I think Haji wants a real relationship. He wants the opportunity to succeed due to his intelligence and effort. He wants to eventually get a home and some day have a good job and possibly afford to have a family. Just a thought.
Hajiagah: Have you
by Anonymous12 (not verified) on Sun Sep 30, 2007 09:52 AM PDT
Hajiagah: Have you considered seeing a therapist? Please seek some professional help. You need it. I'm not joking. You might have some learning disabilities that you might not be aware of. Many artists and geniuses in the world have suffered from learning disabilities such as dyslexia. Could it be that you're bipolar like many other great other artists?
by AnonymousTruthTeller (not verified) on Fri Sep 28, 2007 09:46 AM PDT
I just think you are a stupid, bored, jerk-off, who clearly has no life, sits at home, screwing around on the computer whilst jerking off - Wishing you had a life. I bet you dont even leave the house, and sit there all day thinking up funny little comments and pathetic sketches, in hope that someone will mistake your idiocy for brilliance. WRONG. You ARE an idiot. Idiot is too mild, i have had the misfortune of catching some of your talentless entries and you are a FUCKING MORON!
you are very stupid. I think
by Hoha (not verified) on Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:26 AM PDT
you are very stupid. I think Ahmadinejad is more better that Khatami.
some one told me a art dealers in Canada change the price of your painting and sale expensive people are crazy and not educated they pay lots for some abstract painting can be created by car or child....his right we see in museum....expensive painting and no one know what is this art works?
Iranian artist and sorry is to late I give you answer because I sold my car and where i live is so far from any bus station 5km walking to get bus ...long way to day and was looking to buy van....Canadian system here some times is so strange like for some place government spending lots of money every 5 minute a bus came and go and some place because there is no money .....every 2 or 4 hours....I wish i can educated some Iranian buy drawing cartoons about Canada as best country in are world with so many nice land for farming fresh water and oil or gas and wood jungle....gold........but we also pay %14 tax after all and we have more hard times I believe as Iran....Iranian in Iran need to understand changing government after government is not help us we need to change are safe and became educated and hard working to have better place for are and are children
I'm sure your comment did change some attitudes here (mine included)!
Wish you "and him" the best.
Haji is not poor. He has a
by Lesbian (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:43 AM PDT
Haji is not poor. He has a computer and posts comments all over this website. He also has several $7000 - $10,000+ art work which when you add them up goes above $100,000 so that's a lot of money. Which shelter allows computer and $100,000 worth of art work? Anyway, my lesbian racist/artist lover and I offered him three-some sex. What more do you want?
I am glad
by Jila (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:16 AM PDT
There are so many starving and poor artists in the world.
I am glad you are not one of them.
obviously not because you are not poor nor because you are not
Thank you all for your kind
by Ardeshir 27 (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 09:58 AM PDT
Thank you all for your kind comments about Hajiagha. Keep being a little 'ensan' and you will see how it helps! The Persian community is, unfortunately at each other's throat instead of thinking about each other's needs.
There were 2 suggestions here one to provide him with money through paypal the other to provide him with sex. I think none of these are good ideas because the first one will make him a beggar and the second ... I don't know!
I think the best way is to keep his dignity and provide him with a job in his art or related to his art. This can be done by a networking among wealthy Iranians in Canada (if you can not move him to the US and give him a job there). If you have connections in Canada please contact them and let them know about Haji's situation. God ajretoon bedeh!
by Pooresina (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 09:27 AM PDT
Sorry, my last comment hadn't been revised ignore it and read this one.
Dear Haji, first of all I want to ask you if you can not write in English please write your messages in Farsi like the other visitors do. Secondly, if you are a real artist you have to have some kind of pride and self respect. I don't know, why, you are crying all the time and complaining about hunger, sex,job,and sleeping in the street. As I know, an artist should have at least ( Ezzate nafs ), and keeps his/her face red by slapping himself( soorat khod raa baa sili sorkh negahdaashtan ).If you are a real artist, you could start going to school long time ago ( since 1995 ) in order to be able to communicate with your living environment arount you, improve your art, and mean while working in a part time job like the other Iranian , until getting a suitable job in your field. Your are saying you are living in a shelter. If you are right, obviously, your are getting help from government for your daily expenses. So, take advantage of this assistance and improve you life. Man....., don't sit and complain all the time and say "why nodoby helps me". You need to be a little bit rational and think about yourself. You have to show your ability and then expect others to take your hand. Stand up on you feet and get ready to change your life. Think about it.
Typical behavior from the few "know-it-all" Iranis
by why??? (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 09:13 AM PDT
Haji, good cartoon. Nice job - keep it up.
To Hajiagha
by Pooresina (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 09:07 AM PDT
Dear Haji, first of all I want to ask you if you don't can not write in English please write your messages in Farsi like the other visitors. Secondly, if you are an real artist you have to have some kind of pride and self respect. I don't know, why, you all the time crying and complaining about hunger, sex,job, and sleeping in the street. As I know, an artist should have at least ( Ezzate nafs ), and keeps his/her face red by slapping himself( soorat khod raa baa sili sorkh negahdaashtan ). If you are a real artist, you could start going to school long time ago in order to be able to communate with your living environment arount you, improve your art, and mean while working in a part time job like the other people do, until getting a suitable job in your field. Your are saying you are living in a shelter. If you are right, obviously, your are getting help from government for your daily expenses. So, take advantage of this help and improve you life. Man, don't sit and complain all the time why nodoby helps you. You need to be rational and think about yourself. You have to show your abilities and then expect others to take your hand. Stand on you feet and get ready to change your life. Think about it.
Kick the man while he's down, why don't you...
by BRJ (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 08:38 AM PDT
Like many of you I find his cartoons offensive. However, they are also a projection of what this man's going through and state of his mind. Haji is clearly suffering from some deficiencies in his life and needs help. Some of the cruel comments that I see here are so reminiscent of our cultural baggage i.e. ignorance. It reminds me of those kids that would through stones at stray dogs - I'm not drawing any parallels between Haji and a dog, but rather the attitude of some of our friends with cruel comments. I kind of like the idea of Paypal presented by some one here (al be it cynical in nature). I'd be willing to chip-in and at least get Haji's financial matters resolved to an extent. Maybe that'll provide a healthier environment for him to get rid of his problems. Haji, I’m serious. If you set up an account a lot of people would contribute.
The other thing he needs is sex. Apparently he's not getting any. Anyone who can facilitate this for him would be doing a great deed.
Haji the Jaghool & Baghool
by Farzad (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 07:50 AM PDT
Haji you did have a job as a gardner at one point. What happened? Few words of advise: Gardening is not a good profession in Vancouver, it rains 8 months per year. Stay away from the Vancouver iraninan community, they don't like you. Stay away from Hastings st, i.e don't buy your Hash or Alaf from there. Try to live in downtown area (not Davie St. many lesbians!), where people are more open and liberal and if you respect them they respect you back. Open an account on Paypal, maybe some people appreciate your art work and want to contribute. Last but not least: Jagh bezan, Manbar besoozan, Mardom Azari Nakon.
Sangdelane persian
by Irooni (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 07:46 AM PDT
tarafe sohbate man kasani hastand ke baa sheghaavat va bi rahmi ajibi be een bandeh khodaa hamlevar mishavan va baa zabaan khod be oo mesle maar va aghrab nish mizannand. dar eine haal dam az demokrasy va azaadi va ehtram be hoghooghe bashr mizanand. Maa iroonihaa adamaye ajibi hastim ve chetor in nezhaad taa be haal tonesteh davoom beyareh khod yek moamaast. aghaaye JJ man az shomaa tashakor mikonam baraayeh hemaayatetoon az in bandeh khodaa. hadeaghal in hagho behesh midin ke azhare nazar kone. damet garm JJ.
Regarding this cartoon
by YO (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 07:42 AM PDT
I am a lesbian and my lover
by Lesbian (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 05:49 AM PDT
I am a lesbian and my lover is a lesbian/racist/artist. Hajiagha send me an email to lesbian@lesbiancanada.com and my lover and I will come to your place, buy your art work, give you good sex, we can have a threesome. Your cartoons makes us homosexuals very horny!
As long as our community is
by Ardeshir27 (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:33 PM PDT
As long as our community is full of craps like this messenger of hate 1352 we get nowhere. Instead of helping a sick man this junk is berailing him! hajiagha is a mentally sick man who needs help. He is a talented artist. Can you jerk (messenger 12...) draw what he draws?
Unfortunately our community is filled with selfish arrogant jerks that is why we never take care of each other. Look as the Asian (chinese, filippino,...) community and see how they take care of each other. In one instance I saw in a bank the chinese manager would only hire the chinese people in California.
Saadi said: Bani Adam Aazayeh yek digarand ke dar ....
by messenger1352 (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:06 PM PDT
haji agha, ba har standard va meghyasi ke hesab konim, to adam bi-savad, aghab oftade va bi estedai hasti.
to tooye canada zendegi mikoni vali hatta 2 ta jomleye englisi dorost nemitooni benevisi va migi hame hagheto khordan.
maloome ta vaghti adam haee ke baladan harfe roozmarashoono bezanan hastan kasi soraghe adam bi-savad va por oghdei mesle to nemiad.
boro 2 ta class englisi begir, 2 ta ketab o majalle bekhoon, va ye zare ham kam tar be koso koone adam ha fekr kon.
Help Hajiagha, he is your countryman!
by Ardeshir27 (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:02 PM PDT
May I ask kindly from our intelligent hamvatans one thing:
From what I have read of Hajiagha's life story he is a sincere and vatandoust iranian. He is a war veteran who has served for a period our country (how many of you have done so?). He is also a talented artist who can make progress if provided the opportunity. But he has severe mental problems due to deprivations inflicted upon him in Canada. He is jobless and if provided with a job in his field and taken care of, in a few months he can recover and become a fruitful servant of the Iranian community abroad. I ask JJ and all who read this to be a bit more sympathetic to this gentle man and instead of berailing and fooling him, try to find a solution for his problem. If you are a wealthy iranian reading this or if you know wealthy ensandoust iranians willing to provide him a job please do so and you will see that after six months this man could totally change and even his art is going to improve and will not give you so much headache.
I am really angry not at him (who is a kin of patient and needs to be cured) but to wealthy selfish iranians who spend thousand of dallars of money to go to idle vacations and buy useless items for their kids but who are not willing to help a sincere veteran artist of their country who is in need.
aya vojdani barayetan mandeh? inshallah ke mandeh. agar chizi baghi mandeh be assani mitavanid yek kareh monasseb barayeh in hamvatan peyda konid.
but the college was holding me in same class because there is not enough room, and if was girls . they are qualified to get in next class,
then I move to los Angele's sleeping in van in Santa Monica and take shower in winter out side every morning and get to school animation in los angeles and became one of the best student ...they are helping me lots American are friendly and more and more educated as racist Canadian, my complain about Canada to send this messages stop racism....last week I meet a women she sale's art works in gallery and she did not believe I am artist? or other's one she did not let me to get in gallery and talk to her.....this people are so stupid and not educated what you want to be here or draw about them, if US immigration did not give me hard times to day I should be in LA happy and in college
not like you are gangs write me some things nice, tell me why you don't like cartoons, give me an new ideas, JJ know about my life I write Evey things honest like my brother....which I never had chance to meet him....when I was sleeping in shalter or on street in Canada some one like you have dinner party in Vancouver and he talk about human right or support democracy......if some one as professional artist with good job and enough respect ..left Iran to Canada ....why should became sick by TB when I sleeping in salvation army? why never had any chance to display art works or sale Canada is racist country ....and all this can effect me I am artist sensitive to discrimination or any bad languages you want give me hard times I give you too....as I told before they pay me and ready to give me good job if I back in Iran...be nice and if you don't like my cartoons you free to close your eyes or pay me to I draw cartoons you like
Unfortunately many Iranians who move to west think the western countries owe them something. They stay in embassy lines beg for visa, and when they make it over here they expect everyone to pay them for their presence. I have lived most of my adult life in US and have also lived in Canada for one year due to my father’s illness. North America promises opportunity. I came here after serving 2 years in front line starting my service in Abadan when it was surrounded by Iraqi forces, and finished my service in Khorasan’s 77th Army when we freed Khoramshahr. After war for over 2.5 years I neither could find a good opportunity for education nor work. I was lucky enough to be able to acquire student visa to US. For over 12 years I worked double shift to get myself through college and got electronics and MIS degree while gradually advancing my career. After that in every step I had to work harder and better to advance to a senior technical manager in fortune 500 company. I never complained, never felt sorry for myself. As matter of fact I felt fortunate for the opportunity that most of my compatriots didn’t have. I am proud to say I never took one cents of grant, financial aid, or welfare. I also never had money sent to me because I felt responsibility for my life. During this time I have played Iranian traditional music, and everyone in my path knows me as Kaveh. Not Kevin or any other Americanized version of it. I am proud of who I am. I am proud of Iranians who work hard and make Iranian’s in North America one of the most successful and educated ethnic minority groups.
And here you are I assume collecting social benefit in Canada, complaining that it is not enough. I took time and looked at your art work and frankly (and I am not saying it to provoke you or be mean) it is unrefined. You claim you are artist and being a hungry artist is no shame. The shame comes in when you don’t even learn the language to attend the art school to improve yourself. You didn’t take time to learn the language and become a productive member of society. Your cartoon work is vulgar and names women as whores. Do yourself a favor. Look at the mirror. Find yourself. Stop blaming your lack of effort and dedication on Canada, Iran, US, Iranian women, etc
If you were a father and had a daughter, would you let that girl speak to a person like you after seeing your work, your language and your comments?
Canada provides many social benefits. It will not be easy and takes dedication and effort. Stop pity yourself, broaden your horizon and improve yourself, as an artist and as a man.
You are very lucky to have JJ helping you.
by afshin A (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 08:58 PM PDT
You are very lucky to have JJ helping you. Do not disappoint him.
hi, to all complaining like that.... be shot fuck off or write on Iranian a educated some things to help us and me as cartoonist to we bring right freedom of speech and democracy for Iranian, Mullahs from Iran they never threat me for my cartoons drawing, never but you are so stupid more then any one more them mullahs, you can not see a cartoons , you don't liked be shot fuck off and don't looked
by alchemyia (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 06:49 PM PDT
I don't know what JJ and Hajiagha have in common. They are an inseperable couple. Now that JJ is divorced again, and Hajiagha still in search of his first screw, i can think of many combinations.
aster of homosexuality in PHD or in hashish and get drunk's I live here over 11 years I saw you guys down and up, saro tahe hamea shoma ro man dedam kon shoma ghoher tar az hame akhondhast
you make my job easier , i
by hassani (not verified) on Fri Dec 14, 2007 03:44 AM PSTyou make my job easier , i was going to write exactly what have u written. thank Kaveh
A real relationship
by Sasha on Tue Oct 09, 2007 09:03 PM PDTI think Haji wants a real relationship. He wants the opportunity to succeed due to his intelligence and effort. He wants to eventually get a home and some day have a good job and possibly afford to have a family. Just a thought.
Hajiagah: Have you
by Anonymous12 (not verified) on Sun Sep 30, 2007 09:52 AM PDTHajiagah: Have you considered seeing a therapist? Please seek some professional help. You need it. I'm not joking. You might have some learning disabilities that you might not be aware of. Many artists and geniuses in the world have suffered from learning disabilities such as dyslexia. Could it be that you're bipolar like many other great other artists?
by AnonymousTruthTeller (not verified) on Fri Sep 28, 2007 09:46 AM PDTI just think you are a stupid, bored, jerk-off, who clearly has no life, sits at home, screwing around on the computer whilst jerking off - Wishing you had a life. I bet you dont even leave the house, and sit there all day thinking up funny little comments and pathetic sketches, in hope that someone will mistake your idiocy for brilliance. WRONG. You ARE an idiot. Idiot is too mild, i have had the misfortune of catching some of your talentless entries and you are a FUCKING MORON!
you are very stupid. I think
by Hoha (not verified) on Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:26 AM PDTyou are very stupid. I think Ahmadinejad is more better that Khatami.
trust me i am not rich
by hajiagha on Wed Sep 26, 2007 06:35 PM PDTIranian artist
some one told me a art dealers in Canada change the price of your painting and sale expensive people are crazy and not educated they pay lots for some abstract painting can be created by car or child....his right we see in museum....expensive painting and no one know what is this art works?
Thank you Ardeshir
by hajiagha on Wed Sep 26, 2007 06:31 PM PDTIranian artist and sorry is to late I give you answer because I sold my car and where i live is so far from any bus station 5km walking to get bus ...long way to day and was looking to buy van....Canadian system here some times is so strange like for some place government spending lots of money every 5 minute a bus came and go and some place because there is no money .....every 2 or 4 hours....I wish i can educated some Iranian buy drawing cartoons about Canada as best country in are world with so many nice land for farming fresh water and oil or gas and wood jungle....gold........but we also pay %14 tax after all and we have more hard times I believe as Iran....Iranian in Iran need to understand changing government after government is not help us we need to change are safe and became educated and hard working to have better place for are and are children
Ardeshir 27..................
by mash on Wed Sep 26, 2007 03:58 PM PDTYou are a good man with humane thoughts and a great hamvatan. I wish you and also hajiagha the best. He Needs HELP.
Ardeshir 27!
by Majid on Wed Sep 26, 2007 02:44 PM PDTGod bless your good heart !
I'm sure your comment did change some attitudes here (mine included)!
Wish you "and him" the best.
Haji is not poor. He has a
by Lesbian (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:43 AM PDTHaji is not poor. He has a computer and posts comments all over this website. He also has several $7000 - $10,000+ art work which when you add them up goes above $100,000 so that's a lot of money. Which shelter allows computer and $100,000 worth of art work? Anyway, my lesbian racist/artist lover and I offered him three-some sex. What more do you want?
I am glad
by Jila (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:16 AM PDTThere are so many starving and poor artists in the world.
I am glad you are not one of them.
obviously not because you are not poor nor because you are not
Thank you all for your kind
by Ardeshir 27 (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 09:58 AM PDTThank you all for your kind comments about Hajiagha. Keep being a little 'ensan' and you will see how it helps! The Persian community is, unfortunately at each other's throat instead of thinking about each other's needs.
There were 2 suggestions here one to provide him with money through paypal the other to provide him with sex. I think none of these are good ideas because the first one will make him a beggar and the second ... I don't know!
I think the best way is to keep his dignity and provide him with a job in his art or related to his art. This can be done by a networking among wealthy Iranians in Canada (if you can not move him to the US and give him a job there). If you have connections in Canada please contact them and let them know about Haji's situation. God ajretoon bedeh!
by Pooresina (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 09:27 AM PDTSorry, my last comment hadn't been revised ignore it and read this one.
Dear Haji, first of all I want to ask you if you can not write in English please write your messages in Farsi like the other visitors do. Secondly, if you are a real artist you have to have some kind of pride and self respect. I don't know, why, you are crying all the time and complaining about hunger, sex,job,and sleeping in the street. As I know, an artist should have at least ( Ezzate nafs ), and keeps his/her face red by slapping himself( soorat khod raa baa sili sorkh negahdaashtan ).If you are a real artist, you could start going to school long time ago ( since 1995 ) in order to be able to communicate with your living environment arount you, improve your art, and mean while working in a part time job like the other Iranian , until getting a suitable job in your field. Your are saying you are living in a shelter. If you are right, obviously, your are getting help from government for your daily expenses. So, take advantage of this assistance and improve you life. Man....., don't sit and complain all the time and say "why nodoby helps me". You need to be a little bit rational and think about yourself. You have to show your ability and then expect others to take your hand. Stand up on you feet and get ready to change your life. Think about it.
Typical behavior from the few "know-it-all" Iranis
by why??? (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 09:13 AM PDTIdiots.
Haji, good cartoon. Nice job - keep it up.
To Hajiagha
by Pooresina (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 09:07 AM PDTDear Haji, first of all I want to ask you if you don't can not write in English please write your messages in Farsi like the other visitors. Secondly, if you are an real artist you have to have some kind of pride and self respect. I don't know, why, you all the time crying and complaining about hunger, sex,job, and sleeping in the street. As I know, an artist should have at least ( Ezzate nafs ), and keeps his/her face red by slapping himself( soorat khod raa baa sili sorkh negahdaashtan ). If you are a real artist, you could start going to school long time ago in order to be able to communate with your living environment arount you, improve your art, and mean while working in a part time job like the other people do, until getting a suitable job in your field. Your are saying you are living in a shelter. If you are right, obviously, your are getting help from government for your daily expenses. So, take advantage of this help and improve you life. Man, don't sit and complain all the time why nodoby helps you. You need to be rational and think about yourself. You have to show your abilities and then expect others to take your hand. Stand on you feet and get ready to change your life. Think about it.
Kick the man while he's down, why don't you...
by BRJ (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 08:38 AM PDTLike many of you I find his cartoons offensive. However, they are also a projection of what this man's going through and state of his mind. Haji is clearly suffering from some deficiencies in his life and needs help. Some of the cruel comments that I see here are so reminiscent of our cultural baggage i.e. ignorance. It reminds me of those kids that would through stones at stray dogs - I'm not drawing any parallels between Haji and a dog, but rather the attitude of some of our friends with cruel comments. I kind of like the idea of Paypal presented by some one here (al be it cynical in nature). I'd be willing to chip-in and at least get Haji's financial matters resolved to an extent. Maybe that'll provide a healthier environment for him to get rid of his problems. Haji, I’m serious. If you set up an account a lot of people would contribute.
The other thing he needs is sex. Apparently he's not getting any. Anyone who can facilitate this for him would be doing a great deed.
Haji the Jaghool & Baghool
by Farzad (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 07:50 AM PDTHaji you did have a job as a gardner at one point. What happened? Few words of advise: Gardening is not a good profession in Vancouver, it rains 8 months per year. Stay away from the Vancouver iraninan community, they don't like you. Stay away from Hastings st, i.e don't buy your Hash or Alaf from there. Try to live in downtown area (not Davie St. many lesbians!), where people are more open and liberal and if you respect them they respect you back. Open an account on Paypal, maybe some people appreciate your art work and want to contribute. Last but not least: Jagh bezan, Manbar besoozan, Mardom Azari Nakon.
Sangdelane persian
by Irooni (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 07:46 AM PDTtarafe sohbate man kasani hastand ke baa sheghaavat va bi rahmi ajibi be een bandeh khodaa hamlevar mishavan va baa zabaan khod be oo mesle maar va aghrab nish mizannand. dar eine haal dam az demokrasy va azaadi va ehtram be hoghooghe bashr mizanand. Maa iroonihaa adamaye ajibi hastim ve chetor in nezhaad taa be haal tonesteh davoom beyareh khod yek moamaast. aghaaye JJ man az shomaa tashakor mikonam baraayeh hemaayatetoon az in bandeh khodaa. hadeaghal in hagho behesh midin ke azhare nazar kone. damet garm JJ.
Regarding this cartoon
by YO (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 07:42 AM PDTSHISHAKI...!
I am a lesbian and my lover
by Lesbian (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 05:49 AM PDTI am a lesbian and my lover is a lesbian/racist/artist. Hajiagha send me an email to lesbian@lesbiancanada.com and my lover and I will come to your place, buy your art work, give you good sex, we can have a threesome. Your cartoons makes us homosexuals very horny!
As long as our community is
by Ardeshir27 (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:33 PM PDTAs long as our community is full of craps like this messenger of hate 1352 we get nowhere. Instead of helping a sick man this junk is berailing him! hajiagha is a mentally sick man who needs help. He is a talented artist. Can you jerk (messenger 12...) draw what he draws?
Unfortunately our community is filled with selfish arrogant jerks that is why we never take care of each other. Look as the Asian (chinese, filippino,...) community and see how they take care of each other. In one instance I saw in a bank the chinese manager would only hire the chinese people in California.
Saadi said: Bani Adam Aazayeh yek digarand ke dar ....
by messenger1352 (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:06 PM PDThaji agha, ba har standard va meghyasi ke hesab konim, to adam bi-savad, aghab oftade va bi estedai hasti.
to tooye canada zendegi mikoni vali hatta 2 ta jomleye englisi dorost nemitooni benevisi va migi hame hagheto khordan.
maloome ta vaghti adam haee ke baladan harfe roozmarashoono bezanan hastan kasi soraghe adam bi-savad va por oghdei mesle to nemiad.
boro 2 ta class englisi begir, 2 ta ketab o majalle bekhoon, va ye zare ham kam tar be koso koone adam ha fekr kon.
Help Hajiagha, he is your countryman!
by Ardeshir27 (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:02 PM PDTMay I ask kindly from our intelligent hamvatans one thing:
From what I have read of Hajiagha's life story he is a sincere and vatandoust iranian. He is a war veteran who has served for a period our country (how many of you have done so?). He is also a talented artist who can make progress if provided the opportunity. But he has severe mental problems due to deprivations inflicted upon him in Canada. He is jobless and if provided with a job in his field and taken care of, in a few months he can recover and become a fruitful servant of the Iranian community abroad. I ask JJ and all who read this to be a bit more sympathetic to this gentle man and instead of berailing and fooling him, try to find a solution for his problem. If you are a wealthy iranian reading this or if you know wealthy ensandoust iranians willing to provide him a job please do so and you will see that after six months this man could totally change and even his art is going to improve and will not give you so much headache.
I am really angry not at him (who is a kin of patient and needs to be cured) but to wealthy selfish iranians who spend thousand of dallars of money to go to idle vacations and buy useless items for their kids but who are not willing to help a sincere veteran artist of their country who is in need.
aya vojdani barayetan mandeh? inshallah ke mandeh. agar chizi baghi mandeh be assani mitavanid yek kareh monasseb barayeh in hamvatan peyda konid.
I get to college in Ottawa
by hajiagha on Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:45 PM PDTIranian artist
PHD drive taxi in canada
but the college was holding me in same class because there is not enough room, and if was girls . they are qualified to get in next class,
then I move to los Angele's sleeping in van in Santa Monica and take shower in winter out side every morning and get to school animation in los angeles and became one of the best student ...they are helping me lots American are friendly and more and more educated as racist Canadian, my complain about Canada to send this messages stop racism....last week I meet a women she sale's art works in gallery and she did not believe I am artist? or other's one she did not let me to get in gallery and talk to her.....this people are so stupid and not educated what you want to be here or draw about them, if US immigration did not give me hard times to day I should be in LA happy and in college
he is educated man
by hajiagha on Tue Sep 25, 2007 09:38 PM PDTIranian artist
not like you are gangs write me some things nice, tell me why you don't like cartoons, give me an new ideas, JJ know about my life I write Evey things honest like my brother....which I never had chance to meet him....when I was sleeping in shalter or on street in Canada some one like you have dinner party in Vancouver and he talk about human right or support democracy......if some one as professional artist with good job and enough respect ..left Iran to Canada ....why should became sick by TB when I sleeping in salvation army? why never had any chance to display art works or sale Canada is racist country ....and all this can effect me I am artist sensitive to discrimination or any bad languages you want give me hard times I give you too....as I told before they pay me and ready to give me good job if I back in Iran...be nice and if you don't like my cartoons you free to close your eyes or pay me to I draw cartoons you like
by Kaveh F on Tue Sep 25, 2007 09:31 PM PDTUnfortunately many Iranians who move to west think the western countries owe them something. They stay in embassy lines beg for visa, and when they make it over here they expect everyone to pay them for their presence. I have lived most of my adult life in US and have also lived in Canada for one year due to my father’s illness. North America promises opportunity. I came here after serving 2 years in front line starting my service in Abadan when it was surrounded by Iraqi forces, and finished my service in Khorasan’s 77th Army when we freed Khoramshahr. After war for over 2.5 years I neither could find a good opportunity for education nor work. I was lucky enough to be able to acquire student visa to US. For over 12 years I worked double shift to get myself through college and got electronics and MIS degree while gradually advancing my career. After that in every step I had to work harder and better to advance to a senior technical manager in fortune 500 company. I never complained, never felt sorry for myself. As matter of fact I felt fortunate for the opportunity that most of my compatriots didn’t have. I am proud to say I never took one cents of grant, financial aid, or welfare. I also never had money sent to me because I felt responsibility for my life. During this time I have played Iranian traditional music, and everyone in my path knows me as Kaveh. Not Kevin or any other Americanized version of it. I am proud of who I am. I am proud of Iranians who work hard and make Iranian’s in North America one of the most successful and educated ethnic minority groups.
And here you are I assume collecting social benefit in Canada, complaining that it is not enough. I took time and looked at your art work and frankly (and I am not saying it to provoke you or be mean) it is unrefined. You claim you are artist and being a hungry artist is no shame. The shame comes in when you don’t even learn the language to attend the art school to improve yourself. You didn’t take time to learn the language and become a productive member of society. Your cartoon work is vulgar and names women as whores. Do yourself a favor. Look at the mirror. Find yourself. Stop blaming your lack of effort and dedication on Canada, Iran, US, Iranian women, etc
If you were a father and had a daughter, would you let that girl speak to a person like you after seeing your work, your language and your comments?
Canada provides many social benefits. It will not be easy and takes dedication and effort. Stop pity yourself, broaden your horizon and improve yourself, as an artist and as a man.
You are very lucky to have JJ helping you.
by afshin A (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 08:58 PM PDTYou are very lucky to have JJ helping you. Do not disappoint him.
what do with my cartoons drawing stupid?
by hajiagha on Tue Sep 25, 2007 08:03 PM PDTIranian artist
hi, to all complaining like that.... be shot fuck off or write on Iranian a educated some things to help us and me as cartoonist to we bring right freedom of speech and democracy for Iranian, Mullahs from Iran they never threat me for my cartoons drawing, never but you are so stupid more then any one more them mullahs, you can not see a cartoons , you don't liked be shot fuck off and don't looked
by alchemyia (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 06:49 PM PDTI don't know what JJ and Hajiagha have in common. They are an inseperable couple. Now that JJ is divorced again, and Hajiagha still in search of his first screw, i can think of many combinations.
what is your education?
by hajiagha on Tue Sep 25, 2007 06:30 PM PDTIranian artist
aster of homosexuality in PHD or in hashish and get drunk's I live here over 11 years I saw you guys down and up, saro tahe hamea shoma ro man dedam kon shoma ghoher tar az hame akhondhast