Ex-Israeli prime minister heckled on Calif visit
San Francisco Gate / San Francisco Gate
22-Oct-2009 (3 comments)

Protesters heckled former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert during a speech in San Francisco Thursday, denouncing him as a war criminal and demanding his arrest.

As soon as Olmert took the stage at the Westin St. Francis Hotel — and following a warning by the discussion's moderator that no disturbances would be tolerated — a woman and man rose from their seats and shouted: "war criminal,""mass murderer."

Minutes after they were pushed out by police, another person stood up and yelled, "Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

All in all, more than 20 people interrupted Olmert's 90-minute appearance, during which he answered questions on Middle East peace, Iran, the Lebanon War in 2006 and last winter's Gaza offensive, which was the point of attack for the protesters.

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Shah Ghollam


by Shah Ghollam on

Thanks for the video. Also I maintain that the Israeli Democracy is not at all what we are led to believe. It is an Aapartheid system like many distinguished individuals such as Toto, Jimmy Carter and others have observed. Apartheid south Africa also used to claim that the system was democratic but for whom was the point!

Essentially what makes Israel unique and having degree of Democracy like the US is that israel is an "immigrant" state. By nature, these countries have to maitain their population that come from all over the world (with different backgrounds) "happy" sort of speak. Otherwise who wants to move there? This case is very obvious in countries such as the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The immigrants are the life blood of these countries and these states have to provide a happy medium for all that is some casees surpass European standards.

Isreal ,however, being an Apartheid and racist, treats the Jews far differently than its Arab population even within the so called "Israeli borders".


Farhad Kashani

IRI is the biggest criminal of all time

by Farhad Kashani on

The real criminal is Khamenei and his regime. We all know about the arrest warrants out for Rafsanjani, Rezai, Vahdi and all your other beloved IRI officials for engaging in International terrorism.


The world knows that the IRI regime is the biggest criminal of all time, and after June 12th, IRI proved that to the world itself.


Only few Leftist morons don’t wanna believe that, wouldn’t you say Gholam? Lol



Watch the video...

by Ostaad on


Shah... are you still maintaining thare's no freedom of the press in Israel?