by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:56 AM PDT
Your the only one...NOT. No body can agree with unlogic. Little by little comes out who is sincere and who is hegemonist. Don`t worry, be happy. Greetings
Open your eyes
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:52 AM PDT
please complete your first paragraph: because they know that none of the soldiers will survey.
Secind paragrph: You mean .......
Third: mr. Bollinger could do not else: A scorpio sticks because of his nature, not because he hates. By this man both arguments are valid. greetings
incompetent translators
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:45 AM PDT
I think we must take into account, hat ad hoc translation is not the most easiest job. Greeting
Stupid question
by faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:25 AM PDT
there is a sppech in german. It says there are NO stupid questions, but a lot of stupid answers. Greetings
President `s Picture
by faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:21 AM PDT
i think you may repeat the picturanalysis. Many of the Peaple are looking directly on our president. he also looks directly on some of them. other day there were about twenty very very nice pictures with our presedent in Iranian. For example by fasting break( Iftar). the atmosphere was very friendly. many peaple have even shaked hands with the president. As you very coorectly write, eyecontact with females in the public is not customary, not conventional. But if one happens to be alone with one of these Lam Kins behind locked doors and closed curtains, then...they will show as much as one even does not want to dont worry, be happy. I think the coment is somehow, you know somehow...I mean: Is americas Gouvernment changed , so nobody is obliged to leave. look at previous Sovjet Union. the Regime is changed, the country stays. The same will happen to america in the sake of freedom and happiness of americans. Greetings
to prolong the life.................
by Faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:00 AM PDT
This has been ever the destiny of whom, who struggle against logic. they get assimilated. the Intention was not that, what you suppose it is or it was but..... anyway dont woory be happy Greetings
What rubbish. This site has
by nakhoda (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 06:09 PM PDT
What rubbish. This site has always given forum to a wide range of views no matter how backwards and nonsensical (your post is a great case in point).
Just because most Iranians, regardless of their political affiliations or personal opinions, recognize the madness and barbarity of an attack on the country that is either their homeland or they trace origins to does not mean they endorse a particular ideology.
Iraq is a great example for those blind and violent enough to believe that there is such thing as a "just war".
What Is for?
by D.L (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:44 AM PDT
The Iranian site has turned up by other tactics to protect Mullahs’ interests abroad.
The site fools and divides Iranian Diaspora on the question of Mullah’s legitimacy in Iran.
Some articles, written by some IRI’s lobbyists or directly arranged by IRI’s top aides, sow seeds of confusion to wrangle Iranians whether the regime is after all an Iranian entity and must be defended against a foreign attack!
This is the permanent message that this site along with all factions, collaborators, ex-pasdars, and lobbyists of the regime spark out.
The site attempts to promote this boubt in the opposition to ultimately prolong IRI’s life.
While the US put the entire Revolutionary Guard on blacklist, this site which is run by an ex-pasdar, Mr. Javid, must be put under restrict scrutiny for the same reason.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. There will be no offensive military action taken against Iran by the U.S.
First, there is a lack of personnel (soldiers), supplies, weapons, and so forth. Most importantly, there is no support here for such action, and Bush, as idiotic as he has been, knows there is no support. Also an election is coming up, and there is simply no way that the current administration will do anything that will essentially hand over the White House to the Democrats.
Lee Bollinger did make a huge error with his remarks. Although what he said was true, it was inappropriate for him to say in such a forum. Ahmadinejad needs no help in showing who he really is. Rathet than giving him as much rope as he wanted to hang himself, Lee Bollinger trapped himself in the noose meant for the "guest".
by ali (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 07:26 AM PDT
dude were you drunk or high when you rambled, what are you saying?
Ahmadinejad's picture
by Tar-o-Mar (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 05:28 AM PDT
Okay, here is how it goes: The people in this picture are not looking at him, because they are not supposed to. No eye contact is a cultural thing in Iran, it's like shaking hands. Just leave your hand in the other person's hand briefly and then slide it out, and it's really common. A firm hand shake is only for men!
As for Ahmadi nejad to be able to speak here in the States, well the Constitution allows that and Mr. Fateh can change it if she has the desire to do so (pun intended), and his speech is self-explanatory. You do not have to like him or his speech, you just have to tolerate it! It's called democracy.
by dude (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:48 AM PDT
IR:ISLAMIC REPUBLIC.... OF IRAN( when they say it belongs to IR, that means they are supported or financed by the regime or part of it.
Go to goodle images, seach for KHAMENEI, you will know what i am talking about.
good luck in your quest to figure out the persian/iranian people(I said both of them to avoid any further fights among the people here, as you can see we are really complicated)and the iranian government. nobody here has been able to do that will be a while
this picture
by ACCENT (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:33 PM PDT
i think this picture is not seems old. also it seems he was digitally placed. it seems nobody is looking at him or making eye contact. the women are looking and talking to the guy w/the child and none of the men are looking at him, so who is he speaking to?
Can I ask a Stupid Question?
by An American (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:29 PM PDT
I know i dont belong on your site but I am sick of reading all the one sided stupid comments in my own papers. I get so mad I cant see straight these people cant see they were so wrong that he deserved what they fight ot protect, a platform to speak his mind freely and the right to be heard. If people dont want to listen, I suggest not paying for a ticket and showing up, not broadcasting every paper, channel, station 24 hours a day.
Anyways, can i ask you what is IR when Fatezah asked if this site belonged to IR?
ALso what is a mullah?
Gay Comment
by An American (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:14 PM PDT
You are very right.
The only thing we are hearing about these past two days (no doubt to take focus off of how moronic everyone acted) is about the gay comment and about the Women's Rights comments where he said the women of iran enjoy the highest of rights, freedoms and equality or something like that.
While he maybe could have answered the gay thing better, it is possible he did. The translators are very incompetent here. Possibly he was trying to say Iran doesn't have what we have here, such as Openly GAY Communities, Gay Marriage and stuff. I dont think any other place has such things either.
Regardless, I cant see how this is a global issue. Do you mean we cant have relations with a country that doesnt admit gay people are there?
But still, a lot of things that happen or dont happen in Iran are not so different than other parts of the world. For example, I dont know if it is true but I heard women cant even DRIVE in Saudi Arabia but USA isnt condoming them.
It is very sad to me that I can not ever even visit your beautiful country and people, and that it is so hard for Iranians to come here too.
I understand a lot of what happened from Iranian perspective during the 70's - now, but only because I took a lot of time and effort to find out. Truth exists but finding it can be a real grind.
Our government again embarrassed me today in the United Nations. DId you even hear about it?
To our American friend- you
by katy (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 09:53 PM PDT
To our American friend- you made an excellent point and I must fully agree with you.
I can't agree more with what
by Masoud Edraki (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 09:51 PM PDT
I can't agree more with what you have described in your comments regarding Ahmadinejad's reception at the Columbia University. Although I am not pro Iranaian government and have a lot of criticism about the establishment there, I was very upset about the introductory remarks by the CU president. Ahmadinejad could have responded the question about gay rights in Iran a better way, but obviously the media did not find any other blip in his speech to seize upon.
by An American (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 09:39 PM PDT
P.S. to the already too long of a posting:
Bush has a big mouth. There is NO WAY POSSIBLE IN ANYONE'S IMAGINATION he could start a war with Iran or bomb Iran. Do you know what would happen to him? It is funny to even imagine anybody believing such a thing could happen but then I remember the propaganda and you may really believe this could happen.
Listen, Bush does not have the power to make such a decision. No single person does. He would have to show just cause (none exists) then he would have to get support of the entire US Congress and Senate. After that (or maybe before) he would have to get the entire support of the United Nations and all the other countires. He doesnt even have anyone's support to be in Iraq, and this Iraq nonsense has been going on for too long. We dont have the money, interest, or business for anymore wars. All the People and many politicians are trying to force us to get out of Iraq, right here in America!!!! Even our own CHIEF OF MILITARY says absolutely no way will we do anything to Iran.
Even if Bush miraculously got support or even went against everyone's will (which again, he could not. he doesnt have the power or authority to command that and nobody would listen or take his orders, he would be put in a mental institution for sure). Anyways, even if we did something, we would be internationally prosecuted and kicked out of the UN, all other countries would severly punish us. Their ego is too big for that.
Finally the corruptness of Iraq is coming to a slow down, many US soldiers are being prosecuted and sentenced for their actions in Iraq. Even by their own military group.
Apart from all this, America hates Bush. there is a website dedicated to him. His time is almost up, we have new elections next year and he cant run again even if he wanted to. For sure he is stupid enough to but he cant. He already had 2 terms. America wants a change.
BUsh hurt America at devastating levels within and internationally in the past 2 terms. He destroyed what 40 yrs of other Presidents did to build international relationships. He spent more money in 6 yrs leaving a big national deficit spending more than last 47 presidents!!! His own party the Republicans are going to hurt because even though his actions were Bushism, not republican, nobody even wants a Republican.
So what I am trying to say, he doesnt have time to do anything to Iran. He will be out of a job soon and either in exhile in Saudi Arabia, or maybe on trial for war crimes.
He would also need support of the Americans and not even Americans that are stupid enough not to like Iran would not support a war. Not against you or ANY country at this point.
by An American (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 09:21 PM PDT
After reading much of your comments, I am pretty sure just telling you I am an American you will be hateful.
Not all Americans are rude and stupid. Many of us extremely dislike our President, Politicians and things they do. A lot of their actions have violated our own rules and they have done in secret and without Congressional (maybe equivalent of your Parliament?) support. Also, you may not know that 99% of Western media is controlled by Jewish, and / heavily politically sponsored. There is really not so much free press or speech. There is so much propaganda that I would venture to say 85% of the people here do not even know all the incredible lies told of Iran.The other 15% know of the lies. Even if I dont know a lot of what is true or not about your country and what he said was true I do know the truth usually lies in the middle of any disagreement, or somewhere thereabouts. I know if one is interested in being enlightented they must search both sides and explore more than they accept. Also the news special program that interviewed your President in Iran before he came here, is very much a Bush supporter. One man who was Anchorman for many years was fired for reporting TRUTH about Bush. He is sueing that station now for $70million. The interview was a joke because in America they edited it and showed either a 2 minute broadcast of a portion or a spliced, edited portion. I read the transcript online. BUt the part I watched on TV, I was so angry that the incompentent translator did not convert his actual words or context. Your President's voice could be heard underlying the translator and it would have made a much different meaning if the true words and often even the CONTEXT of the words were translated properly. Now whether or not your country has no Gays or has many Gays, I dont see what the relevance of the big fuss is that he said "such a phenomonen doesnt exist." ok, maybe he meant it isnt such a huge flagrant display, culture and open life. Regardless, I dont remember the United Nations Bill of Rights protecting or stating that all sovereign nations are required to make an international statement of protecting the rights for someone to be openly gay. Who cares. WHen did this become a global issue? But for him to say Women enjoy the highest of Freedoms was kind of sad to hear him say. Relative to what? WHen all is said and done, I can say for sure I dont agree w/majority of what America does. I can also say very much of what your President said about America IS TRUE, and it is funny to see people so mad because the people of this country say the same exact things themselves. I guess that is why many in your country are mad about the way he was treated even if you dont like him there much (I am not saying you do or dont, just making a point). Anyway what I am trying to say is that whether I agree with him or not, and it isnt even possible for someone to have the information to agree or not because both sides have a lot of propaganda BUT for the sake of arguement lets say I dont agree with him. Even if nobody here agrees with him, the these past few days Bush, his stupid group, Columbia University and many people speaking in the news have absolutely globally and humanely embarrassed themselves and our country and I am ashamed of them beyond comprehension. Absolutely uncalled for to INVITE someone to your school then "introduce him" by such words. I was apalled. I have to give your President a lot of credit for maintaining composure and dignity. How hard must it be to come to a place that in general harbors animosity - often for no reason. Even if they knew they wouldnt agree with him this could have been an opportunity to have a conversation about, growing a beard for example. THe significance would be irrelevant but taking a step to open communciations would have been great. Please remember what I said about our media. The things all over TV and newspaper are very very biased and one sided. The people of this country are by and large peaceful and remember when you are upset for something one usually makes lots of noise but when content or unbiased one normally minds their business quietly. So if you see a lot of demonstrators, remember there are a gazillion more at home or work or minding their business that dont share these opinions. When our media is govt or Jewish owned and it is time to hate on Iran, of course the publicity is wide spread. It is one sided and one side has control. SO if your President is right or wrong, has no power or much power, is good or bad, evil or angelic, the way he was treated by a country that is supposed to be founded on and run around the world to protect, the rights to speak freely,right to peacefully demonstrate, free press, free religion, right to congregate etc this was an obtrosity. It was childish,narrow minded, ignorant, without integrity, uncalled for, embarrassing and shows very little strength in charachter. It is a joke to see some of these people on the news raving and yelling, they really have Iran confused w/other countries. Blaming Iran for 911???? How did Iran have ANYTHING to do with that????? Axis of evil? HA HA I laugh. Maybe 20 people there in one fundamentalist group may be backwards (again i dont know) but not Iran. In fact people refuse to remember Iran was one of the FIRST to come offer support after 911 and Bush gave Iran the finger. In Iraq Iran constantly offered support, again greedy-oil-monger-selfish-self interested-Bush with his personal agenda and hypocritical connections to other parts of Mid East again gave the finger(i.e. while all US air traffic was grounded after 911 family members of Osama Bin Laden were personally chartered by jet to Saudi Arabia!!!! dont you think even if completely removed within the huge family officials maybe wanted to talk to them?). I have heard much of your web is censored but there are very controversial videos made claiming Bush did 911 himself to get America to support invading Iraq. Who knows.
Just try to keep your spirits up and minds open like some of us do. I love Iran, try not to hate all Americans.
they have private city in Toronto and many of them private island in vancouver BC, they not worry because they are changing name in canada and living in north far from any human,
Soon American bombs will be falling on
by A Big Man From Alabama (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 04:48 PM PDT
these terrorists and their thugs ...
by sha (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 03:40 PM PDT
In the name of persian god
revulotion is a product of majority people of Iran, and the regim is belong to majority people of Iran. Therfore, Iran government is a government in which the majority role the country and universe, and as a persian and observer I'm behind my government, and wish them to become stronger and hope one day we send shuttle to space with this regim. It will take time but it can happen.
I pray the irani become more knowledgable that will help all of us to live in peace.
Re: Faribors Maleknasri Doctor of Stupidity
by Anonymous1 (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 03:35 PM PDT
Mr. Fariborz Maleknasri, MD? First of all why do you have to show off your "gholaabi" MD title to us? Who cares? Second, what does MD stand for? Master of Dumbness? Doctor of Dumbness?
What you write is stupid. Your opinion is less than that of a second grader.
don't hate the playa hate the game...
by rk (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 02:07 PM PDT
I guarantee 100% if you were in ahmadinejad's shoes, you would do the same thing, defend yourself, your homeland, etc. If he didn't say the things he said about homosexuality and other things, Mullas would grill his azz when he got back home. So as they say, don't hate the player (ahmadinejad), hate the game (the whole mulla government).
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:19 PM PDT
what do you mean please "HIER"? Where is hier? I though t and i was allways sure, nobody knos where a mail comes from. Now you mean the one he who should go to iran is hier? by you? Greetings
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:13 PM PDT
the real iranians are in Iran. Could you please explain why the real iranians never say good words to ahmadinejad? and how comes you know it?I would be gratefull. Greetings
these people
by Faribors Maleknasr M.D. (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:07 PM PDT
I am glad to see that, as you write, also we iranians have some friends. For example the pakistanies. So we are not isolated as the german Media try to convince us that IRI is completly isolated. Thanks God we are Middlepoint of interesst. A german saying is: the moor enemies, the moor Honour and the iranian nation has many enemies. Greetings
Please consider............
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:00 PM PDT
Of course any time can a thief come and throw a stone and escape. But dont worry, america would never dare. And friends like Sadam does not have either.regardless what is ever said or even done, america would never dare. Be happy.
Please consider............
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:57 AM PDT
Of course any time can a thief come and throw a stone and escape. But dont worry, america would never dare. And friends like Sadam does not have either.regardless what is ever said or even done, america would never dare. Be happy.
Desperately seeking to talk to Ahmaghinejad
by Anonymouszzz (not verified) on Sat Sep 29, 2007 09:18 PM PDTDesperately seeking to talk to Ahmadinejad:
can`t agree
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:56 AM PDTYour the only one...NOT. No body can agree with unlogic. Little by little comes out who is sincere and who is hegemonist. Don`t worry, be happy. Greetings
Open your eyes
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:52 AM PDTplease complete your first paragraph: because they know that none of the soldiers will survey.
Secind paragrph: You mean .......
Third: mr. Bollinger could do not else: A scorpio sticks because of his nature, not because he hates. By this man both arguments are valid. greetings
incompetent translators
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:45 AM PDTI think we must take into account, hat ad hoc translation is not the most easiest job. Greeting
Stupid question
by faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:25 AM PDTthere is a sppech in german. It says there are NO stupid questions, but a lot of stupid answers. Greetings
President `s Picture
by faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:21 AM PDTi think you may repeat the picturanalysis. Many of the Peaple are looking directly on our president. he also looks directly on some of them. other day there were about twenty very very nice pictures with our presedent in Iranian. For example by fasting break( Iftar). the atmosphere was very friendly. many peaple have even shaked hands with the president. As you very coorectly write, eyecontact with females in the public is not customary, not conventional. But if one happens to be alone with one of these Lam Kins behind locked doors and closed curtains, then...they will show as much as one even does not want to dont worry, be happy. I think the coment is somehow, you know somehow...I mean: Is americas Gouvernment changed , so nobody is obliged to leave. look at previous Sovjet Union. the Regime is changed, the country stays. The same will happen to america in the sake of freedom and happiness of americans. Greetings
to prolong the life.................
by Faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:00 AM PDTThis has been ever the destiny of whom, who struggle against logic. they get assimilated. the Intention was not that, what you suppose it is or it was but..... anyway dont woory be happy Greetings
What rubbish. This site has
by nakhoda (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 06:09 PM PDTWhat rubbish. This site has always given forum to a wide range of views no matter how backwards and nonsensical (your post is a great case in point).
Just because most Iranians, regardless of their political affiliations or personal opinions, recognize the madness and barbarity of an attack on the country that is either their homeland or they trace origins to does not mean they endorse a particular ideology.
Iraq is a great example for those blind and violent enough to believe that there is such thing as a "just war".
What Is for?
by D.L (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:44 AM PDTThe Iranian site has turned up by other tactics to protect Mullahs’ interests abroad.
The site fools and divides Iranian Diaspora on the question of Mullah’s legitimacy in Iran.
Some articles, written by some IRI’s lobbyists or directly arranged by IRI’s top aides, sow seeds of confusion to wrangle Iranians whether the regime is after all an Iranian entity and must be defended against a foreign attack!
This is the permanent message that this site along with all factions, collaborators, ex-pasdars, and lobbyists of the regime spark out.
The site attempts to promote this boubt in the opposition to ultimately prolong IRI’s life.
While the US put the entire Revolutionary Guard on blacklist, this site which is run by an ex-pasdar, Mr. Javid, must be put under restrict scrutiny for the same reason.
Open your eyes people
by Kaveh Nouraee on Wed Sep 26, 2007 09:52 AM PDTI've said it before, and I'll say it again. There will be no offensive military action taken against Iran by the U.S.
First, there is a lack of personnel (soldiers), supplies, weapons, and so forth. Most importantly, there is no support here for such action, and Bush, as idiotic as he has been, knows there is no support. Also an election is coming up, and there is simply no way that the current administration will do anything that will essentially hand over the White House to the Democrats.
Lee Bollinger did make a huge error with his remarks. Although what he said was true, it was inappropriate for him to say in such a forum. Ahmadinejad needs no help in showing who he really is. Rathet than giving him as much rope as he wanted to hang himself, Lee Bollinger trapped himself in the noose meant for the "guest".
by ali (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 07:26 AM PDTdude were you drunk or high when you rambled, what are you saying?
Ahmadinejad's picture
by Tar-o-Mar (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 05:28 AM PDTOkay, here is how it goes: The people in this picture are not looking at him, because they are not supposed to. No eye contact is a cultural thing in Iran, it's like shaking hands. Just leave your hand in the other person's hand briefly and then slide it out, and it's really common. A firm hand shake is only for men!
As for Ahmadi nejad to be able to speak here in the States, well the Constitution allows that and Mr. Fateh can change it if she has the desire to do so (pun intended), and his speech is self-explanatory. You do not have to like him or his speech, you just have to tolerate it! It's called democracy.
American: IR:ISLAMIC
by dude (not verified) on Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:48 AM PDTAmerican:
IR:ISLAMIC REPUBLIC.... OF IRAN( when they say it belongs to IR, that means they are supported or financed by the regime or part of it.
Go to goodle images, seach for KHAMENEI, you will know what i am talking about.
good luck in your quest to figure out the persian/iranian people(I said both of them to avoid any further fights among the people here, as you can see we are really complicated)and the iranian government. nobody here has been able to do that will be a while
this picture
by ACCENT (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:33 PM PDTi think this picture is not seems old. also it seems he was digitally placed. it seems nobody is looking at him or making eye contact. the women are looking and talking to the guy w/the child and none of the men are looking at him, so who is he speaking to?
Can I ask a Stupid Question?
by An American (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:29 PM PDTI know i dont belong on your site but I am sick of reading all the one sided stupid comments in my own papers. I get so mad I cant see straight these people cant see they were so wrong that he deserved what they fight ot protect, a platform to speak his mind freely and the right to be heard. If people dont want to listen, I suggest not paying for a ticket and showing up, not broadcasting every paper, channel, station 24 hours a day.
Anyways, can i ask you what is IR when Fatezah asked if this site belonged to IR?
ALso what is a mullah?
Gay Comment
by An American (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:14 PM PDTYou are very right.
The only thing we are hearing about these past two days (no doubt to take focus off of how moronic everyone acted) is about the gay comment and about the Women's Rights comments where he said the women of iran enjoy the highest of rights, freedoms and equality or something like that.
While he maybe could have answered the gay thing better, it is possible he did. The translators are very incompetent here. Possibly he was trying to say Iran doesn't have what we have here, such as Openly GAY Communities, Gay Marriage and stuff. I dont think any other place has such things either.
Regardless, I cant see how this is a global issue. Do you mean we cant have relations with a country that doesnt admit gay people are there?
But still, a lot of things that happen or dont happen in Iran are not so different than other parts of the world. For example, I dont know if it is true but I heard women cant even DRIVE in Saudi Arabia but USA isnt condoming them.
It is very sad to me that I can not ever even visit your beautiful country and people, and that it is so hard for Iranians to come here too.
I understand a lot of what happened from Iranian perspective during the 70's - now, but only because I took a lot of time and effort to find out. Truth exists but finding it can be a real grind.
Our government again embarrassed me today in the United Nations. DId you even hear about it?
To our American friend- you
by katy (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 09:53 PM PDTTo our American friend- you made an excellent point and I must fully agree with you.
I can't agree more with what
by Masoud Edraki (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 09:51 PM PDTI can't agree more with what you have described in your comments regarding Ahmadinejad's reception at the Columbia University. Although I am not pro Iranaian government and have a lot of criticism about the establishment there, I was very upset about the introductory remarks by the CU president. Ahmadinejad could have responded the question about gay rights in Iran a better way, but obviously the media did not find any other blip in his speech to seize upon.
by An American (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 09:39 PM PDTP.S. to the already too long of a posting:
Bush has a big mouth. There is NO WAY POSSIBLE IN ANYONE'S IMAGINATION he could start a war with Iran or bomb Iran. Do you know what would happen to him? It is funny to even imagine anybody believing such a thing could happen but then I remember the propaganda and you may really believe this could happen.
Listen, Bush does not have the power to make such a decision. No single person does. He would have to show just cause (none exists) then he would have to get support of the entire US Congress and Senate. After that (or maybe before) he would have to get the entire support of the United Nations and all the other countires. He doesnt even have anyone's support to be in Iraq, and this Iraq nonsense has been going on for too long. We dont have the money, interest, or business for anymore wars. All the People and many politicians are trying to force us to get out of Iraq, right here in America!!!! Even our own CHIEF OF MILITARY says absolutely no way will we do anything to Iran.
Even if Bush miraculously got support or even went against everyone's will (which again, he could not. he doesnt have the power or authority to command that and nobody would listen or take his orders, he would be put in a mental institution for sure). Anyways, even if we did something, we would be internationally prosecuted and kicked out of the UN, all other countries would severly punish us. Their ego is too big for that.
Finally the corruptness of Iraq is coming to a slow down, many US soldiers are being prosecuted and sentenced for their actions in Iraq. Even by their own military group.
Apart from all this, America hates Bush. there is a website dedicated to him. His time is almost up, we have new elections next year and he cant run again even if he wanted to. For sure he is stupid enough to but he cant. He already had 2 terms. America wants a change.
BUsh hurt America at devastating levels within and internationally in the past 2 terms. He destroyed what 40 yrs of other Presidents did to build international relationships. He spent more money in 6 yrs leaving a big national deficit spending more than last 47 presidents!!! His own party the Republicans are going to hurt because even though his actions were Bushism, not republican, nobody even wants a Republican.
So what I am trying to say, he doesnt have time to do anything to Iran. He will be out of a job soon and either in exhile in Saudi Arabia, or maybe on trial for war crimes.
He would also need support of the Americans and not even Americans that are stupid enough not to like Iran would not support a war. Not against you or ANY country at this point.
by An American (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 09:21 PM PDTAfter reading much of your comments, I am pretty sure just telling you I am an American you will be hateful.
Not all Americans are rude and stupid. Many of us extremely dislike our President, Politicians and things they do. A lot of their actions have violated our own rules and they have done in secret and without Congressional (maybe equivalent of your Parliament?) support. Also, you may not know that 99% of Western media is controlled by Jewish, and / heavily politically sponsored. There is really not so much free press or speech. There is so much propaganda that I would venture to say 85% of the people here do not even know all the incredible lies told of Iran.The other 15% know of the lies. Even if I dont know a lot of what is true or not about your country and what he said was true I do know the truth usually lies in the middle of any disagreement, or somewhere thereabouts. I know if one is interested in being enlightented they must search both sides and explore more than they accept. Also the news special program that interviewed your President in Iran before he came here, is very much a Bush supporter. One man who was Anchorman for many years was fired for reporting TRUTH about Bush. He is sueing that station now for $70million. The interview was a joke because in America they edited it and showed either a 2 minute broadcast of a portion or a spliced, edited portion. I read the transcript online. BUt the part I watched on TV, I was so angry that the incompentent translator did not convert his actual words or context. Your President's voice could be heard underlying the translator and it would have made a much different meaning if the true words and often even the CONTEXT of the words were translated properly. Now whether or not your country has no Gays or has many Gays, I dont see what the relevance of the big fuss is that he said "such a phenomonen doesnt exist." ok, maybe he meant it isnt such a huge flagrant display, culture and open life. Regardless, I dont remember the United Nations Bill of Rights protecting or stating that all sovereign nations are required to make an international statement of protecting the rights for someone to be openly gay. Who cares. WHen did this become a global issue? But for him to say Women enjoy the highest of Freedoms was kind of sad to hear him say. Relative to what? WHen all is said and done, I can say for sure I dont agree w/majority of what America does. I can also say very much of what your President said about America IS TRUE, and it is funny to see people so mad because the people of this country say the same exact things themselves. I guess that is why many in your country are mad about the way he was treated even if you dont like him there much (I am not saying you do or dont, just making a point). Anyway what I am trying to say is that whether I agree with him or not, and it isnt even possible for someone to have the information to agree or not because both sides have a lot of propaganda BUT for the sake of arguement lets say I dont agree with him. Even if nobody here agrees with him, the these past few days Bush, his stupid group, Columbia University and many people speaking in the news have absolutely globally and humanely embarrassed themselves and our country and I am ashamed of them beyond comprehension. Absolutely uncalled for to INVITE someone to your school then "introduce him" by such words. I was apalled. I have to give your President a lot of credit for maintaining composure and dignity. How hard must it be to come to a place that in general harbors animosity - often for no reason. Even if they knew they wouldnt agree with him this could have been an opportunity to have a conversation about, growing a beard for example. THe significance would be irrelevant but taking a step to open communciations would have been great. Please remember what I said about our media. The things all over TV and newspaper are very very biased and one sided. The people of this country are by and large peaceful and remember when you are upset for something one usually makes lots of noise but when content or unbiased one normally minds their business quietly. So if you see a lot of demonstrators, remember there are a gazillion more at home or work or minding their business that dont share these opinions. When our media is govt or Jewish owned and it is time to hate on Iran, of course the publicity is wide spread. It is one sided and one side has control. SO if your President is right or wrong, has no power or much power, is good or bad, evil or angelic, the way he was treated by a country that is supposed to be founded on and run around the world to protect, the rights to speak freely,right to peacefully demonstrate, free press, free religion, right to congregate etc this was an obtrosity. It was childish,narrow minded, ignorant, without integrity, uncalled for, embarrassing and shows very little strength in charachter. It is a joke to see some of these people on the news raving and yelling, they really have Iran confused w/other countries. Blaming Iran for 911???? How did Iran have ANYTHING to do with that????? Axis of evil? HA HA I laugh. Maybe 20 people there in one fundamentalist group may be backwards (again i dont know) but not Iran. In fact people refuse to remember Iran was one of the FIRST to come offer support after 911 and Bush gave Iran the finger. In Iraq Iran constantly offered support, again greedy-oil-monger-selfish-self interested-Bush with his personal agenda and hypocritical connections to other parts of Mid East again gave the finger(i.e. while all US air traffic was grounded after 911 family members of Osama Bin Laden were personally chartered by jet to Saudi Arabia!!!! dont you think even if completely removed within the huge family officials maybe wanted to talk to them?). I have heard much of your web is censored but there are very controversial videos made claiming Bush did 911 himself to get America to support invading Iraq. Who knows.
Just try to keep your spirits up and minds open like some of us do. I love Iran, try not to hate all Americans.
this people have lots of money here?
by hajiagha on Tue Sep 25, 2007 05:05 PM PDTIranian artist
they have private city in Toronto and many of them private island in vancouver BC, they not worry because they are changing name in canada and living in north far from any human,
Soon American bombs will be falling on
by A Big Man From Alabama (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 04:48 PM PDTthese terrorists and their thugs ...
by sha (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 03:40 PM PDTIn the name of persian god
revulotion is a product of majority people of Iran, and the regim is belong to majority people of Iran. Therfore, Iran government is a government in which the majority role the country and universe, and as a persian and observer I'm behind my government, and wish them to become stronger and hope one day we send shuttle to space with this regim. It will take time but it can happen.
I pray the irani become more knowledgable that will help all of us to live in peace.
Re: Faribors Maleknasri Doctor of Stupidity
by Anonymous1 (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 03:35 PM PDTMr. Fariborz Maleknasri, MD? First of all why do you have to show off your "gholaabi" MD title to us? Who cares? Second, what does MD stand for? Master of Dumbness? Doctor of Dumbness?
What you write is stupid. Your opinion is less than that of a second grader.
don't hate the playa hate the game...
by rk (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 02:07 PM PDTI guarantee 100% if you were in ahmadinejad's shoes, you would do the same thing, defend yourself, your homeland, etc. If he didn't say the things he said about homosexuality and other things, Mullas would grill his azz when he got back home. So as they say, don't hate the player (ahmadinejad), hate the game (the whole mulla government).
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:19 PM PDTwhat do you mean please "HIER"? Where is hier? I though t and i was allways sure, nobody knos where a mail comes from. Now you mean the one he who should go to iran is hier? by you? Greetings
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:13 PM PDTthe real iranians are in Iran. Could you please explain why the real iranians never say good words to ahmadinejad? and how comes you know it?I would be gratefull. Greetings
these people
by Faribors Maleknasr M.D. (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:07 PM PDTI am glad to see that, as you write, also we iranians have some friends. For example the pakistanies. So we are not isolated as the german Media try to convince us that IRI is completly isolated. Thanks God we are Middlepoint of interesst. A german saying is: the moor enemies, the moor Honour and the iranian nation has many enemies. Greetings
Please consider............
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:00 PM PDTOf course any time can a thief come and throw a stone and escape. But dont worry, america would never dare. And friends like Sadam does not have either.regardless what is ever said or even done, america would never dare. Be happy.
Please consider............
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:57 AM PDTOf course any time can a thief come and throw a stone and escape. But dont worry, america would never dare. And friends like Sadam does not have either.regardless what is ever said or even done, america would never dare. Be happy.