Thank You professor Cole


Obama goes over the top in bashing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Salon / Juan Cole
recommended by Q
29-Sep-2008 (3 comments)
Food for Thought
29-Sep-2008 (3 comments)
Why not just do what the US Constitution says - when a government no longer serves its purpose or the people it is OUR DUTY to alter or abolish it. >>>

The silence of the lambs


To Smother Rebels, Arson Campaign in Chechnya

NY Times / C.J. Chivers
recommended by Fred
Food for Thought
29-Sep-2008 (9 comments)
At the request of some bloggers this video is being posted again. Those who viewed it felt others should have the chance to hear what this expert says. >>>


Causes and effects

The WAY of the WORLD: A Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of Extremism

28-Sep-2008 (one comment)
From Pulitzer Prize—winning journalist and bestselling author Ron Suskind comes a startling look at how America lost its way and at the nation's struggle, day by day, to reclaim the moral authority upon which its survival depends. From the White House to Downing Street, from the fault–line countries of South Asia to the sands of Guantánamo, Suskind offers an astonishing story that connects world leaders to the forces waging today's shadow wars and to the next generation of global citizens. Tracking down truth and hope within the Beltway and far beyond it, Suskind delivers historic disclosures with this emotionally stirring and strikingly original portrait of the post-9/11 world>>>
28-Sep-2008 (3 comments)
Freeze that Question! >>>

US: Iranians Are Making Iraqis Smart

Shini Head

U.S. ambassador: Iran toying with Iraq security talks

recommended by Shini Head
28-Sep-2008 (one comment)

Go Skins !!

ebi amirhosseini

Campbell leads Redskins to road win over Cowboys / AP
recommended by ebi amirhosseini
28-Sep-2008 (one comment)
We forget that there are other Iranian people other than those in modern day Iran or California! >>>
28-Sep-2008 (3 comments)
Today I was on YouTube. I was at work comparatively slow day so YouTube sounded like a good idea. I am a movie fan and I like many movies. Somehow, through a typo I was redirected to Hollywood’s best movie ever made. >>>


Palin or Biden
28-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
I dazzle the crowd with occasional
Saying your tribe is lacking spirit
And I am a nameless messiah.
When wind blows from East
To West, I am a child at loss,
Neither Palin nor Biden
Reflects what is in my heart >>>
Orang Gholikhani
28-Sep-2008 (10 comments)

با تو من عاشقم
با تو من صادقم
با تو من جان میفروشم
با تو من حماسه میخروشم

sorry. i don't buy it.

Jahanshah Javid

Pirates die strangely after taking Iranian ship

The Times, London / Andrew Donaldson
recommended by Jahanshah Javid
28-Sep-2008 (5 comments)

Paul Newman

ebi amirhosseini / مهدی عبدالله‌زاده
recommended by ebi amirhosseini
28-Sep-2008 (3 comments)


نه سيخ بسوزد، نه کباب

چرا نوانديشان مذهبی از سکولاريسم می گريزند؟

28-Sep-2008 (4 comments)
چگونه می توانيم تلاش نوانديشان مذهبی و اصلاح طلبان سياسی مسلمان را برای طرد و رد فکر سکولاريسم و مبارزه در برابر فکر جدائی مذهب از حکومت توجيه کنيم؟ يعنی، اگر تنها بر منطق صرف تکيه کنيم، بنظر بديهی می آيد که انتظار داشته باشيم مهمترين اصلاح طلبان و نوانديشان را ـ که خواستار آزادی عمل و فکر و تبليغ انديشه های خود هستند ـ در صفوف اول مبارزه برای استقرار سکولاريسم ببينيم. اما چرا چنين نيست؟ چرا آقای عبدالکريم سروش مقاله ها و سخنرانی های متعددش را به ضديت با سکولاريسم اختصاص می دهد؟ چرا وقتی می خواهد سقوط دينداران را به ورطهء دنيا پرستی خاطرنشان کند آنان را دچار سکولاريسم می بيند؟ چرا سکولاريسم را برای جوامع پلوراليستی تجويز می کند اما جامعهء خودمان را جامعه ای ـ در اکثريت عددی اش ـ تک ساحتی می بيند که نيازی به سکولاريسم ندارد؟>>>