WOLAK: Ahmadinejad, Iraq, Iran, dictatorship

03/04/2008 - 13:51

Kaveh Nouraee

This photo looks very much as if.....

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Mahmoud and Jalal are a gay couple getting married.





by yeah sure (not verified) on



"First they ignore you, then

by felfel (not verified) on

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
--Mahatma Gandhi


Before and after

by Majid on

Some contributers here make different comments,

Before "manghal" and after................

Some comments get published and some deleted by admin.

Before "manghal" and after.................

That's why my friend! There you have it.

P.S To adminstration: Now go ahead and delete this, cause it's full of profanity and name calling and ........watchmacallit....:-)


How come abol hassan part o

by nueveleon (not verified) on

How come abol hassan part o pallas and mocking are good enough to be published?
I hope anything offensive, insulting, or oppressing should be censured as per criteria of impartiality!


Lovely, delightful, pleasant!

by Anonymmous (not verified) on

'bah bah' and 'chah chah'. Lovely, delightful, pleasant!

Is it ok with you now?
Can you please publish my command?
I promise to be good and always say the things you like.
Are you happy now?
I am not thinking anymore.
I only say Zendeh bad JJ.
Javid baad JJ.
Har chi begeh JJ.



by Anonymousnueve (not verified) on


what can I say

by hajiagha on

اقا ما ایرانی ها شدیم چوب دو سر طلا خانم شیرین عبادی در ویکتوریا سخنرانی داشت ما رفتیم و  رسانه های نزاد پرست کانادائی هم هیچ کدامشان نیامدند اعتراض کردیم در جواب نما ینده پارلمان گفت خوب برگرد ایران اگر نا راضی هستی خانم عبادی یک جا  مر تب نگو مسلمان هستی  اینها با اسلام جنگ دارند و از هر چی مسلما ن بد شون می اید من رو بگو که فکر می کردم زن گیرم نمی اید چون پول ندارم تازه دو ریالی مون افتاد بابا ملیت ادم برامون گرفتاری درست کرده .  خاک بر سرمان که از یک سگ هم کمتریم تا گذارشگر تلوزیون کانادا بیاد یک گذارش تهیه کنه