Of bloody axes, filthy Zionists, and some nukes...

First Amendment
by First Amendment

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Now, now...

by Frashogar on

Let's not give representatives of the Holocaust industry here any unneeded ammunition. The Zionist state should be dismantled and all of its international holdings and assets seized on behalf of the people of Palestine as the first stage of reparations which will span the equal number of years of the occupation. Jews, unless war criminals, whether Zionist or not, should be allowed to freely enjoy their permanent exile from Palestine wherever they wish in the world. The Palestinian movement should show that, unlike them, this is not a question about Jews but about the human rights of Palestinians against Zionists who have held many Jews equally hostage to their globalist fascist agenda.


At some point the peaceful Jews

by MaryamJoon on

At some point the peaceful Jews, for the sake of world peace, will have to take up arms as part of an international coalition against the Israeli settlers. The world community should build a large enough prison to accommodate settlers because followers of zionist-apartheidism don't deserve to walk around free and can't be trusted in any country.