مسعود از امریکا



Origins of Now-Ruz (New Year), the Nissanu and the

Maryam Hojjat

Origins of Now-Ruz (New Year), the Nissanu and the 365 Day Year

Kavehfarrokh.com / Kaveh Farrokh
recommended by Maryam Hojjat
20-Mar-2009 (one comment)

Egyptian Bahais get recognition!


Egyptian court's ruling grants Bahais identity cards

M&C / amigo19
recommended by amigo19
20-Mar-2009 (one comment)

and its ........


We Have Seen the Enemy...

Information Clearing House / Timothy V. Gatto
recommended by smhb

Restoring our Financial Sovereignty.... Nice joke


A New Monetary System

Information Clearing House / Nikki Alexander
recommended by smhb

Damn right it was.....


Was the Bailout Itself a Scam?

Information Clearing House / Paul Craig Roberts
recommended by smhb
20-Mar-2009 (one comment)
It could have happened exactly at Saal Tahveel>>>
Tina Ehrami
20-Mar-2009 (one comment)
Eide Norooz mobarak! >>>


پنجره ای بسوی بهار

دوباره بهار و نوروز آمدند و زنگار از مینای کاشیکاری خاطرات میزدائیم

20-Mar-2009 (24 comments)
برای برخی از ما ایرانیان مقیم درغربت که از دوستان و فامیل دور هستیم، آن نوروزهای پرهیجان و شادی آور سالهای دور، دیگر تبدیل به رد و بدل چند تلفن تبریک و شش هفت تا تعارف معمولی و خوش بشهای زورکی شده اند. دو روز اول سال نو کم و بیش و بیهوده صرف نشستن و گرفتن شماره تلفنهای ایران میشود. فیزیک ذرات یکطرف و گرفتن چهل و هشت شماره تلفن پشت سرهم یکطرف. این براستی باد در هاون کوبیدن است و اگر گهگاهی هم یک شماره جواب دهد، شخص آنطرف خط میگوید "اشتباه گرفتی جونم!" در یکی از همین شماره گیری های پارسال خانمی خوش صدا گوشی را در تهران برداشت و همان اول کار گفت "جونم"! آنور دنیا در یک کشور اثنی عشری خانمی بیمقدمه میگوید جانم، خوب شما بودید چه میکردید؟ قند در دل آب کردیم که دیگر پنجاه درصد آن درست شد و فقط مانده که کارتهای دعوت چاپ بشوند>>>

and their response to obama's message, in english!


Obama overture elicits cautious response from Iran

Los Angeles Times / Borzou Daragahi and Ramin Mostaghim
recommended by Parham
20-Mar-2009 (3 comments)


Supreme President Khamenei

Ahmadinejad's unpopularity does not necessarily weaken his chances of being re-elected

20-Mar-2009 (7 comments)
The decision of former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami not to seek the presidency again has revealed how muddled Iranian presidential politics now is. In trying to sort out this muddle, the most important thing to keep in mind is not so much who will be elected, but what that choice will reveal about the intentions of the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Unfortunately, the most likely outcome will be continuing transformation of the Islamic Republic from a civil government into a garrison state in which the military plays a major role in determining political and economic matters>>>

... and their response to obama's message


Bahar Aborted

When all hell broke loose in Iran

20-Mar-2009 (6 comments)
Islamists tried to cancel the 1979 Nowruz celebrations, in order to maintain their unending cycle of mourning and fighting. The Hezbollah was determined to take over the entire government apparatus, expel the liberal technocrats from the ministries, crush the Kurdistan uprising, and reinvigorate the populace around their banner. However, their mindless repressive tactics (Chomaghdari) had alienated most political activists; and their lack-lustre fundamentalist slogans could not attract the vibrant young population. Since his arrival, ayatollah Khomeini had not helped their cause either, as his Qom lectures were normally tedious and erratic>>>

What a Joke


Israel to probe reported abuse by soldiers in Gaza

Yahoo News / AMY TEIBEL, Associated Press Writer
recommended by capt_ayhab
20-Mar-2009 (one comment)

Noruz message from a war criminal


Peres greets Iranians in Persian on Iranian new year festival

The Jerusalem Post
recommended by Ostaad
20-Mar-2009 (13 comments)