Q&A:A Holiday in Iran
Inter Press Service / Omid Memarian
09-Sep-2008 (9 comments)

OAKLAND, California, Aug 26 (IPS) - When Michelle May, an avid traveler, returned to New York's John F. Kennedy airport after a seven-week trip to Iran this summer, she says she was closely questioned and her luggage searched after officials read on her customs card that she had been to the Islamic Republic.

When May asked why she was being subjected to such scrutiny, a customs agent said, "They were the ones who attacked us."

"This response embarrassed me as an American -- to think that there are people in my country who still today are so confused by the 9/11 terrorist attacks and who perpetrated them," May told IPS correspondent Omid Memarian in an interview.

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American Wife

dual citizenship?

by American Wife on

You mean I could have a dual citizenship?  I'm really glad to hear all this.  I was under the impression it was much more difficult.  If it's that easy, I might just leave him home and go myself...lol.

Just the idea of shopping in the bazaars... my eyes light up!  :-)



47 Days Left!

by Appalled (not verified) on

American wife you have 47 days left to go visit Iran. You see if Obama is elected, Israel will bomb Iran back to the stone age and if McCain is elected, well he will nuke it to oblivian. So you better hurry up! Good Luck & God Speed.......


American Wife

by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

Don't forgett to visit kurdistan region (Kermashan, Sanandaj) beautiful scenaries...unfortunattly, us kurds won't be able to enjoy our own home towns with so many restrictions and suppresions set by IRI but you as tourist will do just fine...


American Wife

by XerXes (not verified) on

I go every year for a month to Iran with my "American Wife", never had any problems. Actually she gets a better treatment than me, since she is American. There is absolutely no laws not to let you go to Iran. You can even apply for your Iranian citizenship if you wish, it's an option. Call the DC daftar.org and they can answer all questions that you may have

American Wife


by American Wife on

How would I go? As a visitor? I don't want a tour guide hounding my every move...lol. I thought there were certain restrictions for me as an American with an Iranian husband. When he went back a few years ago after having left Iran 20 years ago, I was on pins and needles everyday. My dad came to the airport when husband flew out of Charleston... to support both him AND me. I was a nervous wreck until I got that phone call from Tehran telling me he arrived safely. And the flight home was worse... I had no idea what might happen, nor did he. I'm not saying he was on Iran's most-wanted list but he did have political issues. But... and this is my half-full view of it, I know it will be possible soon and I look forward to it. There is no question of my "might" liking it... I know I'll treasure every moment there!


American Wife

by XerXes (not verified) on

What's stopping you. People come and go all the time. It's great. You can go anytime and anywhere. It's not as bad as you think, I bet you would even like it.


very good and objective post

by Souri on

am surprised however, you are still intact and nobody in this site accused you of being a "mofsed fel arz", a British agent, A BBC news agent.....or an IRI supporter ?

this article was great, impartial and informative. Thank you so much.

American Wife

I keep envisioning a day

by American Wife on

I keep envisioning a day when I can go to Iran with my husband... to walk the streets of his neighborhood and visit the local markets.  To see the schools he attended... to read the graffiti he wrote on the alley walls when he was a young boy...

To meet his family...especially his maman.

I only hope it happens in this lifetime!


It is only a tag

by Anonymous Irani (not verified) on

Many years ago even before all these problems that USA has with Middle eastern countries,I was returning from Iran .Upon my arrival in USA, In the airport the custom agent asked my to take off my jacket and empty the contents of my pockets.He took my wallet and took out everything that was in it.He saw something that arose his suspicion and started digging in my wallet to try to find out what it was.It lasted few minutes and finally his supervisor told him to stop the digging.He gave back my jacket and my wallet .When I got home I wanted to find out what was it that the custom agent was trying to get out of my wallet.I reached inside my wallet and I realized it was just the wallet tag that the custom agent was trying to find out what it was.