Academic coup

When "great" scholars play a deadly role

08-Feb-2008 (63 comments)
Most of the key players of the 1953 coup have since died, but Ann (Nancy) Lambton is still living in the English countryside. Although she is now very old, she has never publicly acknowledged her role in the 1953 coup. Maybe she is just too ashamed. Ann played a decisive role in the affair. She was the expert and the foreign analyst who advised the British government, worked in high circles and recommended that no compromise with Mossadegh was to take place under any circumstances. She saw Mossadegh as a danger! Yes, indeed he was dangerous to their plans of bloody greed and power. >>>


تجربه‌اندوزی از تاریخ

نگاهی گذرا به ریشه‌های قتل‌عام زندانیان در سال‌های ۶۰ و ۶۷

08-Feb-2008 (21 comments)
نگاهی گذرا به تاریخ ربع قرن اخیر کشورمان، نشان‌می‌دهد که نطفه‌ی‌ قتل‌عا م زندانیان سیاسی، در فردای انقلاب بهمن و در اولین ساعت‌های بامداد بیست و ششم بهمن‌ماه در پشت‌بام مدرسه‌ی علوی، با اعدام نعمت‌الله نصیر ی، منوچهر خسروداد ، رضا ناجی و مهدی رحیمی چهارتن از امرای ارتش شاهنشاهی که نقش مهمی در سرکوب و کشتار مردم ایران و نقض گسترده‌ی حقوق بشر به عهده داشتند، بسته شد و پیوسته رو به رشد گذاشت! شاید هم ریشه آن را بتوان به یک هفته قبل از پیروزی انقلاب برگرداند؛>>>
08-Feb-2008 (61 comments)
Are we ever going to ? Time to take a stand , not just to save Iran, but America, as well as the World !



Beyond elite demands

Grass-root efforts to change discriminatory laws

08-Feb-2008 (9 comments)
One of the main criticisms against the Iranian women’s movement is that it advocates for the demands of elite groups and disregards the demands and needs of women at the grassroots. Critics claim that the Iranian women’s movement is an elite movement rather than a grassroots movement, and given the fact that the discourse of elite classes differ from that of the masses, ordinary women cannot participate in this movement. Women’s rights activists in recent years too have heard criticisms that claim that the demands of the women’s movement are in reality the demands of a group of Tehran-based and educated women>>>
08-Feb-2008 (20 comments)
Do you think a scenario like this, 16 years from now is possible? I say why the hell not.>>>


«مدرن شدن» بدون «سکولار بودن»

امروزه «مدرن شدن» مهمترين مسئلهء روز جوامع است

08-Feb-2008 (7 comments)
چگونگی «مدرن شدن» بدون «سکولار بودن» جراحی سکولاريسم و خارج کردن آن از بدن مدرنيته به منکران ضرورت جدائی مذهب از حکومت کمک می کند تا بتوانند توضيح دهند که نه تنها جوامع دارای حکومت های مذهبی دارای قابليت مدرن شدن هستند بلکه اساساً، با توجه به «رستاخيز مذهبی» کنونی و رفتن جوامع بشری به سوی دوران جديدی از گرايشات مذهبی، خود مذهب می تواند در مدرن سازی جوامع نقش بازی کند و بخصوص جوامع کهن و سنت زده را کمک نمايد تا عقب ماندگی های خود را مرتفع ساخته و راحت تر مدرن شوند.>>>
08-Feb-2008 (6 comments)
This sociological study explains why the outcomes of the 1979 Iranian revolution were mostly at variance with the initial demands of the uprising. >>>
SCE Campaign
The death sentence of Javid (20) has been approved by the Iranian Supreme Court and sent to the Judgment Enforcement section >>>


Nameh Sanat e Naft

Nameh  Sanat e Naft

1972 Iranian oil company magazine

by Darius Kadivar
08-Feb-2008 (3 comments)


08-Feb-2008 (2 comments)
Enjoy it >>>
07-Feb-2008 (6 comments)

"Self Explanatory".



Tehran, Tabriz, Tehran

Tehran, Tabriz, Tehran

Photo essay

by Afshin
07-Feb-2008 (9 comments)



Kennedy crowns Obama

Kennedy crowns Obama

Photo essay

by salim
07-Feb-2008 (21 comments)

Senator Kennedy campaigns for Barack Obama>>>


Democratization process in Iran

What is the Iran Democracy Project at the Hoover Institution?

07-Feb-2008 (45 comments)
Michael McFaul, a professor of political science at Stanford University, is one of the directors of the Iran Democracy Project (IDP) at the Hoover Institute, along with Abbas Milani and Larry Diamond. “The Iran Democracy Project at the Hoover Institution was created to understand the process and prospects for democracy in Iran and the rest of the Middle East. The central goal is to help the West understand the complexities of the Muslim world, and to map out possible trajectories for transitions to democracy and free markets in the Middle East, beginning with Iran. The project also seeks to identify, analyze, and offer policy options on the existing obstacles to democratic transition and ways to remove them and to ensure that policy makers in Washington receive advice that is non-partisan and reliable.”>>>
07-Feb-2008 (6 comments)
If you can write official letters in Farsi, please read on... >>>