HAJIAGHA: Wife, lover & husband

10/20/2007 - 14:18



by satanist (not verified) on

it's so fucking true, just 2 weeks ago, an iranian couple divorced after 30 fucking years, with 2 children, i know them very well, they were both 52, and the man was such a courageous man, he did everything for the good of his family and the lady wanted to divorce cause she'd found a canadian sweet-heart at that age!!!!
i talked to the man for hours and hours... man you even cant imagine how he was hurt... fuck canadian laws, fuck canadian tax system, i just study here and get their fucking passport and then, fuck this fucking country!!!!
and yeah, if such a thing happens to me, i mean my wife asks me to divorce, i will accept but she will live ther rest of her life with her head seperated from her body.


Hajiagha???? yuo want Bush to attack Iran??????

by toronto (not verified) on

Hajiagha???? what do you mean asking Bush to Bomb Iran?


I thought you draw cartoons saying to Bush to Shut the fuck up, you love Iran. You draw cartoons rejecting those who are selling Iran by advocating war. here are you 2 cartoons. Are you trying to be just controversial?




oh pussy , oh pussy

by women right (not verified) on

hajiagha need nice pussy thats all



by washis (not verified) on



by Bang (not verified) on

many of the topics Haji tries to depict do exist in western and even non-wertern societies. However, the problem with Haji is not sex, tax, women, life, etc. The problem is his upbringing. He has grown up in a very small city in very traditional ways and has been unable to handle and absorb the cultural shocks of moving from there to Canada. When I was a university students in Iran, I had many seriously clever but culturally challenged classmates from very remote place in Iran. They all had trouble accepting the idea of asking the time from a female student! They were totally unable to think and act in an asexual manner towards female students. If a girl would smile at them, she would be considered a slut (tenesh Mikhareh).

Haji simply does not have any manner, class or social skills. he could have expressed all his ideas in much more dignified ways but he has not learned to do so because of his upbringing.

He claims to be a Muslim yet draws genitals for public and uses bad language.

I have no doubt that even if he lives in Tehran, he will have the same problems with women from better part of the town.


canada ha ha ha sucks man

by hajiagha on


I pay $1000 for my refugee, I pay more and more TAX as you wish and in last 5 years I never had any help from them ha ha ha loser

this place is sucks because we are hard working and they are having fun with are tax, you like to be slaves this is your right, but I like to speak out and stop Iranian to land here, any way what is the name of your immigration office in Canada and how many are became victims buy you...


Shame on you Haji

by alan (not verified) on

You can criticize Canada or any other country as you wish, but remember , hatred propaganda, degrading and promoting inequality is something that no one can tolerate, at least here in North America.
If Canada is so bad, what a hell are you doing there?
If you have a better life elsewhere, who hold you there?
I tell you why you are no moving?
You are getting your well fair monthly cheque from government, without paying any taxes hence you are complaining about high taxes. The taxes are high because of "MOFT KHOOR" people LIKE YOU, people like you who lied as a refugee claimant, while real refugees are in camps somewhere middle of nowhere, some waiting for their acceptance for a few years.
You are not moving because there is no better place on earth to accept you. I hope they catch you soon and stop your monthly well fair pay so for a change, you can work like all other 94% decent working people.
I hope they deport you for your past lies and falsifications to enter to the country and misusing/abusing the benefits that you are not entitled for, and for spreading hatred ideas which is considered a crime in this part of the world.


SO..., WHAT IS THIS??????

by Anti-Hajiagha (not verified) on


SO..., WHAT IS THIS??????

by Anti-Hajiagha (not verified) on


SO..., WHAT IS THIS??????

by Anti-Hajiagha (not verified) on


SO..., WHAT IS THIS??????

by Anti-Hajiagha (not verified) on


SO..., WHAT IS THIS??????

by Anti-Hajiagha (not verified) on


SO..., WHAT IS THIS??????

by Anti-Hajiagha (not verified) on


SO..., WHAT IS THIS??????

by Anti-Hajiagha (not verified) on


SO..., WHAT IS THIS??????

by Anti-Hajiagha (not verified) on


SO..., WHAT IS THIS??????

by Anti-Hajiagha (not verified) on


haji need women

by hajiagha on


بیا تو خواهر خودت رو و یا یکی از بستگان رو برای ما درست کن.....صواب داره...بعد هم فا میل می شویم......


thank to by sexyironi

by hajiagha on


nice photo are you have more from front

hi guys have fun I told you are this part of the world is crazy place some people like to be free like animals and law support this people. because are law maker also tiff and rung and members of the rich society have fun and tell me what you things please no insulting each others


nice art wok ever I saw on Iranian

by hajiagha on

you guys should get visite from her painting on Iranian


by Helen Zarin

20-Oct-2007 (4 comments)


SO..., WHAT IS THIS??????

by Anonymous747 (not verified) on


To Ali from LA: Keer Do-Gholoo...

by Mammad Keer Do-Gholoo (not verified) on

means two dicks, 11" long each. And, the application is as follows... When I do your sister from behind I use one for her asshole and the other one for her cunt...

Do you get the picture now!?


Your name.... Mammad . . .

by Ali in Los Angeles (not verified) on

Your name Mammad . . . shows that you think and talk with your dick.

I provided an independent report, either shut up or provide a report. You are an example that Mullah did from both sides to have dogholo.


To Ali from LA: The stituation in Iran is a lot worse...

by Mammad Keer Do-Gholoo (not verified) on

In Iran a hand full of mullahs fvck 70 millions on a daily basis without using any lubricant of any kind!


Civilized world . . . Canada, USA, . . .

by Ali in Los Angeles (not verified) on

October 20, 2007

Students in America's schools are groped. They're raped. They're pursued, seduced and think they're in love.

An Associated Press investigation found more than 2,500 cases over five years for actions from bizarre to sadistic.

Most of the abuse never gets reported. Those cases reported often end with no action. Cases investigated sometimes can't be proven, and many abusers have several victims.

Those are the findings of an AP investigation in which reporters sought disciplinary records in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The result is an unprecedented national look at the scope of sex offenses.


Fucked up men

by Ali in Los Angeles (not verified) on

Please no profanity (foosh) towards Haijie. Those who do not believe Haijie, your head must be in the wrong place. Visit divorce courts or the clubs then you will understand what Haijie is saying.

Hajie’s focus is on gold diggers and those women who think they are free to do what they please. In many cases, men are not courageous to kick those women out because of children and cost of divorce.

Western countries come across funny to some because of their martial system is fucked up. Please do not mix the technological advancement with low level of family values.

Haijie, the cost of marriage is relatively low but cost of divorce is very high unless than man does not have much. Some of the comments are those men.

Gadfly do not mix things up otherwise you come across that you suck.

Alan considers Canada or the U.S. a civilized country? You boozo, it is civilized because of penalities. Do you dear to pass a red light, for example. In the U.S., they stick a $400 in your ass. You animal act civilized because of fines and cost associated with it.

Haijie jaan, fucking women in the Western countries is easier than you think.

I did not think your cartoons were funny until I started reading the comments. Now it is fun to read the idiots who are hostage to their girlfriends or wives. Haijie enjoy your freedom, it means a lot and keep on drawing.



look how the mothers fucker advertising by government

by hajiagha on

Divorce Canada: CANADIAN DIVORCE OnLine: Easy do it yourself ...

This service is intended primarily for separated spouses who wish to obtain a low cost uncontested divorce in Canada on the grounds of a one year separation ... - 36k - Cached - Similar pages



why Canada is sucks

by hajiagha on


cost of the living is so expensive, man working out side women working out side children in Canada most of the times stay in home lonely or never see the parent buy the times parent came home they are fighting to there's.....many child like this now run from home and sleeping on street and best victims and target for drugs dealers and gangs and sex slaves in Canada , are stupid fucking government know all this and just collect more tax and more tax from us, we need low income housing and they are spending 4 billion dollars on war and same money on winter olympic, every corner of are street full of the homeless most of them are young as 14 years old they came from divorced family....or sexual abuse, send your fucking messeges to P.M fucking canada and ask him what is going on here stop talking about politics and srat helping the Canadian


To Gadfly

by Friend of Haji (not verified) on

I would, if I had any! But, it seems you have a sister and you would like to volunteer her to Haji!? Can I try her first to lubricate her for Haji!


why canada is sucks

by hajiagha on


ha ha ha is not about Islam is all about save the married to stop the Iranian and others to land in Canada, Canada is a strange country with feminism system and high divorce and zero married if are government and news paper are censure all this to the public and asking for more and more immigrant because we have zero growing population ....system is sucks in Canada and we need to speak to bring love and respect to man and women in equal


Responding to the friend of Haji

by Gadfly (not verified) on

Why don't you bring your wife or sister or maman joun? you're the friend and you're supposed to be most helpful to him!