24-Feb-2008 (2 comments)
Fidel Castro the dictator of Cuba finally gave up the power since he was old, ill and not in Good health>>>
24-Feb-2008 (4 comments)
I was rooting for her. >>>