22-Aug-2009 (one comment)
A revolution implicates various elements that is in its nature such as political, economic, cultural, plus all others that become the thrust of a momentum that can not be stopped no matter what stands in its way>>>
Reza-Rio de Janeiro
22-Aug-2009 (one comment)
Sharing some "Consciousness" with all you fellow dear Iranians. >>>
22-Aug-2009 (10 comments)
I found the above interesting and thought it might provide some topics for discussion here. The topics in the video directly relate to some of the recent blogs and commentary here on>>>
22-Aug-2009 (3 comments)
Could hard economic times in the U.S., and the prospect of reverse immigration, bode well for Iran? >>>
Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

  چرا ما راستگو نیستیم و چرا حتی با خودمان صداقت نداریم؟   چرا به شاهکار آفرینش خداوندی یعنی زن و مرد احترام نمیگذاریم؟   زن ومرد توسط خدا  زیبا و قشنگ آفریده شده اند و ما بایست به این زیبایی و این شاهکار خداوندی بدیده تحسین واحترام بنگریم و اجازه نداریم آن را نابود و بی مقدار نماییم.    >>>


How Ahmadinejad Stole an Election

And how he can fix It

22-Aug-2009 (22 comments)
The single most important step is to transfer election responsibilities from the Interior Ministry and the Guardian Council to a nonpartisan and independent national election commission. Iran should also create a nonpartisan elections court, composed of judges and lawyers. All the major political parties should have a veto on nominees so as to ensure that the judges are acceptable to all the parties. Second, the Election Commission should certify the candidates according to clear and fair criteria, and they should prevent any intimidation, and guarantee access to the entire electoral process by domestic and international election observers>>>


از هیچ جای هیچ رهبری نمی‌روید

مشروعیت سیاسی موسوی، کروبی، گنجی، مخملباف و سایر نمایندگان جنبش سبز باید در چارچوب رفتارهای فردی آنان سنجیده شود

22-Aug-2009 (54 comments)
رهبر جنبش سبز، آقای موسوی، هشت سال نخست‌وزیر ایران بود. در طول آن سال‌ها هزاران زندانی سیاسی شکنجه و اعدام شدند. دوره دوره‌ای ایدئولوژیک بود. مردم ایدئولوژیک بودند و ایشان هم. همه بودیم. می‌پذیریم. بسیاری از آنانی که اعدام شدند دست کمی از آقای موسوی آن دوره نداشتند و اگر به قدرت رسیده بودند هزاران موسوی و امثال وی را به جوخه‌های اعدام سپرده بودند. قصد من اینجا دفاع از یکی و محکوم کردن دیگری نیست. قصدم پرداختن به شخصیت سیاسی آقای موسوی‌ست. می‌پذیریم که او فرق کرده و "اصلاح" شده است. می‌پذیریم که دیگر آن فرد گذشته نیست. اما آیا این کافی‌ست؟>>>


 How to Watch “Tehran has No More Pomegranates”

We can hardly gauge two centuries of Iran’s half baked modernization without appealing to irony

22-Aug-2009 (2 comments)
Reflecting on cities is as old as civilization itself. It all started with mythmaking 78 centuries ago as Sumerians speculated about the origins of Ur, Uruk, Kish and Lagash. They believed that their cities were built by Gods. One would think that if anyone knew who built those ziggurats and magnificent walls, they did. Archaic Greeks too insisted that the massive boulders of Mycenae were moved by the giant Cyclops. Masud Bakhshi also starts his tribute to Tehran with the myth that it was founded by a bandit tribe that lived underground and grew excellent pomegranates>>>
SCE Campaign
SCE took immediate action and contacted its channels at the UN and other human rights organizations. SCE was relieved by the news that his execution had been postponed. >>>
22-Aug-2009 (10 comments)
Do we need to supervise every aspect of every decision our children make? >>>

Ahmadinejad No Show

How America commits crimes on behalf of Israel

Shah Ghollam

How Israel Wages War in Plain Sight / Jeff Gates
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22-Aug-2009 (6 comments)

Interesting news

Shah Ghollam

US Census Bureau Releases Language Assistance Guide in Persian for 2010 Census /
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22-Aug-2009 (one comment)

Florida Governor's direct line to God !


Is God protecting Fla. at Gov. Crist's request?

AP / Brandon Farrington
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