Letter to Mola, re: democracy, Israel and AIPAC lobbyists on IC


by Q

This was from a different thread and I started writing it as a response, but I thought it would work better as a blog.

Dear Mola,

It's been my experience that whoever feels like going out of their way to do these three things:

1. Distance oneself from Israel, ala "I like most other Iranians do not know any israelis"

but of course the vast majority of anti-Iran Zionists and that section of Iranian Jewish community (whom I understand really well for reasons I can explain later) who has too much misplaced pride in Israel, may or may not call itself "Israeli."

2. Name themselves "OnlyIran", "IranFirst", "TruelyIran", "ReallyImeanItIcareAboutIran", "PleaseBelieveMeIdontCareAboutIsrael" and "Dont'botherMeI'mTouchingMyselfThinkingAboutIran", and generally act over the top on the patriotism angle.

3. Choose to butt in and defend people they do not seemingly know, if they are being accused of toeing the AIPAC line (about which there is no dispute, and even Fred has agree publically)

These people betray a sense of obligation to defend against any and all, even the slightest negative perception of Israel, and are truly part of the Lobby, whether they have membership cards or not.

Granted, some of them in their own mind are just trying to be "Fair", and many certainly don't like to think of themselves as Israel cheerleaders. But unfortunately through the enormous influence of pro-Israel institutions in North America as well as events from their family history, they can't help but see fundemental issues in foreign policy, like "justice", "fairness" and "equality", only through distorted lens of Zionism.

As far as why Israel is relevant, asking this question is perhaps the most important "tell" of all. Israel is the country most hostile to Iran and the country that is on daily basis threatening to attack it. Israelis support terrorist groups like the MEK. Israeli lobby in the US are the most vicious anti-Iran advocates, held back only by the potential public relations backlash if they call louder for an outright war: (remember, even George Bush and Dick Cheney claimed they didn't want war, and "Saddam is driving toward war")

It is an absolute fact that Iran's nuclear program, however sinister it is made out to be, is completely irrelevant to Iranian struggle for democracy, save perhaps a economic/resource management argument among many others that can be legitimately levelled against the Coup government. Iran could have 500 nuclear bombs and it will make absolutely no difference internally. It has been proven over and over again that the vast majority of Iranians, even the opposition, are in agreement about protecting Iran's nuclear rights.

This means that anybody who intentionally tries to conflate the two issues, i.e. tries to say:

Hey democracy activists! Help me stop the Mullahs from getting nukes.

Is not thinking about Iranian interests first and foremosts. He/She/That entitity is simply using any notion of democracy in order to advance the interests they really value which is primarily those of Israel, and secondarily those of the US and the West. What's truely and unforgivably sad, is that Israel isn't even threatened physically. It is only a perception of balance that Israel has identified as "danger", which is historically true of how it conducts foreign policy. In practical terms, if Iran is "permitted" (note the supremacist language) to retain "nuclear know-how", it only means Israel loses political face in the region, that is all.

Supporting sanctions against Iranian people, which are irresponsible and could easily lead to war if actually enforced, and which are nominally designed only to advance the West's nuclear agenda, and claiming this is for the sake of democracy for Iranians is sinister, manipulative and heartless. But this is how AIPAC operates.


more from Q
Mola Nasredeen

The so called Litmus paper (Test) and other typos..

by Mola Nasredeen on

My question to you, onlyiran, doctorx, FredCo, and all the Israel's cheerleaders:

Do you support Israel's bombardment of Iran? Did you answer Mrs Cheney's ad to support Israel's military action against Iran? The so called H.Res. 1553  (a resolution green-lighting Israeli Strikes on Iran) that is being pushed down the throats of our representatives in US congress and Senate?

A simple yes or no would take care of it. The audacity!

Jenabe Sargord, I'm afraid to disagree with you. We've got professionals here. Stick around a little longer and you'll see. You've shown a lot of patience arguing back and forth with this crowd but stick around longer and you'll see there are a few professionals among them. 


Phony Sargord

by AMIR1973 on

Besides being a man of many identities (Sargord Pirouz, Mark Pirooz, Mark Pyruz or simply Pirouz) and talents (aficionado of the IRI's North Korean-inspired "military" junk), the Phony Sargord has added purveyor of psychobabble and pseudo-Freudian "analysis" to his CV. Keep up the good work, Phony Sargord. Cheers  :-)


How are you not a VEVAK agent

by Onlyiran on

according to your own "three step" test as I set forth below?


I asked you to come back?

by Q on

really? We must not be speaking the same language.

Sargord Pirouz

I really don't see Fred as a

by Sargord Pirouz on

I really don't see Fred as a "paid agent". He's simply nowhere near intelligent enough to command a premium for his obsessive rants.

I've been participating on a wide variety of forums, for years now. That said, I have come across genuine Hasbara agents. But I haven't seen any here at IC. Has anyone else?

Really, the majority of anti-Iran opinions offered here are consistent with what you would expect from middle aged exiles. Typically, you'll find highly emotionally charged opinions based on a keen sense of frustration, as well as self-indignation for being out of place in an adopted land.

It's sad, really. But we're not going to be able to change these people. For the most part, their mentality is frozen in time, to a mid-70s world that no longer exists but in their minds.



by Doctor X on


Looks like we've got our first candidate here. Ready for the first one?

M. Nasreddin

What is it with you guys and your bad english today? It is Litmus test amoo jan not litmus paper. the latter has use in chemistry laboratories. Ad space accepted.... Litmus test... What a disaster bekhoda. Who is "hear" to support israel and on what facts do you base your assertion?? What facts?

Listen. It is you who are into this crappy buisness of Us vs Them all right? No one is pushing for divisions and disunity on this site. Perhaps you would have had a much quicker grasp on that solid concept, had you put aside, in your mind, this dualist mentality.

And check the spelling for the love of God. akheh baba... Injoori mikhay az aberooyeh Iran jelo Zionista defa koni?


But you asked me to come back Dear Q...

by Onlyiran on

What, no response?  

And tell us how you don't fit in the "three steps" as I described them, which makes you a VEVAK agent?  


Thanks Dr. X

by Onlyiran on

My position has always been clear.  It seems as if these people have a need to start accusing others of being "agents of this and agents of that" once a while out of the blue just to "keep th heat on".  That's how they are taught to operate, I guess.  

And Mola: your "ammeh" supports Israel over Iran.  At least I don't write blogs about "flotillas" and cry about 8 Turks dying on the same day when 14 Iranians were being executed, and when that news was brought to my attention I wouldn't ignore it.  

Now keep being "flabbergasted" you non-Iranian, anti-Iranian clown. 


They are the chosen people

by AMIR1973 on

They are the chosen people and we are not.

Jew hatred on display for all to see. Oh Rosie, where are you?  :-) 


Alas dear "OnlyIran",

by Q on

Thanks so much for coming back to my "piece of garbage".

Nighty night. This will be my last comment on this piece of garbage hate blog. But, I will check back to see your links.

you are now 3 for 3.

The last point is about being a "liar". We can evaluate that by seeing if OI can actually stick to his/her word and not write back and thus at least redeem himself on one point of projection. We shall see.

So, please, call me names or call me whatever you want. But don't say I didn't read you correctly!

Mola Nasredeen

Q, my hat to you Sir

by Mola Nasredeen on

Why? Because you've spent time and energy to expose the cheerleaders for Israel on this site. You have gone and read what they've written since joining this site. I was flabergasted when your comment to the last commentator indicated:

"But your first blog clearly demonstrates your anger and hostiity toward what you perceive as unfair attacks against Israel. All I said was that such people as you are not primarily motivated by Iranian's well being, and I now doubly affirm that statement. Nobody should confuse their agenda with freedom and democracy."

Excellent observation Q, this is another litmus paper to expose those posers who in fact are heer to support Israel. This bunch have a very low expectatoin from us, to them Iranians are not very bright or knowledgable bunch and they can be easly manipulated. There were many times when they ordered others 'Out of here'. What are you going to do? They (meaning the zionist zealots) are the chosen people and we are not.



by Doctor X on

Thank you for making your position on the Israeli Issue CRYSTAL CLEAR. From this point on, even if there is ONE more comment about you or anyone else who is with you on this issue, namely not giving a rat's ass as to what happens to Israel, accusing them of associating with Zionism or AIPAC, or this Fred Inc. New Bullcrap By anyone, We know where that person belongs to. Head first.

And you know and I know that there are listening and reading and they are reading Good!


Perfectly put Dr. X

by Onlyiran on

the whole scheme  begins by setting a phony, paranoid standard.  In this case, it's this: I say that you're an Israeli lobbyist, and nothing you can say or do will change that.  In fact, if you say that you're not, it will confirm that you are.  Because you're saying that you're not an Israeli lobbyist to hide your real agenda as an Israeli lobbyist.  The only people who are not Israeli lobbyists are the ones who I say are not Israeli lobbyists.    It's actually like IRI show trials, which begin with the notion that: you're guilty because I say you're guilty.  Now you either confess, or we will  execute you.  And BTW, if you confess, you will only get a "light" sentence of 15 years. This is pure, scary cyber McCarthyism--with a dash of IRI slander and labeling attached.   Of course, the paranoia can be directed toward Mr. Q.  One can ask how possible a person who uses his real name on a site that is certainly monitored by IRI agents can have an avatar of Mousavi that says "President" on it can freely travel to Iran and return unharmed.   In fact, by Q's own logic and standard One can say that the fact that Q claims that he's pro-Mousavi is just a ploy to infiltrate and push his pro-IRI agenda because he can't come out and say that he's pro-IRI, because if her does, he will violate his rule number 1.   Coming to think of it, here are the 3 points (ala Q) to show that Q is really a hard core VEVAK agent:  1- He distances himself from the IRI by claiming that he supports the Greens;  2.  He chooses an over the top avatar like Mousavi's photo that says "president" on it;  3.      He feels like he has to butt in every conversation where the IRI is being held accountable for its crimes and try to justify it. See how this works?   Now I have proven that Q is a VEVAK agent, and nothing that he can say or do will take away from that fact.  In fact, the more that he he denies it, the more it will become apparent that he's a VEVAK agent.  And Q boy: I stand by what I wrote. The IRI should be held accountable for the peril that it places the Iranian people in day in and day out.  In fact, I wrote a more recent blog which touched upon the same subject.   Here it is:   //iranian.com/main/blog/onlyiran/iran-will-be-attacked-if  And I will not engage in discussing Israel with you because that is what you want to change every conversation about Iran into.  Plus, I couldn't give a flying f**k what happens to Israel.  As I have said many times on this site, it doesn't make a difference to me if I wake up tomorrow and see Israel replaced by Palestine...or the Martians for that matter.  And as far as your cyber-babble about the "one state solution", I have been way ahead of you advocating such a solution because I don't think that with all the illegal settlement building, there will be a viable two state solution.  Plus, Israel has been stalling the "peace process" for so long that there is no such thing anymore.   Here's my comment on the issue on a thread two months ago:   //iranian.com/main/blog/humanbeing/angry-glimmer-hope  get a life, and see a psychiatrist for your obsessive compulsive lying



by AMIR1973 on

It is appalling people such as Amir, Fred, MasoudA, and Amil can attack others without any consequences.  

In the Rapist Regime, folks have been jailed and died in jail for denouncing and/or attacking the IRI or its leaders. In America, IRI propagandists come on Iranian.com demanding "consequences" for denouncing and/or attacking the IRI or its leaders. Fortunately, in America we have freedom of speech. Too bad for the IRI propagandists  :-(



by Onlyiran on



Thanks Q for your efforts.

by Javadagha on

Thanks Q for your time and exposing Fred and Co.   It is appalling people such as Amir, Fred, MasoudA, and Amil can attack others without any consequences.  On Saturday August 7, 2010, Yousef joined to support Fred.  As you mentioned Fred Company is expanding.        If anyone attacked Israel or USA the way Fred is attacking Iran, he or she would be called a terrorist.  Iranian.com shares the blame for letting several members spew hatred against people and advocate bombing.  

In my view, Fred and Co. are terrorists who come across as paid agents.


Thank you for proving my point Q

by Fair on

I will take that as a "NO".  Now we really know how fair you are "in your own mind".  I think the readers here can decide for themselves. 

Of course in your own self promoting sick mind, they are worthless anyway, so you will continue to have a conversation with yourself. Like I said, all you are capable of is attacking others, and the less answers you have the more you attack.  You can say all you want, attack people all you want, and write long boring diatribes as much as you want.  But if you cannot answer such a simple basic question other than with a copout like nothing, you are just a person full of himself, spewing out a bunch of hot air, as usual.

Indeed, how convenient for you to "leave it alone":)


Dear "Fair",

by Q on

I'll leave you alone, except to notice the irony of how many times you feel like saying this

Now, I generally try to ignore characters like Q

in my own blog or in response to something I said! Projection? Who knows.

I'm really ignoring this one!


Mola Nasredeen

Jenabe Sargord,

by Mola Nasredeen on

If you look at the upper right of this page and also home page you'll see the ad. It kinda is looped with some other ads such as Amnesty International, etc. The ad wants us to support Israel's right to bomb Iran when ever she decide to do so. Mrs Cheney's wife is featured on the ad. The ad asks us IRANIANS, mind you, to support the bombardment of Iran by Israel! In their eyes dropping bombs on the Iranian cities is OK with us. Cities are where most of our large extended families live. 



Gotta Love their tactic/antics

by Doctor X on

 Utilizing Meaningless categorizations To Provoke people by accusing them of belonging to a certain political group and ideology, thereby giving yourself the right to condemn them. Going through the most extensive and elaborate lenghts  connecting various dots in order to come up with the most rediculous sounding theories to justify their accusations.


Ad spaces never get accepted. they are offered. Ok?


LOL "Only"Iran,

by Q on

OnlyIran, i had some time to waste so I took you up on the offer. I started reading your previous blog, but I didn't even need to go halfway past the first one you ever wrote at IC (as far as I know) to prove my point.

Your very first blog is called:
Iran vs. Israel--Whose Fault Is It Anyway?

surprise! It's all Iran's fault! But more to the point, this was your very first blog meaning. you registered your name onlyIran and then immediately after wrote a blog defending Israel.

Now, since you made an honorable mention of my username in your blog,

Yes, I did use your name in the 3 criteria argument in the blog, you might want to read it. I'll refresh your memory. people who:

1. distance themselves from Israel
2. have overly patriotic names like "onlyIran"
3. feel like they have to butt in every conversation and defend Israel

are cheerleaders who knowingly or misguidedly try to advance the AIPAC agenda.

now, let's see.... hum... do you fit this criteria, or was I "lying"? I'll let the readers judge.

show the reader of your blog ONE comment that I have made in support of war and sanctions against Iran

I didn't say you would "make comments" in support of war and sanctions. In fact I said (once again, since you didn't read it yourself):

Israeli lobby in the US are the most vicious anti-Iran advocates, held back only by the potential public relations backlash if they call louder for an outright war: (remember, even George Bush and Dick Cheney claimed they didn't want war, and "Saddam is driving toward war")

So, unless the Israel cheerleaders want to be ignored like the phoney Pastor Rennick, they will couch their "concerns" in these terms instead of outright calling for war.

So, now that we have established what I actually claimed (as opposed to what you misrepresented), let see if there is evidence for this. How about:

So, make no mistakes about it. If Iran is attacked, it’s IRI’s fault. IT, and not any other entity, has brought animosity and war to Iran over a cause that has nothing to do with Iran.

I realize you are probably so emotionally tied to this that you are incapable of seeing the irony. You clearly state that If Iran is attacked (meaning Israel starts the attack), it is Iran's fault.

But why would Israel attack Iran? Is it the bullshit you levelled in your blog (about IRI burning Israeli flag, etc.) ? No. it would be the nuclear program. No one has ever even dreamed of another reason why israel might attack Iran. So, therefore you are doing nothing but justifying such an attack on Iran.

Exactly as I said, you are conflating different issues to pretend like you are on the side of Iranians on this site who have grievances agains the government.

here's another part of the same blog that illustrates what really makes you tick perfectly:

Can you just imagine if Israel was burning Iranian flags on the streets for the past 30 years, chanting “marg bar Iran” for the past thirty years, had created, funded and armed militant groups on Iran’s borders for the past 30 years, had stationed troops on Iran’s borders, conducted terrorist bombings against Iranians abroad, and had stated its reason for existence as being to remove Iran’s sovereignty and replacing it with a non-Iranian government? Can you just imagine what the self righteous commentators on this site would be doing?!!!

Ask yourselves this question: would Israel have this animosity toward Iran if the IRI had not done everything that I have enumerated above since the start of its reign over the hapless Iranians? I seriously doubt it.

Without justifying the over-the-top rhetoric of the Iranian hardliners, the idea that any of those things constitute justification for Israel's attack on Iran, is logic only a completely brainwashed Zionist would use and no other.

Let's go through it:
Can you just imagine if Israel was burning Iranian flags on the streets for the past 30 years, chanting “marg bar Iran” for the past thirty years,

Israeli people and government officials do and have said worse things which are not questionable under "freedom of speech" banner.

had created, funded and armed militant groups on Iran’s borders for the past 30 years,

Yea, like MEK, PJAK and Jundullah. All of whom have tied to Israel and MEK is fully funded by them and the Neocons now. There is a huge difference however, none of these terrorist groups are legitimate represenatives of their own people. Hamas and Hezbollah are however.

had stationed troops on Iran’s borders, conducted terrorist bombings against Iranians abroad,

All three of the Israel-backed terrorist groups, as well as Kurdish seperatists are exactly on "Iran's borders".

and had stated its reason for existence as being to remove Iran’s sovereignty and replacing it with a non-Iranian government?

Well, it has stated desire to "return" Iran to a western-friendly government. But besides this, you are I guess making an equivilancy to objections toward "Jewish state" ? I guess, you are saying "replacing by a non-Iranian government" as in Iran has said "replace Israel by a non-Jewish government"? i.e. the one-state solution which is based on popular vote and not a religion? I actually don't believe iran has gone that deep into explaining itself. What you are repeating is of course a popular left wing solution, including many left leaning Israelis. This is all beside the point, the real point is the proposal is to have a democratic binational Arab and Jewish citizen, non-religious state, and NO ORDINARY IRANIAN WOULD FIND THIS OBJECTIONABLE, only Zioniss. Not even the most rabid anti-Islam Monarchist would care enough to defend Israel as a "Jewish state" to that level.

Also, from that propganda piece you call a "blog", you are ommiting important information. First, Israel was a close ally of the Shah and Mossad was an active trainer of the brutal SAVAK. So, the hostility that you speak of is not entirely based on support for Palestinians. Second, the verbal hostility was at its highest level during the 80's and the cultural revolution where daily chants of "Death to Israel" was common and heard in all schools and every night on the streets. This was the exact time that Israel was acting as a middle-man selling weapons to the same Ayatollahs.

The Israeli government, which you seem to know alot about, (Although you said every israeli government since '67 has been dominated by "land grab" policies, you completely missed '56), this same Israeli government had absolutely no problem working with IRI burning flags and chanting "death to Israel", even Iran's support for Hezbollah was much more intense and direct back in the 80s.

The conclusion is that It is simply politically convinient for israel and its cheerleaders to pretend like Iran is a real threat to them now. These are all excuses. Back in the 80's when the same Iranian rhetoric was more intense with much more unity under Khomeini, it was not AIPAC policy to do regime change by bombing or sanctions.

Now that is their policy and they are trying to find second-hand excuses and they are indeed indebted to people like you who are already justifying that an attack on Iran will be Iran's fault!

Unfortunately for you, I read you 100% correctly. You say you commented on this blog because I used your name. But your first blog clearly demonstrates your anger and hostiity toward what you perceive as unfair attacks against Israel. All I said was that such people as you are not primarily motivated by Iranian's well being, and I now doubly affirm that statement. Nobody should confuse their agenda with freedom and democracy.


Google Ads allow you to block any ad you don't like. This was also discussed here a while back and was done before.

Just like "OnlyIran" which is projection to justify oneself not being sufficiently pro-Iran, the fact that I was called a "Dumb" about the Liz Cheney ads, yet this person didn't know that they could be blocked, is also a great point of psychological projection.

The last point is about being a "liar". We can evaluate that by seeing if OI can actually stick to his/her word and not write back and thus at least redeem himself on one point of projection. We shall see.


amazing obsession

by Fair on

I just noticed this blog, and once again it is amazing how obsessed some people are on an IRANIAN website about Israel, zionists, etc.  If Iran's government would not have said "Israel should be destroyed" for the last 30 years, or "The Holocaust was a myth" for the last 5 years, perhaps Israel (a country which helped Iran against Saddam) may not have been so hostile against Iran today.  I mean, just maybe.

Now, I generally try to ignore characters like Q who think so highly of themselves, routinely ridicule others on this website, yet still for some reason see it necessary to communicate with people they have so little regard for.  Since you took a completely unprovoked swipe at me:

Granted, some of them in their own mind are just trying to be "Fair",
and many certainly don't like to think of themselves as Israel

I will ask a very simple question, now that the issue of FAIRNESS is so important to you:

Q- you have forcefully and adamantly condemned the behavior of Israel against its victims.  Are you willing to equally adamantly, clearly, and unequivocally willing to condemn the behavior of the Islamic republic in Iran, led by Ayatollah Khomeini until 1989 and by Ayatollah Khamenei ever since, especially with regard to human rights violations, denial of the freedom of religion and other freedoms enshrined in the universal declaration of human rights, against the people of Iran?

Because I condemn BOTH.  Clearly and unequivocally.

So "in my mind", I am trying to be FAIR.  Let us see how FAIR you are in "in your mind".

Sargord Pirouz

Q: number 2 us a crack up.

by Sargord Pirouz on

Q: number 2 us a crack up. And so true. 

Mola Nasredeen: I hadn't seen that ad. Here I am advocating warning disclaimers be attached to related articles on the main page, while there's actual pro-Zionist ad space being accepted here at IC! Shameful.

Mola in Boshkek: Che khaki bar saram berizam?!


A Mola in need...

by AMIR1973 on


Deconstructing Zionist groupies and Israel Lobby on IC


A Mola in need is a mola indeed. In this case, Mola definitely needs an injection of Haldol because his Jew hatred and Jew-on-the-Brain Derangement Syndrome (JDS) is causing him to spout gibberish that is reaching new heights of insanity and inanity. It's both unfortunate and quite amusing that IC readers are getting to witness this mental breakdown in real time. Cheers  :-)

mola in boshkeh

Mola N. Jon, I am beginning to understand you....!?

by mola in boshkeh on

I can see a big difference between you and Sargod Pirouz.

While receiving training in Boshkeh in Qom, you seem to have picked up some Farsi expressions (e.g., dozarit oftad) here a there!? Am I right or what?

Sargord, on the other hand, is Az Bikh Arab!? He doesn't speak a word of Farsi! I guess he must have had an earful while spending time in Boshkeh! Am I right on that one too or what?

Now, what group do I belong to? A or B?

Mola Nasredeen

Deconstructing Zionist groupies and Israel Lobby on IC

by Mola Nasredeen on

Here it is as follow:

1. The Grand Dragon of Israel Lobby known as Fred (also known as Fred INC and FredCo): There are a few writers who write both in English and Farsi/Persian under the name Fred, hence you find two or three blog entries written and featured under this name on a daily basis. Their styles of writing changes from time to time and that's how my 'dozary oftad' meaning that's how I found out there are more than one person.

2. Zionist groupies. This list changes from time to time. Some have been here for a year or so and some have been here for a few months and some for a few days. You can see it by clicking on their names. I have divided this group into three sub-groups.

Group A: Some of these zionist groupies advocate bombing and killing millions of Iranians if necessary. Read their comments here on this blog and every where on IC. As Q puts it "These people betray a sense of obligation to defend against any and all, even the slightest negative perception of Israel, and are truly part of the Lobby, weather they have membership cards or not" 

Group B: This group when confronted, as Q puts "Distance oneself from Israel, ala "I like most other Iranians do not know any israelis"

Group C: The Closet Zionist groupies who don't dare to proclaim their outright support for Israel to attack and "change Iran's regime". This group is the most pathetic one of all and we have them right here on this blog.

Those who've been here for a few years have seen it all. We used to have a Efriteh named Zion and she had her own groupies who advocated attacking Iran for years, mind you it was during Khatami's presidency. She and her groupies would insult or threaten anybody who criticized Israel or Israeli Lobby and she was active here 24/7. She's gone now or has joined Fred INC's group. This is what's all about


Hi Q- In case you were wondering

by Onlyiran on

You're the "Dumb" part of the "Dumb & Dumber" in the comment that I made on the thread that you were referring to (for the reasons that  mentioned in the comment):


Now, since you made an honorable mention of my username in your blog, it is your burden to show the reader of your blog ONE comment that I have made in support of war and sanctions against Iran--or ONE comment that I have made in support or defense of Israel. Much to the contrary, I have always called Israel an apartheid state that commits crimes against humanity.  So, if you can't show a comment or blog written by me in that regard, you're a liar.  But we already knew that.

The problem with you and the rest of IRI chorus is that just like your IRI bosses who pay you to write this filth and slander other Iranians, you have set a standard that anyone who opposes anything that YOU say or write is automatically a member of the illusive and omnipresent "Israeli Lobby" on IC.  Opposing you is not being an Israeli supporter.  

But again, it's time to put your money where your mouth is and prove to the readers of IC that you're just not some liar who makes things up to score cheap points and get clicks on your blogs by slandering other users.  Show them that you're a good writer, as you claim to be,  who does his homework before he spews nonsense.  Link comments and blogs by me-and other users that you have slandered in this blog--that are in support of Israel and war and sanctions against Iran.  Otherwise, you are a liar and a sorry excuse for a "writer".

Nighty night.  This will be my last comment on this piece of garbage hate blog.  But, I will check back to see your links. 

PS- Just to who your paranoia and lies--as JJ once explained, the ads on this site are generated by Google, which looks for key terms on the page when you click on it.  For example, if there's a mention of the word "Israel" on the thread (as inevitably is in everything that you and your ilk have a presence in for obvious reasons), it will show the Liz Cheney ad.  So, no conspiracy here.  But, it's a good example of your lies and paranoia



This blog should be published with the following disclosure:

by yousef on

Funded and approved by the ministry of propaganda of islamist regime of Iran, North American Sandis department.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Jan gol gofti. Personally I find nothing more despicable than Shariatism. Not a big fan of Zionism either. But it is Shariati the charlatan that hurt my nation. Zionists mostly hurt the Palestinians.

If it were not for Shariati we may not have an IRI. I hope he rots in hell.

mola in boshkeh

Mola Jon, what do you expect when you constantly

by mola in boshkeh on

make belligerent gestures against Israel? Just because you and your thuggish ilk have been abusing and plundering Iranians over the past 31 years doesn't mean you can do the same to the Israelis!

I mean they won't tolerate you and will come after you and your ilk!


It's like the old proverb that says a sparrow should not mess around with a long-horned bull!