Iraqi election hints of troubles for Shiite giant
Associated Pree / Brian Murphy
02-Feb-2009 (2 comments)

Iraqi election hints of troubles for Shiite giant

BAGHDAD (AP) — The biggest Shiite party in Iraq once appeared to hold all the political sway: control of the heartland, the backing of influential clerics and a foot in the government with ambitions to take full control.

But the days of wide-open horizons could be soon ending for the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council, and replaced by important shifts that could be welcomed in Washington and scorned in Tehran.

The signs began to take shape Sunday with hints of the voter mood from provincial elections.

The broad message — built on Iraqi media projections and postelection interviews — was that the eventual results would punish religious-leaning factions such as the Supreme Council that are blamed for stoking sectarian violence, and reward secular parties seen capable of holding Iraq's relative calm

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elections ?

by king david (not verified) on

1 million iraqies killed in thier wars

these war paid by the world , not by them ..

media never mention that .. because media owned by them

they use your and my money to make wars .. world ecocomy going down because we all paid for thier wars ..


Free Electiuons for sure!

by farokh2000 on

This sounds like an oximoron, when you have a Country ruled by outside invaders/ occupiers and then you call your Elections free and fair.

Comon, it sounds like the Elections in Iran, when the Mullahs review the list of Candidates and cross off the ones they don't like. Is that free elections?. Even then, no one cares because the Supreme Garbage has the final say in all matters, internally and externally.

To me, these are tools to distract people from the realities of life in these Countries.