SCE Campaign
25-Feb-2008 (3 comments)
The parents of the victim chose not to revenge the death of their son in order to reduce hostility among youth >>>
Honest Hassan
25-Feb-2008 (5 comments)

How bad do WE have it?

This is simply funny, hilarious or pathetic... >>>
Curious Joe
25-Feb-2008 (one comment)
Obviously, we are entering into a new era of cold war in space, where those who dominate the space will win the next Big War>>>
David ET
25-Feb-2008 (9 comments)

The step-grandson of an illiterate, barefoot woman in this village of mud huts in Africa may be the next president of the United States.

Such mobility - powered by education, immigration and hard work - is cause not for disparagement but for celebration.


Saead Soltanpour
24-Feb-2008 (2 comments)
Fidel Castro the dictator of Cuba finally gave up the power since he was old, ill and not in Good health>>>
24-Feb-2008 (4 comments)
I was rooting for her. >>>
Mona 19
24-Feb-2008 (13 comments)
The denial of a person’s right to education is equally a denial of his right to exist as a free and productive human being. >>>
Shirin Saeidi
24-Feb-2008 (2 comments)
Interesting article from daily Etemaad about women >>>


Madame Helene's First Grade Class

Madame Helene's First Grade Class

Photo essay

by Bianca Zahrai
24-Feb-2008 (20 comments)



Neither the best, nor the brightest

A McCain presidency would be no different from a Bush’s third term

24-Feb-2008 (7 comments)
It must have been Harry S. Truman, the plainest amongst our plain presidents, who scared us all into having idiots running our government by saying: “Whenever you have an efficient government, you have a dictatorship.” Of course, he failed to acknowledge the possibility that we could have the worst of both worlds: inefficient government and dictatorship. And at this moment, we seem to be marching in step to get there soon. Are our nation’s best and brightest so repulsed by the bureaucracy in the public sector that decidedly prefer to take up arms running the predatory wing of the private sector?>>>


Breaking away

What is to be learnt from Kosovo's jubilation and Serbia's humiliation?

24-Feb-2008 (12 comments)

Did anybody write on anything about Kosovo declaring its independence? It probably seemed of little significance. The country that will most probably be internationally accepted soon is indeed of very little relevance, with extremely little chances of appearing in the news any time soon, unless there would be some really serious humanitarian or catastrophic issues. And these things are quite rare for such small countries in Europe. However one thing that IS quite important is the fact that Kosovo created quite a unique precedence. I don't remember the last time when some portion of a country (Serbia in this case) unilaterally declared independence and was taken seriously by the US, the UK, Germany, France, Turkey and some other countries, immediately



قصه 24 ساعت خواب و بیداری

قصدم اين است كه بچه هاي هموطن خود را بهتر بشناسي و فكر كني كه چاره ي درد آنها چيست؟

24-Feb-2008 (16 comments)
چند ماهي بود كه پدرم بيكار بود. عاقبت مادرم و خواهرم و برادرهايم را در شهر خودمان گذاشت و دست من را گرفت و آمديم به تهران. چند نفر از آشنايان و همشهري ها قبلا به تهران‌آمده بودند و توانسته بودند كار پيدا كنند. ما هم به هواي آنها آمديم. مثلا يكي از آشنايان دكه ي يخفروشي داشت. يكي ديگر رخت و لباس كهنه خريد و فروش مي كرد. يكي ديگر پرتقال فروش بود. پدر من هم يك چرخ دستي گير آورد و دستفروش شد. پياز و سيب زميني و خيار و اين جور چيزها دوره مي گرداند. يك لقمه نان خودمان مي خورديم و يك لقمه هم مي فرستاديم پيش مادرم. من هم گاهي همراه پدرم دوره مي گشتم و گاهي تنها توي خيابان ها پرسه مي زدم و فقط شب ها پيش پدرم بر مي گشتم. گاهي هم آدامس بسته يك قران يا فال حافظ و اين ها مي فروختم.>>>
24-Feb-2008 (3 comments)
by Michael Chertoff >>>