SAMAN: Message to torturers

12/21/2008 - 11:58

Masoud Kazemzadeh

mamnoon Saman

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Saman jaan,

Thanks for the explanation.



P.S. Thank you for your wonderful cartoons. You are truly talented and I really like your work.


I might not agree...

by Rahil S. (not verified) on

It's funny to see how we Middle Easterns usually act stiff and serious when it comes to comedy and self criticism. We can't even handle a simple thing such as a funny cartoon without getting offended and agitated. Perhaps that's why the course of development in our part of the world isn't as fast and easy as the western countries.
Why don't we learn to relax and try to have a more tolerant view towards thoughts and ideas that are not EXACTLY the same as ours? What I like with Saman is that he express's his views and disapprovals in a calm and humorous way.
I might not agree with everything you draw Saman, but I still support you for your peaceful method of expression.


I liked the "Ahoura-Mazda-numb-nut" job even more.

by Ostaad on

Let's not forget there's at least $75 mil on the table. The fact is if you put a big piece of candy like that on the table, you're going to attract a lot of flies. I sure did enjoy the your cartoon.


Dear Masoud:

by Saman on

The kids in Iran have every right to say what they want and that’s their procreative. But when some Ahoura-Mazda-numb-nut sitting in his LA basement tells Iranians to rise up and "start the revolution" … while they're lining up a celebratory mission including "52 commercial planes to Meydooneh Aazadi" … I think we can then relax and enjoy a cartoon or 2 at their expense :O)

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Saman Jaan

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Saman jaan,

Last time I checked, brave Iranian students INSIDE were saying "marg bar dictator," "Khamanehi haya kon, saltanato raha kon," "toop, tofang, basiji, digar asar nadareh." I did not hear them say: "marg bar Shahram K," or "gitar, tonbak, piano, digar asar nadareh."

WHAT do you REALLY think all those brave Iranians INSIDE Evin who have been REALLY tortured by shekanje-gars want YOU to say to their torturers? Do you really think they say something different that the exiled Iranians?

When you see supporters of the terrorist regime support you, you must be doing something wrong; don’t you think so?

Best wishes,




You live in Iran?

by XerXes (not verified) on

You live in the US and many should begin to really think about this democratic governments and torture and the issue of the Human Rights, why not?

Nazy Kaviani


by Nazy Kaviani on

Az khandeh mordam! Thank you for illustrating an unfortunately bitter fact. The Hakha's of Los Angeles put Iranians in harm's way with their "lengesh kon" literature and enticements.


great one! very funny.

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

great one! very funny.