Do we want just Democracy for Iran?


by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy


"He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have."

Socrates, in his far reaching insight wishing to help make anti-pahlavis and antimonarchists think.

"Democracy passes into despotism." "Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty."

Plato on observation of the truth which any objective person would agree with by seeing the USA/Brazil/France Today.

Democracy becomes a government of bullies tempered by editors.   Ralph Waldo Emerson on the true creation of multiple despots, tyrants and dictators who break the law and choose their partners not out of their virtue but based on their political power.

Democracy in practice substitutes election by the incompetent many, for appointment by the corrupt few.


GEORGE BERNARD SHAW on the reality of the greater corruption in democracies.


The Philosophers and thinkers of the past were correct on their observation of the truth, even though they have been contradicted by many self serving politicians and celebrities of every age.

My Question is, do we Iranians only want democracy for Iran?

Or can we do the heavy thinking for ourselves instead of letting the Main Stream Media Do the thinking for us?

Reconsider 1979 when Iranians United in performing a coup against themselves first and foremost and did a perfect job of accomplishing the tyranny, despotism/dictatorship any thinker can clearly see is the only outcome possible in the pursuit of democracy.

Lets use this blog to think out loud and see if we can list the the tangeable benefits of a Free & Democratic Secular Constitutional Monarchy as opposed to just pursuing Democracy for Iran.

Secular Constitutional Monarchy is a wise option to preserve freedom, justice, democracy & religion For Iranians. 
Though don't expect the Main Stream Media in the Hands of Multinationals and Oil Companies to educate you as to why it serves Iranians better than other forms of government.


Recently by amirparvizforsecularmonarchyCommentsDate
The Wests Mission Accomplished in Iran, Iraq and Libya. Now Syria. Part 2. (4 parts)
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Nov 22, 2012
Let Us Unite, With Humanity.
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more from amirparvizforsecularmonarchy
maziar 58


by maziar 58 on




Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

On % of Sauid ...

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Whatever they get a huge amount goes to buy second rate weapons. Things to either keep US arms manufacturers in business. Or to rid USA of arms meant to be retired. So what they get goes right back to USA to get "junk".

Besides the pre-approved Iraqi attack on Kuwait. And the specter of Iran keeps them afraid. Hence they have to buy the junk. So the business is real good. No shortage of arms making jobs.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: derams & hallucinations of Amirparviz

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


These are pretty tame and reasonable in the greater scheme of things. Now when it comes to mine they are really out there. Maybe I should write a blog with mine. It starts with retaking of Ctesiphon ...



by amirkabear4u on

You mentioned intresting points. Iran needs more than democracy BUT STRANGLY a lot of Iran's short comings are connected to each other which basically one can say they all can be summerised to two main issues. I really wanted to write a blog later on. Some of your comments are included in my thoughts. 


maziar 58

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

On paper by agreement it is 50%, but in reality it has to be less and much of their money has to go into the USA never to come out in practice.  Sad thing is the UK/US Societies at the same exact time, for their inland oil projects get a better deal from their oil companies than 75%.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

I wonder how much in %the saudis,

are taking or were taking in percentages from their oil revenues ?



Maziar LOL

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

plato ,piato and plate means kasseh so that aash was the aim of khomeini... not the phylosopher.

what an aash we got when people just pursue democracy!  That is the sure way to get to tyranny/despotism!

Mammad who cares if the despot/dictator has a social base or not lke musmali/mousavi.  That is not the only basis for legitimacy.  Hitler was extremely charismatic and had a great social base was that good for germany or the world?  Was he the most legitimate choice? I doubt it.


Mammad Look through all my posts, I don't directly attack anyone

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

You said "brainwashed Pahlavi hater," as you have called me in the past!

I never use the word brainwashed, I use misinformed, and I say pahlavi hater in general terms at people not at a person.

BTW are you a pahlavi lover or somewhere in between?

W.R.T. your other question:

The issue is not entirely one of evolution, in none of these cases Afghanistan, Libya, and Ethiopia were the people the main source of power... outer colonial forces were far more powerful and they werre the source of ousting the monarchies n order to access the resources cheaper, set the people backwards and therefore control them easier.

In Iran we went at time of shah from receiving 75% of the income of oil to after the revolution 20 to 25% today and wth the massively higher price of oil the IRI has still got more from oil revenue than the parliament of Iran did during shahs time.  Like Libya under Qadafi, once IRI feels secure from foreign powers it too will push for a higher percentage of oil revenue.

Yet evolution is still important, one can't expect the shah to have evolved so quickly from an autocratic patriarchal society for the last 1000 years to a fully functioning constitutional monarchy, I am sure by 2000 we would have been there had he stayed and his son become king right after him.


Rob are you capitalstic/republican in views? Mammad re:cohesion

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Have you ever lived in the UK, Norway, Denmark, Sweden or Netherlands.  Living in these countries is a joy, they have the largest middle classes, the highest standard of living and the lowest poverty rate.  They are unlike the USA with the highest poverty rate among any developed nation.  These are secular, Constitutional Monarchies with a Parliamentary Democracy.  I have lived in both the UK and USA for 15 years each, my personal views on justice and freedom lead me to knowng that I prefer to live in a Secular Democratic Constitutional Monarchy any day of the year. 

You mention socialism, religous, I personally have no negative issue with either of these ideas, they will naturally occur in any free society. I don't see eye to eye with unchained, limitless capitalism like we see today lead by the USA.  I feel that greed with out limits does more harm than good. Greed can be very good in moderation, provided there is some containment.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

plato ,piato and plate means kasseh so that aash was the aim of khom...not the phylosopher.



We must think for ourselves

by Mammad on

But, before expressing them publicly, we must ponder whether our thoughts are cohesive and make sense. Without meaning any disrespect - even though you have called me many things in the past - the aash-e shalam shoorbaa that you have invoked to advocate your well-known "ideology" does not represent a set of cohesive thoughts away from what the mainstream media say, or away from anything for that matter.

As robertborden54 correctly pointed out, Ayatollah Khomeini was a believer in Plato. Perhaps that is why the VF regime is approaching an absolute RELIGIOUS monarchy with an ammaameh! And, an ardent monarchist like you can surely not be a "pal" of a socialist (like yours truly, or Shaw, not that I am at his level) and quote him.

I call a blog good if it provokes meaningful debate, not bah bah and chah chah by some and labeling by others. So, instead of talking in broad "sloganish" way, respond to specific points that others or I raise to counter your blog, in order for it to be a blog not a "blog." For example, respond to my point about the evolution toward constitutional monarchy in Europe, the point about what people of Afghanistan, Libya, and Ethiopia did with their deposed monarchies, and the point about a test of popularity of your idol Reza Pahlavi.

Then, you can have a meaningful debate with a "brainwashed Pahlavi hater," as you have called me in the past!! Not that I care! I have been called much worse things! Ask..... I am still here, commenting!



deep thought this ain't

by robertborden54 on

You need to read more and think're either not very educated or you don't read past a few quotes.  Plato's idea of government was very close to what we have in the IRI (read The Republic).  Shaw was a socialist and Emerson was deeply (and mystically) religious.  I doubt you really see eye to eye with any of these three.


Mammad Joon, my Dreams and Hallucinations are looking good.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

I chose to be as modest as possible to nurture enlightenment rather than
force it.  I chose Socrates, Plato, Ralph Waldo Emerson & George
Bernard Shaw, many call these the leading intelligencia of their time,
true philosophers and deep thinkers. 

Iranians could use a little deep thought & philosophy in place of
the main stream media, I think.  We've had lots of difficulty thinking
for ourselves and allowing the Main Stream Media and politicians do the
thinking for us.  That hasn't worked too well, as you will realize by
reading the quotes it proves our politicians haven't had our well being
in mind or were just fools.  For more respect from intelligent people share this blog with your
friends, they will be impressed with what you are truly giving them.



maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

Forget about what is BEST for others in Iran

If they're ready and willing it will come to that point even with a million passdar and bassiji ready to crush every uprising.

Islam and its mollahs have to close their DOKKAN in IRAN.

**today in history Iraqi tanks crossed shalamcheh and and gospeh with 17 armories from howayzeh to enter Iran and capture 17 of khuzestan the next hours closed to mid night their tanks and 500 lbs Arial bombs shelled khorramshahr to surrender.


maziar 58

Amir parviz khan

by maziar 58 on

Till that day which is not far to come for Iran and all

one thing is clear that one generation or two seen and acknowleged that DEEN is just a dokkan and more than 30 yrs have to pass to pave a hopeful FREE and secular Iran for the next generation to enjoy our motherland .

Till then we all just have to talk about it.

yours         Maziar


This esghati machine never stops!

by Mammad on

This is "great." IC allows anyone with fantasies or hallucinations to come here and become a "blogger." So, this "blogger" zamin-o zaman raa beham mibaafeh to "prove" that democracy is not democracy, unless it is monarchy, and unless it has a pre-fixed leader! Yeah, that is really democracy.

We are also told that a huge majority of people staged a coup against themselves and that, in this, they were helped by the mainstream media in the West and oil companies.

I cannot think of a better aash-e shalam shoorba, or mumbo jumbo than this, and this is a guy who calls others "brainwashed" because they don't buy his aash! Oh boy, after a long Saturday, I needed a laught! Thank you.

1. The Pahlavi regime WAS a SECULAR regime; in fact, it was a secular fundamentalist regime.

2. Those nations that supposedly have the so-called constitutional monarchy went through several hundred years of evolution to get there. They did not get up one day and said, ahaa! From today on we will not be absolute monarchy, but a constitutional one. It is evolution ..... The last time I looked, we had an absolute monarchy with a fascist system in Iran that was overthrown like a house of cards. So, unless we believe evolution can happen overnight, this will remain a sheer fantasy. 

3. It will be a freezing day in hell before you will see your SCM with Reza Pahlavi at the helm. Even the utterly backward people of Afghanistan, Ethiopia, and Libya did not and are not bringing back their deposed monarchies, let alone a dynamic nation like Iran, with a young, educated, and extremely informed population, and one that overthrew the dictatoship of the Pahlavis.

If we ever get to that, Reza Pahlavi can run as a presidential candidate to test his popularity.

Better yet! His birthday on 9 Abaan is coming up. He can ask people in Iran to go out and just gather silently at major squares. Let's see whether he can bring out 5% of the last demonstration called by Karroubi and Mousavi almost a year ago. In the militarized Tehran, there were at the minimum 1 million people out.

Last week it was reported that Mousavi had said to his daughters to read Gabriel Garcia Marquez's wonderful book, News of a Kidnapping, to understand his plight, and in one day no copy of the book could be found anywhere, with long lines of people forming at bookstores to get a copy in Tehran and other major cities. Say what you want. But that is popularity. That is credibility. That is people's respect. That is social base.



Do we want just democracy for Iran?

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

My Answer is, NO!

I want a Free & Democratic Secular Constitutional Monarchy with multipartys and Reza Pahlavi II.



I have apple computer and use the junk button

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

that helps some, as they all go to junk folder but I still receive loads of spam.  I don't even read their adds let alone open.  Any filter recommendations?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: ridiculous amount

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Where is the spam coming from? You may use various filters either at your ISP or on your computer. Never use the "stop spam" button on the pages they send you. It just verifies that they got a valid address.

Then you get blasted even harder. Also never open attachments or click on their links. If you really want to open one then use a Linux or BSD machine. Most Trojan and virus are for Windows or Mac. They are not going to affect Linux.


I'm getting a ridiculous amount of spam

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

anyone have an isea how to stop it without changing my email address?

very annoying!


VPK my favorite quote is actually by Iranians LOL

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

"Shah is a Dictator, we want Democracy." ROFL

LOL.the incompetant many don't even know what a dictator is (they just read Time Magazine or watch Fox News to tell them how to think) based on that comment, so they choose a system that any mule should know on it's own leads to absolute despotism.


One that made me laugh was

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what to eat.  It's so true, it can't work due to an understanding of sociology and human nature, but tempts everyone because deep down, everyone just wants the chance to be the king and not love and serve each other with charm and fun. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Democracy in practice substitutes election by the incompetent many, for appointment by the corrupt few.

I really love this one it is so true. The best example being America but also other nations. No wonder we have so much hatred towards anyone with ideas. The whole "30 second" thing. Keep people dumb and debate dumber.

The first time when I saw an American debate it was shocking. That is how candidates express themselves! I saw better debates in my high school. Then came talking heads and their spin.