
Photo essay: Grilled vegetables & Arrabiata pasta





by Souri on

Redwine jon

Lucky you!

I wish you the best trip (and gastronomy) ever :)



Red Wine


by Red Wine on

As i told you Souri jan i just can to eat sushi,then i just go to Japanese original restaurant in Paris,Milan or Madrid !

Right now i am working on a new proyect for TF.doc and i am going to Hong Kong and Macao...over there is a Paradise of seafood :) .



I hope this doesn't become a chat , lol

by Souri on

Yes Redwine, I love seafood. Actually I can eat seafood everyday and never get tired of it. But unfortunately since we moved to Quebec, their seefood are not so good. Not so many varieties of fishes as we had in France. They don't eat all the "fruit de mer" like in France.

Do you eat les fruit de mer? I love the Oursins, Amandes de mer, Pulpes, Bigonrneaux, Moules, Langouste........tous ca!

Have you ever been to the  restaurants "à la Criée "? They were excellent at that time.....Don't know about today?

Hope you enjoy the best food during the festive time which is approaching.....Jaye ma ro ham khaali kon :0

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

You should try... old school iranian gastronomy was without meat,turkish gastronomy was with MANY meat because of theire traditions !meat just was for eyd or aroosi parties for iranian people !

Also you can try to eat all those lovely things which you can find in sea and ocean... Fish !

Have a lovely weekend :=) .


What a grace!

by Souri on

You are lucky!

I'm tired of French cook which is always made with a kind of meat!

No meat, no food!

I like meat too, but very moderately. I beleive Italian (and Iranian) food are more much of my taste that the  French one.

Best wishes for you recover fast :)

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Souri jan i love italian gastronomy too.

After my health problems I had,i don't eat meat, only fish and in the way Japanese (sushi) but Italian food recipes have helped me a lot because you do not need to eat meat with them !


Redwine jon

by Souri on

My husband is also  a Mussaka lover! But I never cook it at home!

About the Italian food, you are absolutely correct. But I really, truly love the Italian cook.

While the French one, putting aside the real good sauces, they don't have so many varieties. Don't you agree?

I think French cook is all about the sauces and the decoration, but the Italians have more varieties in food and they are all delicious. Even their Chinese spaghetti ;-)

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Not so like Kashk and Badenjan ... Bechamel Sauce is the magic secret :).

This is one of my favorite one because i am semi veg!

Many italian foods are from Greece,how we call them 'la gastronomia Mediterranea' .italian people have improved recipes, do not forget that even the pasta is not Italian!


and this is Couscous

by Souri on


Hors d'œuvre = appetizer

by Souri on

Means kharej az dastour ;-)

aziz man Mussaka koja o in ghazaa koja?

Look at Mussaka, it it is more like kashk bademjan khodemoun :


maziar 58

hors d'oeuvers ?

by maziar 58 on

more like mussaka' BUT it's called anti pasti made with artichoke,zucchini,egg plant,onion and tomato sauce.

p.s sorry for my poor french.     Maziar


This one's what I's talking about

by Souri on

This dish look really like a Couscous plate.