Shazde Asdola Mirza
06-Sep-2010 (39 comments)
You know, emotional walls are funny things; once you build them, they gain a life of their own>>>

What happens when there is no Barnameh o Boodjeh

Shifteh Ansari
Deutsche Welle Persian / Javad Talei
recommended by Shifteh Ansari

Maybe they can provide Mahmoud with an abacus, too

Big trouble in Mahmoud's cabinet

Iranian wrestling champion joins Azerbaijan team

Sahameddin Ghiassi

 و نیز همکاری و همراهی و اینکه منافع عامه را بر منافع شخصی ارجهیت بدهیم و تنها فکر منافع سریع خصوصی نباشیم. در حکومت احمق ها هیچ کس در امان نیست حتی خود شخص ظالم حاکم کل؟


افتخار به رتبۀ میان 400 تا 500

IRI Mercenaries & Khamenei's suppoters in London


London green movement's photostream (Pics)

recommended by IranFirst
Darius Kadivar
06-Sep-2010 (one comment)
Britain is a Constitutional Monarchy where the Queen is Head of State and the Elected Prime Minister is Head of Government. The PM powers are equal to that of a President in a Republic. Simon Schama Tours N 10 >>>


Democracy Begins at Home

How can a country be democratic if its nation does not understand the meaning of the word?

06-Sep-2010 (11 comments)
My first lesson of true democracy came from an old neighbor in the early 1970’s. I was trying to explain why I felt so homesick. “Back in my town people knew me, I knew them. They would say hello on the streets and I would run into friends here and there. Many people in town knew my family. But here I’m nobody!” To which my neighbor said, “Oh, Zoe, everybody is somebody!” Everybody is somebody. Wow! Still, it has taken years to un-educate myself, erase the wrong lessons and come to understand that, no matter who you are, your existence is significant in some way>>>
06-Sep-2010 (11 comments)
More than three decades past and after a painful Islamic Republic experience, we are conveniently in position to disdain his works as being the first in legitimizing political Islam in our country>>>
06-Sep-2010 (3 comments)
اخیراً دکتر سروش در سخنرانی خود در دانشگاه تورنتو از پاسخ به سؤالی در باره نظرش درباب حقوق همجنسگرایان عمدتاً سر باز زد. البتّه چنین برخوردی از جانب ایشان کاملأ قابل فهم است>>>


حاج خانم و ویاگرا

میخواست ویاگرای سفارشی را در آب حل کند و به خوردش بدهد

رستوران شیک بود و غذای خوبی داشت. حاج خانم تند و تند غذا میخورد و تند و تند بینی اش را پاک میکرد. من تا یاد قیافه ی بدترکیب هلموت، با دندانهای مصنوعی اش میافتادم که عشق پیری اش جنبیده و با یک زن لهستانی مینی ژوپ پوش سی و هفت ساله روی هم ریخته، حرصم درمیآمد؛ آن هم درست موقعی که زنش رفته بود مکه؛ حج تمتع! پری پیش از این که حاج خانم شود، از «ضعف» هلموت حکایتها و شکایتها داشت>>>

Not good news

Shifteh Ansari

Bahrain implicates Iran in plot to overthrow government

Telegraph / Adrian Blomfield
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