LONDON, (CAIS) -- The stones of the ancient city of Persepolis [1] requires urgent attention to be protected otherwise it will be destroyed in less than a decade.
The penetration of rainwater inside the platform, which has formed a large pool, as well as the severe damp have caused the stonework to crack and crumble, particularly in the recent months, and within a few years the whole platform will collapse.
This is mainly due to the fact that the sewages-channels constructed by the Achaemenid engineers to direct the excess waters outside the platform have been blocked. In addition, due to the increase of subterranean waters generated from the lake formed behind theinfamous Sivand Dam [2] has caused a severe rise in damp, to the extent that can be smelt and felt in the air. >>>
So Iranians have something to cheer about because students are given multiple entry visas when the stones of Persepolis are being ruined?
Parsa (Persepolis), the main historical link to our Great Past is under threat from a Terrorist Regime which has spent alomost next to nothing maintaining this hisotrical site from elements and abuse by visiots and tourists in the last three decades.
The real culprit, irnoically, in my opinion, was the last Shah (as much as I hate to admit it) who spent millions on the Persepolis procession hosting dignitaries and buying breast of peacock from Maxim's in Paris when the money could have been better spent on building an enclosure over Persepolis. It would have cost a fraction of the 22 million dollars he spent on the occasion to fill the fat stomach of foreign head of governments who would either plot against him or refuse to allow him entry into their country after the revolution.
The Revolution happened and the new regime did not give a flying fuck about preserving it. Infact it almost sent its bulldozers to raze it. Now this Terror regime has finally got its way. Wilful neglect is doing exactly what Khalkhali wanted to do years ago.
This article has been made available for a number of days now? But does anyone bother reporting it? Does the stupid NIAC 'educational' organisation release a policy statement asking the IR Terror government to address the neglect?
I am ashamed of being Iranian. I really am. If Persepolis goes then the whole country can go into shit for all I care. If Persepolis is destroyed I say FUCK IRAN and nuke its people until it glows!
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